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4 birth stories commented on for children

Reading for children with births can be a beautiful way to entertain the birth time and transmit interesting messages about life and about that special time.

Thinking further, we select 4 classic stories that are related to birth and can be told at home or serve as support for children's education.

1. O nascimento do menino Jesus

O nascimento do menino Jesus

Maria was a handsome young man who lived in the Arab city of Nazaré. One day she received a visit from Anjo Gabriel, who brought him to the news that the fora was chosen to be the son of Deus, that Jesus should be called.

Assim, the months passed into Maria's belly for a crescendo. When she was ready to give birth, she and her husband, or carpenter Joseph, will see that he fazer a viagem até Belém, as ordinava or Roman emperor Caesar Augustus.

A trip I was quite tiring and when chegaram to Belém, there was no lodging for or home.

It was from noite and Maria já começava to feel that her filho would be born. By luck, they will get them shelter in a stable.

La, together with the animais, Jesus was born with a lot of effort, in a calm birth and seeds.

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A criança was placed in a manjedoura, a place where you left the food for you. This is the first time.

No céu, a star stood out with its intense brightness and was positioned in the best of “Deus menino”.

Distant dali, 3 homens called Melchior, Gaspar and Baltasar intuíram that this star was special. They were wise and very aware that naquela noite was born a divine being.

Assim, or trio, who was known as "three magi", walked for days following the star.

This is the form that chegaram tied or stables and presents aram or menino Jesus as ouro, incense and myrrh.

This story is the most important birth story for you Christ. Isso because it narrates as foi, second to bible, to concepção e nascimento de Jesus, or protagonist na noite de natal.

Or native is precisely to celebration do nascimento desse homem, that second to religião cristã was a divine being, filho de Deus, who saw the world as a savior.

Also, this story highlights the difficulties that Mary and Joseph passed through at the time and how Jesus was humble and semi-luxurious, together with two animals.

For the christians, telling this narrative for the children can be an opportunity to re-embed the native spirit and connect as true symbolism of Jesus, um homem simple and rich that I saw do povo for pregar or love.

2. Or sapateiro and the goblins

Illustração do conto O sapateiro e os elves

It was once a humble sapateiro who lived with his wife in a simple house. Or casal was going through difficulties and or homem não tinha mais nenhum dinheiro, lhe left barely a cut of couro to fazer just a sapato.

He left his office packed and placed at the top of the table. Discouraged, he went to sleep and gave way.

No next day, remember, he had a pleasant surprise! Or cut of couro havia transformed into a cute and beautiful pair of shoes!

O homem I examined the calçados and I saw that, of fato, we were very much sewn.

Naquela afternoon, a rich senhor who passed by there resolved to enter the office of the sapateiro and buy the sapatos for a good amount of money.

Or sapateiro is satisfied and can buy more couro to continue his business. Assim was a little bit and a couro was newly left on his bench.

During the night, more once, something happened in a manhã following other pairs of shoes we were ready to be sold.

O humble sapateiro ficou very happy. He managed to sell his shoes for a value to Linda Melhor. And for some time or the same, he continued to correct and his financial situation was successful.

One day, intrigued, or homage to his wife, he tried to try to find out that he was fazia or trabalho. They will then hide for a night and observe the events.

Assim, I could see that little goblins passed by all over sewing the shoes.

More than a nice chamou to atenção do sapateiro: the little beings are sitting in bed and barefoot, getting cold.

The wife will decide to make roupas and shoes for the elves, which will be left on the bench at the birth of the girl.

When you chegaram the goblins and viram you present ficaram amazed! They will wear the roupas novas and the sapatos and saíram jumping around.

Depois disso, never more voltaram, more or sapateiro já was happy because of it to help them in a difficult moment and now he could continue his quiet work, pois tinha many clients.

This is one of the two Grimm signatures dating from the beginning of the 19th century and was included in the collection of two signatures, published in 1812.

Tell about the poor sapateiro who receives help from enchanted beings to get out of a difficult situation.

Na narrative we can find values ​​like a generosity, both two elves quanto do casal, who decides to make clothes for you little friends.

There is also an incredible factor in history, which is lot do sapateiro to be graceful with help two elves. In the meantime, we can enforce this succession of a more symbolic way, in which the "goblins" are aspects of their own homem, such as persevere e a trust em melhores days.

Assim, to get out of a complicated moment, or homem help the creatures that or help, introducing you in the middle of the birth and rescuing the sense of solidarity that we must experience or not all.

3. A little seller of matches

Ilustração do conto A menina two matches

It was a time of birth and fazia a freezing cold, with a lot of snow, because of this history it passes the northern hemisphere.

There was a very poor man who walked on the streets with nothing that covered her head and saw them.

It has been held in seu avental algumas boxes of matches and vagava in half a year that passed, offering them:

Who wanted to buy matches? Cheap bons e matches!

As people olhavam for the sem enxergá-la e deviavam. Assim, that one has not been a good day of bandages.

Sem dinheiro e faminta, a garota olhava for the lights that decorated the city and sentia or cheiro of food that he took on a few days, for all of us were preparing delicious ceias.

She thought about going home, but I didn't have courage, because she didn't manage to sell anything, she has half of her pai lhe drummer. Além disso, his humble and cold house also has no heat and no food.

Her fingers were paralyzed with cold hair and a menina thought that the girl of a phosphorous access would be able to ache him, nem that he fostered for an instant.

Então ela took courage and acendeu a phosphorus. In light of the fire, he left her delighted and for a second she had the illusion that she would be in front of a lareira, who affected everything or her body.

More logo or heat was indolent, or phosphor turned off in the voltou à reality, perceiving to be sitting in a freezing snow.

Assim, she had another match and now she imagined herself in a dining room, with a huge posta table with many delicious meals. She chegou to feel or cheiro marvelous of meat assada and salivate of vontade.

More recently, the girl turned off and the garota left in the same sad situation, sheltered from a cold wall.

In the third match, she is “transported” to underneath a beautiful tree Natalina cheia of presents. It was a pinheiro who is still older and more shaved than what he turns through the janela of a rich family.

A tree tinham muitas luzinhas that I have deixaram enchanted, but suddenly as lights começaram to rise and sink.

A menina olhou para o céu e viu as soon as you star. A starry cadente riscou o espaço e a garotinha thought “Someone else has died!”. She has this thought for her, her beloved daughter, now deceased, that this is a certain time that when a star falls, it is not true that some soul is leaving Terra.

She made the most of a match and the logo emerged sua avózinha. She was shiny and beautiful. A neta exclaimed with happiness:

Vovo! A senhora take me with you? When the match goes out, I know it won't be here anymore ...

At the same time, as duas go up to the ceus, where there was no more cold, nem fome, nem sadness.

Na manhã Seguinte, as people who passaram viram or corpo da menininha imóvel enolhida, os red lips, as many cheias of burnt matches. All people sympathized with some disseram:

Coitadinha! With certainty, you will be dying!

A cold morrera garota na night from Natal, with the illusion of having lived happy moments.

Essa sad story of natal It was written by Hans Christian Andersen in nineteenth century, published more precisely in 1845. Here we show an adaptation.

The classic story deals basically with the difficult subject that is death. Or subject and approached in a fanciful way, pois é turned for the infantile public.

The context in which the author wrote or told was very different from what we live today, also, it presents a rather idealized situation.

In any case, other values ​​can be thought from this narrative, such as solidarity (that nesse case, and nonexistent), to social inequality, in the absence of affection and hypocrisy of people who in the previous night did not help garota, but still lament her death.

Also, this story can be an interesting resource to converse with children about these issues and what the native spirit must be present in any time of the year, which we must help or next and reflect on or why there are so many injustices in the world.

4. Or Soldadinho de chumbo

O soldadinho de chumbo old illustration
Illustration by Vilhelm Pedersen for a publicação do conto em 1838

Certa noite de natal, um garoto was presented as a caixa onde continham 25 soldadinhos de chumbo. Some of them were different from two outros, the one not tinha uma perna, pois quando foi feito, faltou chumbo to finish it.

In any way, or less adored or present, he placed all the soldiers lined up on his shelf full of brunches.

Or soldadinho with a leg was only placed next to a beautiful wax dancer who balanced herself at the ponta de um pé.

When anoitecia, we all jump for life. Assim, the soldier and the dancer faded.

More than two hops, or palhaço, we do not want to approach two dois and say for the soldier to become a girl.

Or menino when I was jumping one day, I placed or soldadinho da janela to be a watchman of turma.

Assim, it is not known or what exactly happened, more or poor soldier fell from Jane and was lost on the road.

Lá, I was found by two children who jump in no place. They try to place or jump inside a paper boat and release it to the water that ran from the sarjeta.

Foi dessa maneira that the soldadinho foi stopped in a good and unleashed number. Chegando did not laugh, he was swallowed by a big peixe and he stood on his stomach.

Pouco depois, fishermen who were there will be able to hit or hit and or sell to fish.

E olhem a coincência! A girl who bought or peixe was prepared to prepare food at the garoto house. So, when the peixe was opened, there was or was welded, which was washed and turned to the shelf of children's toys.

A dancer was very happy and also a soldier. But something terrifying happened. From some manneira or brave soldier, he was stopped in the lareira, beginning to be consumed by the chamas. Ao I went to the side, I saw that the dancer was also there.

Dessa form, you dois melt. A wax and or chumbo were united, forming a heart.

This story was written by Danish Hans Christian Andersen. Published in 1838, the face split two Nordic fades and became a classic, being adapted for theater, audiovisuals and dance shows.

Uma loving narrative, What does it also show? adventure year to show a personagem with a deficiency that manages to go through many challenges.

It presents or love between the soldier and the dancer in a similar way to Romeu and Juliet, in that or the house is beaten up that escorts deixar de viver to stay together.

In this way, we can think of history as a starting point to imagine together as children, other possible losses, where or at home to achieve more positive and happy paths.

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