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Causes and consequences of the II WORLD WAR

Causes and Consequences of World War II - Short Summary

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Do you know in detail what happened in one of the most important wars the world has ever had? In this lesson from a TEACHER we will help you to know the causes and consequences of World War II. Join us on a journey through time, let's place ourselves in June 28, 1919, France, the place where produced the Treaty of Versailles, which ended the First World War, or the so-called great war. It will be there where we find the beginnings of the Second World War, therefore we can say that it was a treaty that only plugged an open wound and that over time it opened again.

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  1. Causes of World War II
  2. Consequences of World War II
  3. The most prominent WWII characters

Causes of the Second World War.

The causes of the Second World War can be found in the end of the First World War, in which by the Treaty of VersaillesGermany was condemned to pay a heavy debt to the rest of Europe, in addition to being forced to lose some territories and to have a maximum number of soldiers. In this video of a PROFESSOR we discover the

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consequences of the First World War.

In this way, different countries, among which France stands out, believed that everything was solved and that there would never be a confrontation again. But the malaise in which the German country was, caused that little by little a deep hatred towards the rest of Europe to prevent them from growing economically and politically.

On the other hand we will find a series of very important phenomena to know the sides that will face in such a bloody fight because it was the moment of the rise of fascism, as we will find in Italy, the expansionism of communism by Eastern Europe and by the East and Imperialism Japanese, who wanted to recover islands that should belong to him in addition to wanting a part of Chinese territory (the coast).

On the other hand, the appearance of fascism in Italy also motivated the start of the Great War. All this together with defeat of the Republic in Spain, warned of the decline of democracies in old Europe and the rise of totalitarianism. These were the most important causes of the outbreak of the Second World War.

Main causes of the start of the Second World War

But let's stop at the main causes of the start of the war: let us place ourselves, then, in Germany and in the III Reich. Between March 1938 and September 1939 Hitler progressively intensified his expansionist policy until it led to war. The pulses made to the rest of the world can be divided into three:

  • The annexation of Austria by means of "legal" votes (in which there was a military presence of the Reich within the borders).
  • The occupation in March and September 1938 of the Sudetenland (Czechoslovak territory) in which there was a large number of German population.
  • The invasion of Poland On March 1, 1939, this was the straw that broke the camel's back, for that reason on September 3, 1939 the declaration of war by England and France towards Germany and therefore the entry into the war of Italy and Japan.

In this other lesson from a TEACHER we detail the sides that fought in World War II.

Causes and consequences of WWII - Short summary - Causes of WWII

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Consequences of the Second World War.

In this short summary on the causes and consequences of WWII, we have to talk of the deaths that occurred throughout the conflict, leaving the figure at some 50 million dead, of which 40 corresponded to Europe (15 were military and the rest were civilians as a result of the bombings and reprisals). The USSR with 20 million was the most affected. The number of injured was 35 million.

Within the consequences of the Second World War we also have to talk about how the rinternational relationships as it became apparent the decline of europe as it fell into dependence on the two great superpowers. These two came out of the war very strengthened, the United States increased its economy obtaining 75% of the world's gold reserves (the dollar became the official currency), while the USSR came out militarily supported by being the one who launched the most troops against the Nazis.

Another consequence of the end of the Second World War, came from the conferences and peace agreements that were made from even before the end of it. During the course of this series of meetings between the representatives of the USA, the USSR and England, the division of the world was decided. That is, the world would be divided into blocks, which generated a conflict called the cold War.

In this division, Germany was divided into 4 parts, one for England, one for the USA, one for the USSR and one for France (which was introduced in the agreement although its role during the war had not been very important, but it was decided to introduce by having a European country in the division continental). The process that was generated in Germany was totally different in the allied part than in the communist one, although in the two, a denazification program was carried out, that is, educating people that what the Nazi party did was wrong. This included the purge of the bureaucratic apparatus to start from scratch.

Continuing with the theme of dividing the blocks we will find that el confrontation between the two superpowers (USA and USSR) they had been allies to the end of Germany. We can put as a turning point the creation by the United States of the nuclear bomb, a fact that was demonstrated in the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Therefore, the US already had sufficient strength to confront the abuses of its former ally, the USSR, from a higher position. As we have mentioned this would lead to the cold war.

The United Nations, another consequence of World War II

After this we will talk in a very synthesized way about the creation of the United NationsThis was an idea that came up before the end of the war during one of the conferences that took place between the Allied blocs (at the end of the war). Among the fundamental objectives of the creation of this organization were:

  • Maintain La Paz and international security by resorting to peaceful means and dialogue for the resolution of conflicts.
  • Promote and defend human rights, as well as encourage international cooperation.
Causes and consequences of WWII - Short summary - Consequences of WWII

Image: Brainly

The most prominent WWII characters.

Now that you know the causes and consequences of World War II, let's stop to meet some of the characters of World War II whose participation was essential for the development of this contest. Here we leave you a list with the most prominent names.

Adolf hitler

Without a doubt, one of the essential characters of World War II was Adolf hitlerIn fact, it was his invading and annihilating actions that led to the war. He was the greatest exponent of the nazi ideology and, under his command, genocides were carried out that horrified the world. Upon coming to power and becoming the Head of State of Germany, World War II began.

Winston churchill

He was the president of the United Kingdom who waged the war to eliminate Hitler's army and prevent the expansion of the Nazis throughout Europe. This country entered the war after the attack suffered by the US Marines in Pearl harbor; from that moment on, the country allied with Stalin and Roosevelt to defeat the Axis forces.

Joseph Stalin

Another of the characters of the Second World War was Stalin, the communist governor of the USSR that he was in power for more than two decades. After the Lenin's deathStalin took his place and ended up creating a strong dictatorship. He joined forces with the US to try to defeat Hitler's army.

Benito Mussolini

In World War II there is also another name that is part of the Axis forces: Mussolini. This Italian dictator remained neutral at the beginning of the war but when the Germans invaded France in 1940, Mussolini decided to enter the war allied with Hitler.

Franklin D. Roosevelt

He was the president of the United States when World War II broke out. At this time, his country was experiencing a great economic depression due to the repercussions of the Crack of 29. When the Empire of Japan attacked its naval base at Pearl Harbor, Roosevelt declared war on the Japanese country that was also part of the Axis forces. Roosevelt's involvement was very prominent since he, together with Churchill, carried out the Normandy's landing.

Causes and consequences of WWII - Short summary - The most prominent WWII characters

Image: Daypo

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