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Genetics influence our relationship

Love and affective life and our propensity to start relationships and couples has to do with many elements: the number of people we usually deal with on a daily basis, our social skills, our interests, etc.

However, there are indications that show that, in addition to the aspects of our personality that are part of us due to the experiences we have lived and the learning we have done, genetics play a role too.

Of course, some of these genetic aspects have to do with our appearance and the way we fit into certain beauty standards. But our chances of being in a relationship can also be affected by genes through another route: psychological.

The gene that regulates the beginning of relationships

Although our health and the appearance of our bodies influence the degree to which we are predisposed to have a partner, there are aspects of personality highly influenced by our genes that also have a paper.

It is clear that it is always problematic and confusing to study how genetics influence our behavior, but it is increasingly likely that more is known about the detailed ways in which our DNA predisposes us to find couple. In fact, a study conducted in 2014 provided

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some clues about this link related to the world of love and the couple.

serotonin and love

There are several hormones produced by the human body that have been associated with the establishment of bonds of affection and love. The serotonin, which also acts as neurotransmitter in our nervous system, it is one of these types of substances.

Specifically, it has been seen that an increase in serotonin levels enhances the appearance of sexual desire and actions that express affection (such as looking into each other's eyes for a long time, caressing or hugging). In addition, it reduces levels of aggression.

The genetics behind love

A group of researchers from Peking and Henan Universities explored how the genes behind the mechanisms that serotonin uses to influence our behavior may play a role in the chances of having couple.

Specifically, they studied the effects that different variants (alleles) of the 5-HT1A gene, which when expressed causes the receptors used by serotonin to trigger processes in organs and neurons built one way or another.

Conducting the research

To carry out the study, the researchers recruited a series of more than 500 students, from whom they took hair samples.

From these DNA samples, they saw that, indeed, the fact that each of these people had one variant of 5-HT1A or another was related to their relationship status.

People carrying an allele of the gene that was called G produced less serotonin. than those with the variant called C. That meant that if what was known about serotonin was true, people with the G allele would be less likely to have a partner.

Was this reflected in the sentimental situation of the volunteers? Indeed, about 50% of people with the C allele had a partner, while this only occurred with 39% of the carriers of the G allele.

A temperamental personality

In addition, carriers of the G variant had more tendency to neuroticism and the Sudden mood swings in general, and felt less comfortable in intimate situations or with a partner, compared to people with the C allele. In addition, they were also more likely to develop depression.

This inclination towards emotional instability can make it cost more to maintain relationships or that they are not even started because of the problems that are urgent at the beginning.

genetics is not everything

Of course, genetics is not everything, although it does play a role. This means that having one type of DNA or another does not mean that a person is predestined to have a partner or to be single; learning remains a crucial aspect.

Although theory-based debates often treat learning and genetics as if were different things, in reality they always act together: where there is learning there are genes, and in psychology these genes are expressed through actions that arise, in part, because of learning past.

In the case at hand, for example, people with the G allele may be more predisposed to being single not because their DNA prevents them from forming a relationship, but because through learning they see that potential partners are used to not fitting in with their personality, which makes them learn not to seek satisfaction by looking for a partner at all costs.

In this sense, not having a partner is a decision influenced by genes, but it is not an inevitable station of destiny; it is simply the result of a balance of costs and benefits.

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