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The 5 keys to being happy with your partner (and how to enhance them)

There are many moments capable of creating a bad atmosphere at home. Having lived many things together as a couple with the children involved, and for different reasons that have been snowballing, the situations capable of creating a latent tension are varied.

Perhaps it has been problems with his or her family, some day-to-day friction, financial issues, etc. To do?

  • Related article: "Excessive concern about family problems and needs"

5 keys to enhance happiness in life as a couple

The first thing to be clear about is that in a healthy couple there are a series of emotions or principles that are always there, these are:

  • Respect: zero insults and slights.
  • Honey: warmth is important.
  • Empathy: recognizing our partner's feelings.
  • Fluid communication: create a good atmosphere of cordiality, which will lead to intimacy.

That will give you both a physical and mental well-being that will make us happy and, above all, will allow you to achieve a clear mutual stability that will help you to be more complete.

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Arrived here we ask ourselves a question: What works when the relationship is stable and both partners like it? We are going to see the pillars to take into account to give an answer to this question, how to strengthen them, and how to make them last.

1. Commitment

If you find it difficult to commit to your partner or you notice that he or she does too, it is clear that something is wrong. The commitment arises by itself, and it is always what we feel best about, when we see that the other party wants to spend their time with us and decides to give us part of their time to enjoy it.

When we commit to living a life together, it means that we will do everything possible to make that life together work. Living together is not the goal, but to be happy living together. We are going to promote it:

  • Valuing the positive qualities: since this way we will focus more on the positive and will end up highlighting the negative.
  • Thanking you for what you have in common with your partner regarding their way of being or their feelings shown in the face of bad experiences lived as a couple.

2. The intimacy

This results in good conversations (fluent communication). It is important that you can talk about your things daily, in order to get to know each other more and establish conversations that lead to know each other in depth, thus understanding feelings and perspectives on life that help to understand the other. In this way we will avoid being simply roommates and having that feeling of loneliness. To achieve this, these key ideas must be taken into account:

  • Recognizing the moment: having a good drink in hand, a good dinner accompanied by a moment of intimacy with the person we love the most will make us feel more comfortable to express what we sorry.
  • Do not confuse counting intimate things with not having a filter: of course, I ask that you have empathy. Surely you know what topics your partner does not like to know about, be aware. The objective is that you can talk about your feelings or ways of thinking and even future projects that you would like to start with him.

3. React equally to conflict situations

Each one has a very personal style, perhaps one more combative than the other, but the important thing is that a positive conclusion is always reached between the two. To achieve this, you have to set yourself goals:

  • Establish rules to discuss: such as not chasing each other, when you notice that you are going to say something rude, do not do it, etc.
  • Establish a series of rules to which we commit ourselves so as not to fall into discussions that take time dragging: if for example they occur due to problems of order, establish a series of rules regarding them.

4. Emotional and bodily connection

This It is important to be able to fix some points of union with which we can feel heard by the other party, and above all feel a mutual feeling that we can enjoy.

  • A good form of emotional connection is to be able to do guided meditations together and feel the energy of both. A good exercise, for example, is to follow these meditations hand in hand in order to feel the energy of the other person, hear her breathing, feel the heat of her body, etc.

5. Satisfying sex life

Fifth point and no less important; This is something vital that we have to look at. Many times we believe that having a couple connection has nothing to do with sex, or that perhaps this can be relegated to a second point for not having time. This is a bad decision that will only make us worse. For this reason we have to have clear resources to be able to enhance it and get better sensations.

  • Do not forget to make use of sexual games or resort to bibliography that will make you understand all this game better.

Shall we reconnect your relationship?

My name is Javier Ares and I am a General Health Psychologist. My specialties include helping couples to improve their intimate life and, above all, creating a good balance. that helps you to be as positive as possible and end the false discussions that only make you suffer more.

I offer a personalized method that apart from helping you get to know each other more, allows you to improve through exercises based on your personal skills so that, with practice, you can be better and more positive.

Many are the couples who have gone to the psychologist and in the end have not noticed progress, for this reason I want you to be the protagonist with exercises that you apply weekly.

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