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Deusa Persephone: myth and symbolism (Greek Mythology)

In Greek mythology, Persephone is a deusa do underworld, to rainha you give depths.

Kidnapped by Hades, or two infernos, Persephone became his wife and went on to rule with him.

She represents a mystical, sensitive and intuitive aspect and is related to or birth of seasons of the year, mainly in spring and winter.

She was also cultivated in Rome, where some of her was transformed into Proserpina.

Or myth of Persephone

Filha de Zeus, or deus dos deuses, e Demeter, deusa da colheita e da fertility, this entity was originally named after Cora.

She is very close to each other, in which Demeter was always on the side to protect her.

But one day, a beautiful virgin Cora was collecting narcissus flowers, as was her costume, when something surprising happened.

Hades, or deus of the nether world, arose, saying-dwarfed. This opened a great break not only to sequestrou, it raised for his kingdom. From that event, Cora goes on to call Persephone.

Demeter felt that she was missing her, looking desperate and depressed. Also, after descending from Olympus and wandering through the world for nine days and nine nights with two tochas, one every month, looking for his filha.

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Because of her intense sadness, Demeter, who was responsible for agriculture and colheita, dry or alone, making her infertile.

Enquanto isso, not underworld, Hades offers a romã for Persephone, who eats two grains of fruit. Dessa form, or marriage between them and sealed.

Deus Persephone painted by Dante Gabriel Rossetti in 1874
Representação da deusa Persephone painted by Dante Gabriel Rossetti in 1874

Helio, or deus sol, watched with anguish of deusa da fertility and told him that filha had been kidnapped by Hades.

When Demeter goes to the underworld to rescue Persephone, Hades does not allow her to return to the upper world, but deusa has eaten Romã, assuming a commitment.

Perceiving to situation, Zeus sends Hermes, or deus mensageiro, to the depths, and orders Persephone to pass metade do tempo with or husband and another metade no Olimpo with her mother, Demeter, pois a terra não could dry once.

Assim e feito and from then on the cycles of nature passam to exist.

Or the period in which Persephone is in the company of Demeter, or equivalent to spring, tied to the time of the colony, because of her, most of her is happy and prosperous. When she returns to the underworld, Demeter is saddened and only becomes sterile, this is the winter period.

Analysis and Symbologies of Myth

This is a fairly well-established history of Greek mythology and many symbols and meanings.

Persephone, because she is closely linked to her mother Demeter, is described as a "filha da mãe", being many times displayed next to her. As duas, inclusive, are commonly represented as um wheat bouquet, as a sign of abundance and prosperity.

Before going to the underworld, Persephone was a virgin girl. Sequestro de her by Hades and very related to history, including works of art. This moment represents a violence and some scholars interpret the ingestion of romã as the forced loss of her virginity.

Cloth O abduction of Proserpina by Luca Giordano
Or abduction of Proserpina (1686), by Luca Giordano,

There are still other interpretations that link to romã vermelha à first menstruation da moça, to chamada menarca. Assim, it is possible to relate or cyclical character of myth - as estações, colheita e estiagem - aos cyclical aspects referring to fertilidade das mulheres, such as ovulation, pre-menstrual tension and menstruation.

Assim, essa deusa é seen as o archetype of intuition, introspection and sensitivity, pois or "underworld", no case, is associated with or unconscious and internalization.

Persephone traced as a symbol to duality, to the importance of being connected with our inner world, but always emerging on the surface to apply wisely to the material world and colher bons fruits.

Roman sculpture of Persephone and Hades
Sculpture representation of Persephone and Hades together with Cérbero. Credit: Jebulon, Museu Heraklion, Crete

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