Education, study and knowledge

Psychologists in Baldwin Park

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As an expert in human behavior for over a decade, I have dedicated my life to being able to help individuals and families to get to know themselves in order to get ahead and thus enjoy a life really happy. Many people at this very moment are suffering from many problems. There are even parents who no longer know what else to do, because they are about to lose control of their lives because of their children's problems; which in some cases suffer from addiction problems, anxiety attacks, phobias, ADD/ADHD, depression and autism. My professional work has always focused on emotions, mainly from a biological and cognitive point of view. However, like other psychologists, I have come to see the value of interdisciplinary efforts to study the mind. Thanks to God and Life we ​​are also transmitting a ray of light and hope through radio and television, to continue deeply involved in the development of new methods to study emotions, in particular the experience sampling method, which is an effort to quantify and measure quality of life everyday.

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During our stay in this world, life forces us to experience countless circumstances. Allowing us to feel our whole body and understand our wonderful brain is essential to appreciate them. How we perceive and manage our daily events is the detonator that leads us to the result of shocking effects that will remain memorable. Helping other human beings to enjoy the beautiful life that exists is my pleasure and delight since being HAPPY is the right of all PEOPLE.

Psychologists in La Valla

Degree in Clinical Psychology I am committed to my profession and to my clients who require psych...

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Psychologists in Palomares del Río

Therapeutic center specialized in adolescents and familiesverified professional We are a therapeu...

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Psychologists in Villanueva del Río Segura

Psychologist (Gestalt psychotherapist) My name is Nerea, Health Psychologist. I carry out humanis...

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