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The 110 best gender equality phrases

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Today it is almost impossible to question the fact that women have the capacity to exercise all kinds of jobs, several of which not long ago were thought to be fit only for mens; In the same way, today men can demonstrate their talent in works that were thought to be exclusive to women.

Ultimately, our skills and the work we do have nothing to do with our gender, but with our skills as professionals. However, there are still dynamics of sexist behavior and routines and customs linked to gender discrimination. Therefore, here we will a review of several phrases of gender equity that encourage to fight against this class of unjustified distinctions and discriminations.

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Very inspiring phrases about gender equality

There is still an arduous fight for gender equity in different areas, not just work. In order not to leave this fight aside, we have brought a compilation with the best gender equality phrases.

1. The achievement of gender equality is more than an objective, it is a precondition for meeting the challenge of reducing poverty, promoting sustainable development and building good governance. (Kofi Anan)
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Gender equity is a necessity for the evolution of society.

2. Gender inequality diminishes the ability to see the other as similar.

When we see someone as inferior, we lose our humanity.

3. Racial, gender, sexual and other forms of discrimination and violence cannot be eliminated without changing the culture. (Charlotte Bunch)

There are cultures that foster this form of oppression and racism.

4. All men should be feminists. If they cared about women's rights, the world would be a better place. (John Legend)

Women's problems are also men's problems.

5. Equality is the soul of liberty; in fact, there is no freedom without it. (Francis Wright)

There can be no freedom if there are still repressed groups.

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6. Until we have equality in education, we will not have an equal society. (Sonia Sotomayor)

Education is the first step in building an egalitarian society.

7. I can't say if women are better than men. But I can say, without a doubt, that they are not worse. (Golda Meir)

How can they be the worst if life comes from them?

8. I am not saying that everyone is equal in ability, character, or motivation, but I do say that should be equal in their opportunity to develop their own character, their motivation, and their skills. (JohnF. Kennedy)

Everyone should have equal access to every opportunity they can.

9. The problem of women has always been a problem of men. (Simone deBeauvoir)

Things that affect women indirectly affect men.

10. When women have power they greatly improve the lives of everyone around them. (Prince Henry of England)

Women are always interested in taking care of their own.

Gender equality reflections

11. The level of civilization to which various human societies have reached is in proportion to the independence that women have enjoyed. (Flora Tristan)

The best societies are those in which all people are free.

12. Gender is between the ears and not between the legs. (Chaz Bond)

Gender should not affect our day to day.

13. Before God, we are all equally wise and equally foolish. (Albert Einstein)

All people have the same potential to be good and bad.

14. Privilege is the greatest enemy of law. (Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach)

When there is a notorious privilege, there is an injustice.

15. Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. Women are afraid that men will kill them. (Margaret Atwood)

Different fears that are nothing alike.

16. If you practice fairness, even if you die you will not perish. (Lao Tse)

Change begins with small personal actions.

17. Anyone who knows anything about history will know that great social changes are impossible if the feminine ferment is not taken into account. (Karl Marx)

Women are necessary for any kind of advancement to society.

18. When man is made equal, woman quickly becomes his superior. (Socrates)

Women are believed to be superior because of their multitasking character.

19. The saddest thing a woman can do is play dumb to make a man like her. (Emma Watson)

No woman should lower herself to please anyone.

20. It is fear that makes us lose our consciousness. It is also what makes us a coward. (Marjane Satrapi)

Many types of racism begin with the fear of what is different.

21. Equality implies individuality. (Trey Anastasius)

Equality gives us openness to be ourselves.

22. Treat the little ones as you would like to be treated by the big ones. (Spanish proverb)

It is a simple rule that greatly improves the relationship with others.

23. It has been through work that women have been able to cross the distance that separates them from men. (Simone deBeauvoir)

It is work that helps a woman stand out.

24. Equality is a vital need of the human soul. (Simone Well)

We all want to be treated with the respect with which others are treated.

25. Woman will truly be equal to man the day an incompetent woman is appointed to an important post. (Francoise Giraud)

There are many women who can do a good or better job than a man in the same position.

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26. We are better when women are empowered: this leads to a better society. (John Legend)

When women take their power, they are unstoppable. Which is beneficial for society.

27. A feminist person is anyone who recognizes equality and full humanity in women and men. (Gloria Steinen)

The first requirement to be a feminist.

28. There is no feminine thought. The brain is not a sexual organ. (Charlotte Perkins)

The brain is the same for men and women.

29. I have yet to hear a man ask for advice on how to combine marriage and a career. (Gloria Steinen)

It is often assumed that it is the woman who must balance her marriage and work life, rather than being her husband.

30. I do not want women to have power over men, but over themselves. (Mary Wollstonecraft)

It's about women being in control of their lives.

31. Equality towards women is progress for all. (Ban Ki-moon)

It is a sign that the world overcomes its past mistakes.

32. I want for myself what I want for other women: absolute equality. (Agnes Mcphail)

An equality that allows women to have dreams and asporations.

33. Equality is like gravity, a necessity. (Joss Whedon)

A natural right for any person.

34. Educate for coexistence, to become aware of justice, so that not a single talent is lost due to lack of opportunities. (Josephine Aldecoa)

This is the kind of education that society needs to impart.

35. Equality may be a right, but there is no human power that can ever make it a fact. (Honor de Balzac)

There are those who do not bet on equality for fear of losing their power over others.

36. The school belongs to the State, it is paid for by the State and that means that it belongs to everyone, the smart ones and the dumb ones, the diligent ones and the lazy ones. Everyone has the right to receive a good education. (Josephine Aldecoa)

Both boys and girls, as well as women and men, must have the right to be able to develop their lives as they wish.

37. I have never pretended that you consider me superior, on the condition that you do not consider me inferior. (Gonzalo Torrente Ballester)

It is not about one person outperforming the other, but about men and women being partners in all aspects of life.

38. If women and girls were treated the same as men in rights, dignity and opportunity, we would see political and economic progress around the world. (Hillary Clinton)

We could see perhaps a favorable change for the world, because there are more people involved.

39. I think it is right that I can make decisions about my own body and that women are part of the policies and decisions that will affect my life. (Emma Watson)

Every woman has the right to choose the course of her feminine health.

40. The extension of women's rights is the basic principle of all social progress. (Charles Fourier)

Nothing can progress if women are still repressed.

41. A man only has the right to look down on another when he has to help him up. (Gabriel Garcia Marquez)

We can only go down to help someone.

42. Equality is cut in half and divided between two. (Connie Flores)

The search for female equality is also a favorable change for men.

43. It's time we see gender as a spectrum instead of two opposing ideals.

The fact that they are two different poles does not imply that they have to be enemies. Why can't they be allies?

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44. Whatever freedom we fight for, it must be a freedom based on equality. (Judith Butler)

Another type of freedom is only a hidden slavery.

45. Once we get tired of seeking approval, we realize that it's easier to earn respect. (Gloria Steinen)

The only approval that should really matter is our own.

46. The cause of the woman is that of the man: the two rise or fall together. (Alfred Tennyson)

Every man is welcome to fight for the equal female cause.

47. Equality will come when a foolish woman can go as far as a foolish man can today. (Estella Ramey)

If any man can go far, why shouldn't a woman?

48. Women are responsible for two-thirds of the jobs done worldwide and without However, they earn only 10% of the total income and only 1% of the properties… So, are we the same? Until the answer is yes, we can't stop wondering. (Daniel Craig)

Have we really already achieved real equity in the labor aspect?

49. Women constitute the only exploited group in history that has been idealized to impotence. (Erica Jung)

A repression that today is still fighting for its absolute freedom.

50. Gender equality is essential to ensure that men and women can contribute fully at work, at home and in public life. (Jose Angel Gurria)

A freedom that helps everyone to develop in the area they want, without suffering from the prejudice of society.

51. The word "feminism" has become a synonym for hatred towards men, when in reality this concept has more to do with women than with men themselves. (Aysha Taryam)

How the feminist cause has been misrepresented.

52. All peoples on earth are equal from birth, all peoples have the right to live, to be free and happy. (Ho Chi Minh)

Why should we lose freedom when this is our own right?

53. Everyone loves hers the same as hers, and feels her good and her bad.

Love is the secret ingredient to achieve fairness.

54. Men oppressed, it is a tragedy. Women are oppressed, it is tradition. (Letty Cotin)

Different ways of seeing unnecessary oppression.

55. To free herself, women must feel free, not to compete with men, but free in their abilities and personality. (Indira Gandhi)

Free to be whoever they want to be in the world, without having any problem doing so.

56. If half our businesses were run by women and half our households were run by men, things would be better. (Sheryl Sandberg)

An equity from both points of view.

57. Imagine how much happier we would be, how much more freedom we would have to be ourselves, if we did not have the weight of gender expectations. (Chimanda Ngozi Adichie)

Gender expectations make thousands of people unhappy and repeat the cycle of discrimination.

58. We need love and to ensure that feeling it is important to have full employment and social justice. Gender equity is necessary to promote human freedom. (David Suzuki)

Love must be seen as a key instrument for the egalitarian education of society.

59. If men have authority over women, then women must be inferior and such a situation must always be avoided at all costs. (John Piper)

No woman is inferior to anyone.

60. You have already been used. Do not allow yourself to be dominated. (Isadora Duncan)

Fight for those injustices that history has not yet eliminated.

61. It's about time we once and for all have equal pay (as men) and equal rights for women in the United States of America. (Patricia Arquette)

The injustice that women still experience in the 'country of freedom'.

62. No man is good enough to rule any woman without her consent. (SusanAnthony)

Remember that only you can let someone into your life.

63. Well-behaved women rarely make history. (Eleanor Roosevelt)

It is the rebellious people who mark a milestone in the world.

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64. Our society is masculine, and until women enter it, it will not be human. (Henrik Johan Ibsen)

It cannot be a society for humans if it only benefits one part.

65. What women still need to learn is that no one gives you power, you must take it. (Rosseanne Barr)

Power begins when we learn to have love and self-confidence.

66. Humanity needs both men and women. So why do they see us as less than equal? (Beyonce)

Throughout history, women have been venerated for their fertility and at the same time they have been oppressed for being considered inferior.

67. Unfortunately, it sometimes seems that to combat discrimination against women, you have to be a woman. (Soledad Gallego-Díaz)

Talking about the lack of interest of some men in the cause of women's equality.

68. Different look, same value.

We do not lose value because we are of one sex or another.

69. Love, great equalizer.

Love is what unites men and women, it can also bridge the differences between all people in the world.

70. Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow you. Don't walk behind me, I may not lead you. Walk beside me and be my friend. (Albert Camus)

Only those who are considered as partners, can be seen as equals.

71. The animals of the world exist for their own reasons. They were not made for humans, just as blacks were not made for whites, or women for men. (Alice Walker)

Nobody was made to please another person.

72. I believe that, socially, I deserve the same respect as a man. (Emma Watson)

Every woman deserves to be treated with the same respect as any man.

73. It is obvious that the values ​​of women often differ from the values ​​created by the other sex and yet it is the masculine values ​​that predominate. (Virginia Woolf)

Values ​​that have traditionally been created to reduce the power of women and prevent them from expressing themselves.

74. I don't think you can fight for the freedom of one group of people and deny it to another. (Coretta Scott King)

All struggle must be for the benefit of society at large.

75. As soon as woman is granted equality with man, she becomes superior to him. (Margaret Thatcher)

When women find an opportunity to stand out in the world, they outshine anyone.

76. A woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle. (Gloria Steinen)

Although in couples we are stronger, no woman needs a 'prince charming' to survive.

77. The first equality is equity. (Victor Hugo)

Equity is the opportunity for everyone to stand out in the same way.

78. Feminism is the radical idea that women are people. (Angela Davis)

An idea that many consider abhorrent, because women apparently cannot control their passions to be someone important.

79. If it is true that the full humanity of women is not our culture, then we can and must make it our culture. (Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie)

Respect for women must become our culture.

80. There are few weapons in the world as powerful as a girl with a book in her hand. (Malala Yousafzai)

Children are the future of society, what future do we want it to be?

81. I'm not accepting the things I can't change, I'm changing the things I can't accept. (Angela Davis)

The only way to change what we don't want is to take action on it.

82. The bravest act is still to think for yourself. Aloud. (Coco Chanel)

Do not stop expressing your opinions and fighting to make your ideas come true.

83. We do not know our true height until we stand up. (Emily Dickinson)

Many women ignore their potential until it is put to the test.

84. I am a woman and I write. I am a commoner and I know how to read. I was born a servant and I am free. I have seen wonderful things in my life. I have done wonderful things in my life. (Rose Montero)

Your past does not determine the future you want to achieve.

85. The two sexes are not superior or inferior to each other. They are simply different. (Gregory Maranon)

Women and men are the best of both worlds.

86. The same amount of respect and attention is due to every human being, because respect has no degrees. (Simone Well)

You cannot have more or less respect for someone because of their gender.

87. It is always more valuable to have the respect than the admiration of people. (Jean-Jacques Rousseau)

With respect comes admiration and affection. But not everyone who claims to admire you is really sincere.

88. The soul has no gender. (Anonymous)

Souls are the reflection of our consciousness.

89. There where someone fights for their dignity, for equality, for being free... look them in the eye. (BruceSpringsteen)

Support those who have noble causes for the world.

90. The only way to solve the problem of women's subordination is by changing people's mentality and planting the new idea of ​​gender equality in all minds. (Qingrong Ma)

The change lies in the upbringing and education of children.

91. If women are expected to do exactly the same jobs as men, we must teach them the same things. (Plato)

Women cannot be expected to do everything if they are not instructed to do so.

92. Educate a man and you educate an individual. Educate a woman and you will educate a generation. (Brigham Young)

Women are the main educators of their children.

93. Fighting for women's rights often makes us synonymous with hating men. I only know one thing is certain: we need to stop those thoughts. (Emma Watson)

Without a doubt, a negative radical idea that must be eliminated completely.

94. Our men believe that making money and giving orders are the bases of power. They do not consider that power is in the hands of a woman who takes care of everyone throughout the day and gives birth. (Malala Yousafzai)

If a woman, who is in charge of the main upbringing of her children, is considered inferior, then what is it that makes her superior to a person?

95. Not all citizens of a State can be equally powerful, but they should be equally free. (Voltaire)

Everyone may not reach as high as they think, but we must have the opportunity to try.

96. If someone considers himself limited by his gender, race or origin, he will become even more limited. (Carly Florina)

Someone is limited when his mind is closed.

97. Being free is not just getting rid of one's chains, but living in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others. (Nelson Mandela)

Freedom is useless if you are going to use it to believe yourself superior to others.

98. I call myself a feminist man. Isn't that what you call someone who fights for women's rights? (Dalai Lama)

Any man can join the cause of women's rights.

99. The first who compared women to a flower was a poet; the second, an imbecile. (Voltaire)

Many men think they are romantic when in fact they are undervaluing their women.

100. Culture does not make people: people make culture. (Chimamanda Ngozi Adichi)

It is time for women to be a fundamental part of culture.

101. There is no barrier, lock or bolt that you can impose on the freedom of my mind. (Virginia Woolf)

The mind cannot be controlled.

102. If you don't keep anything else, always remember the most important rule of beauty, which is: Who cares? (Tina Fei,)

Each one makes his own beauty.

103. The foolish and cruel idea that a wife should obey her husband, she has sent more women to the grave than to court for a divorce. (Lemuel K. Washburn)

A sentence that makes women slaves.

104. The test of whether or not you can do a job should not be the organization of your chromosomes. (Beauty Abzug)

Our gender has nothing to do with our job capabilities.

105. Qualifying gender violence as a 'women's issue' is part of the problem. It gives a huge number of men the perfect excuse not to pay attention. (Jackson Katz)

The main problem is that there are men who think that the cause of women has nothing to do with them.

106. Equality towards women is progress for all. (Ban Ki-moon)

A progress that we can clearly see in the advancement of society.

107. I would venture that "Anonymous", the person who wrote so many poems without signing them, was almost always a woman. (Virginia Woolf)

Many women hid in anonymity or in the use of masculine names in order to stand out in what they loved to do.

108. The achievement of gender equality requires the participation of women and men, girls and boys. It is everyone's responsibility. (Kofi Anan)

It is a fight where everyone must be involved.

109. Calling women "the weaker sex" is a slander; it is the injustice of man towards woman. (M. Gandhi)

What exactly is it that makes women weak?

110. Gender equality must be a lived reality. (Michelle Bachelet)

It must stop being an aspiration to be a fundamental part of society.
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