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History of ABRAHAM in the Bible

Abraham's story in the Bible

One of the most important figures in the Christian religion is that of Abraham, being one of the protagonists of Christianity, Judaism and Islam, and causing this that these religions are called Abrahamic religions. To know the life of a person so important to the history of religion, in this lesson from a Professor we must talk about the story of Abraham in the Bible.

Abraham he is a bible character that appears in the so-called book of Genesis, being the first of the three patriarchs and the one sent by God to find what is known as the Promised Land.

In the Bible, Abraham plays a critical role in serving as the first point of union between God and the people Jewish, being the first person who had a close contact with God, and therefore being the founder of the religion.

The story of Abraham in the Bible revolves around the earth and the future of God's believers. During the story, Abraham has to leave his family's land to seek the Promised Land, where he has been promised that he could have a family, since his wife was not capable of having children.

Story of Abraham in the Bible - Who is Abraham in the Bible?

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To understand the importance of the figure of Abraham, we must talk about his life, making a summary of what the Bible tells us about his person, to understand the fundamental role that he had in the religions.

Abraham's relationship with religion was hereditary, as he was a descendant of several important personalities from the Bible such as Noah or Cainan. Most of Abraham's life was estranged from religion, and it was not until he was old enough that God crossed his path.

Abraham at that time was married to his half-sister, Sarah, but they could not have children because she was barren. In that situation, God appeared to Abraham and told him that he should leave the city of his family and go to Canaan, the prize for going to this Promised Land being the have a child and form a great town.

Abraham's travels did not end in Canaan, since years later God made him travel Egypt to take his word to more places, this being one of the regions where years later religion would be very important. After this trip Abraham and his wife returned to Canaan, but they were still unable to have children, so it is said that Sarah offered her husband one of her slave women to father a son, born of this relationship Ismael.

At almost 100 years old, Abraham received a visit from God to tell her that the promise was close to being fulfilled, and that Sarah was going to have a son, who was named Isaac. But Abraham's happiness did not last long, since God asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac to show him the year he had towards his. Abraham was about to do it, but at the last second the archangel Gabriel stopped Abraham's hand, saying that everything was a test from God.

We don't know much about Abraham's last years, although we do know the children that he had with another wife after Sara's death and that he died at 175 years of age, living the long life that his God promised him.

Abraham's Story in the Bible - Summary of Abraham's Life

To continue with this lesson on the history of Abraham Bible, we must talk about his children, the descendants being an important part of the history of Abraham, and being very interesting meet your children for the important role they played for religion.


The first of Abraham's children, being the result of his relationship with the slave Hagar, a slave with whom he had children due to the impossibility of his wife to procreate. The importance of Abraham's first son is that he is considered the ancestor and founder of the Ishmaelites, which years later would be called Arabs or Harenes, and would occupy the area that years later would become the Islam. Ishmael was buried near Mecca, being like his father the founder of a great region.


Son of Abraham with his wife Sarah, being the best known for the story of the sacrifice that is told in the Bible. He is considered the second patriarch of the Jews, holding the same position as his father. It is said that for years Isaac was traveling through areas, carrying the word of God through all of them, and therefore being a prophet of religion.

Children of Abraham with Cetura

After Sarah's death, Abraham had six children with a new wife named Cetura. We do not know much data that he was one of these children, although the few sources that we have speak that traveled to the East, forming tribes there, although other sources speak that they could reach up to Africa.

Story of Abraham in the Bible - Children of Abraham in the Bible
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