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12 signs that person wants something serious with you

Well the saying goes that ‘actions speak louder than a thousand words’ and he is very wise in this regard, because words, despite having a great impact on us, do not represent a guarantee of something concrete.

Of course, when someone ‘gives you their word’ is a promise to be kept, but... How to be completely sure of it? We can not. That is why the words must always be accompanied by actions that support them and that attest that what is said is true.

However, there is another trap here, as in some cases the actions of another person can easily confuse us and leave us in perpetual disorientation. How? When it sends us signals about something that we think it wants and it turns out that we misinterpret said signal, causing misunderstandings or serious errors.

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For this reason, it is important to take the time to observe and analyze the body language of the other person and be sure that you can understand those signals that they transmit to us and

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In this article we will show you which of those indicate that that person wants something more serious with you.

Why do people only look for signs in others?

There is a certain mystery that attracts us strongly when trying to discover if a person wants to be with us, an attraction that increases if that person does not express their feelings to us directly, but sends us ‘signals’ to try to discover and decipher their intentions. It's like a game of secrets where we are the detectives.

This may be because people are much more comfortable conveying their emotions through actions than through their words. Either because they thus avoid being judged or Rejected, because they also feel addicted to maintain that constant interest in the other person or because they do not really know how to express themselves.

The problem lies when we misinterpret those signals sent and everything ends up becoming a great disaster. Which can happen when we draw conclusions in advance about the meaning of a certain action of the person, which we consider special and unique to us. But that is not really so.

The signs of true commitment

Today, relationships have taken on a diverse meaning thanks to people's acceptance and more open-mindedness towards the wishes of others. That is why it is now possible to have a causal relationship or live with a person before marriage, without being singled out or judged.

This has given us the opportunity to get to know our partner in depth and evaluate the possibilities of a future together.without the pressure of a formal commitment. However, this same has given an escape route misused by some to, in a certain way, deceive a person, promising a commitment that never comes or avoiding at all costs but without letting his or her know partner.

That is why a large majority of the population, instead of speaking it, prefer to send signals to that other person to "communicate" their intentions to go one step further in the relationship. From establishing the relationship publicly to formalizing it with a move, a marriage or the opportunity to have a family.

Signs that the person wants something more with you

But how can we discover and read these signals well? Here we will give you some tips about the actions of that person so that you take into account.

1. Show greater dedication

Whether they are dating, or if they already have a relationship but have not yet formalized, your partner begins to dedicate more time and space to you, the messages become long calls, the visits are more regular and the outings begin to be more diverse. But above all, start worrying about your day to day, what bothers you or the things that can make you happy and try to emulate them for yourself.

2. There is more communication

It tends to happen early in relationships that there is no good channel of communication between the couple. Either because they are afraid of upsetting the other, because they believe that what they have to say is not important or because they believe that they will not be able to express themselves well.

So the first conversations are banal and superficial, but then they turn into talks about personal space, confessions about fears, and small details that are important to the other and that they want to share.

3. There is greater confidence

What we have just mentioned occurs because a higher level of trust begins to exist between the two. You can notice this in particular if your partner or that special person with whom you go out is reserved and shy in sharing personal things or in telling you about their problems, but now he is a little more open, he tells you about his day to day, to share funny anecdotes from his past or seeks advice about a problem in particular.

Remember that it is not just about knowing the happy and perfect side of your partner, but knowing their concerns and what bothers them. So that you can become his refuge and seek you out to motivate him.

4. Makes you a priority

It may be that at the beginning of a relationship or at the time of courtship and dating, your partner does not exactly show that you are a very significant person for him. In the sense that, he may choose to go out with his friends rather than go on a date with you or have a lot of trouble getting you on his schedule.

For this very reason, When you start to observe that he spends more time with you, he asks you what days you have free, he asks you to go out spontaneously and look for certain ways to please yourself. So he's making you his priority.

5. The most public relationship returns

It happens in many couples, especially before establishing a relationship and showing it to the public, which people prefer to keep their outings secret or not showing affection in front of other people. Which is normal that it can generate doubts and even feelings of sadness, since one of those involved may believe that their feelings are not reciprocated.

But, your love may begin to express its feelings more publicly through gestures, like holding your hand, giving you more hugs, sitting next to you, taking the initiative when writing to you, etc. Until there comes a time when he admits to others about his intentions with you or the nature of his relationship.

6. Talk to you about it

It is very likely that he will not tell you directly about his intentions to advance in the relationship or to formalize itbut it may start to ask you questions about it. About your opinions about the commitment, what you expect in your partner or what a more serious and stable relationship looks like for you.

It is very important that you always speak honestly, that way the other person can be clear about your position and thus you will know if your relationship has a future or is only temporary.

7. Is more interested in your things

As we already mentioned, he doesn't just show an interest in your more lighthearted and superficial attractiveness. But begin to show special attention to the problems of your daily life and how it can help you solve it, as well as your defects or your performance in the rest of the areas of your life, such as your professionalism, the dreams you want to pursue, the things that make you happy, etc.

8. He looks for you by any means

No matter how busy you both are, your special someone will find a way to meet you or maintain continuous communication, so that they can be together even remotely. This especially shows that your loved one wants to have a more committed relationship with you.

9. Asks you to share more

They may start to visit you more often, invite you to family gatherings or if they are already in a relationship, he can invite you to stay in his home longer and longer. This makes them take the opportunity to get to know each other more thoroughly and evaluate how they coexist. So that you can see whether or not a greater commitment is possible.

10. Start using more meaningful words

Although that person is reserved in expressing their feelings to you or in talking about a more formal stability in their relationship, You can start using more loving words like 'I adore you, I love you, I love you' or calling you by affectionate pseudonyms. This shows that there is trust between them and a lot of affection that they do not have with any other person.

11. Introduces you in your social circle

This is a very important point to which you must pay close attention to determine if your partner wants something more serious with you. Introducing yourself to their circle of friends, inviting you to family gatherings, wanting to meet your loved ones and blend in very well with the environment or strive for you to feel comfortable in it yours. It is a great sign that he sees you as someone to maintain a formal and stable love relationship, since he considers you important to him.

12. Is more interested in the future

Again, he may not express it or stop to talk to you about his future plans with you, but you can start talks about how you would like your relationship to be in a few years, what you hope to achieve, their position on the commitment and above all they will seek to know your opinion about it.

Again, at this point be completely honest and ask some simple but not too direct questions about whether you see each other in the future. You can even joke about it and watch their reactions.

Pay close attention to these signs from now on so you know which way your relationship is going.

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