Cain and Abel story

Image: Christian Bible
The Bible It is one of the most important religious texts in the history of humanity, and through its pages some of the most relevant characters of Western culture have passed. To talk about two of the protagonists of one of the best known stories in Christian texts, in this lesson from a PROFESSOR we are going to offer you a summary of the history of Cain and Abel.
Before explaining the story of Cain and Abel, the two brothers, we must place this event within the enormous text that is the Bible to better understand its position within biblical history and understand the great importance that it can reach to have.
The Bible is divided into two partsThese being the Old Testament and the New Testament. The first is the one that narrates the first years of the Christian religion, being all those events before the birth of Jesus Christ. On the other hand, the New Testament narrates the life of the Messiah and the first years of operation of the Church, and his struggle for survival against the Romans.
The story of Cain and Abel specifically is found in the first of the two parts, that of the Old Testament and within this in the call Genesis, being the first book of the Old Testament. Genesis talks about the creation of the world and about the first human beings created by God, and how little by little they know God and learn his ideas, one of these stories being that of the brothers Cain and Abel.
Before talking about the story in particular, we must talk even briefly about the two protagonists, to understand with it why they did the acts they did and why they are important in the Christian scene.
Cain and Abel it's both first children of Adam and EveThese two being the first human beings created by God and, therefore, the ancestors of all humanity. For this reason, the world in which the two brothers lived was still very empty, since it was the later descendants that populated the world.
Abel was the younger brother of the two and his name meant "the one who was with God", being a clear indication of the important relationship that would exist between them. Abel's occupation, very relevant to the history of the brothers, was that of the herding sheep. Abel's tragic end made him the only one of Adam and Eve's children who had no offspring, thus being the only one who did not form an influential Christian offspring.
Cain on the other hand was the older brother, He is also the son of Adam and Eve, although in some texts he is spoken of as a descendant of Eve and the devil. It is said that he was a farmer and his family was very relevant to the history of humanity, creating cities in the Land of Nod and originating a long list of descendants.

Image: Slideshare
We end by making a brief summary of the history of Cain and Abel, thereby explaining what happened right now and how it all led to one of the most famous events in the history of the Bible. They are very important Bible charactersand with a history full of moral teachings and doctrines.
Both brothers had been taught to worship God, as their parents had been very close to the deity. Therefore, they decided pay tribute to God and, thus, receive the great gifts from him and that their lives be better. Each of the brothers gave a tribute related to his profession, being in the case of Abel some sheep that he himself had cared for and in Cain's case a number of fruits and vegetables grown by him same. God decided to reward Abel by his offering, causing all his sheep to grow strong and healthy, while rhe dumped the tributes of Cain, who saw his crops die.
There are different versions of the reasons why these actions happened, but the most common one says that, while Abel gave God his best sheep, the who were stronger and healthier and those who were going to give the most benefits, Cain used his harvest in worse condition as tribute, many of them being fruits and vegetables rotten. It was because of that that God decided to reward Abel and punish CainSince only the youngest of the brothers had shown true love for God and true generosity, the latter being one of the great virtues of the Christian religion.
It is said that envy born in Cain because God decided to honor his brother made decided to kill Abel, assassinating him by using a large rock. After this, God asked Cain about the whereabouts of his brother but he lied about it. God, knowing the true outcome of Abel, expelled Cain from the sacred land making him wander until he found a new place but leaving a mark on his body to show what he had done.
After years of pilgrimage, Cain came to the land of Nod where he built the city of Enoch, married, had offspring and finally died being very sorry for having killed his own brother. We do not have evidence that in any of his last years Cain had a relationship with God, although there are indications that he never abandoned the Christian religion.

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