The 80 best quotes from Stranger Things
Stranger Things is a web series directed by the Duffer brothers and inspired by stories by Stephen King and in the films of the directors of the moment in the 1980s, such as Steven Spielberg and George Luke.
The plot is set in the fictional town of Hawkins, where a boy named Will disappears without a trace and his friends decide go in their search, but on the way they find another girl named Eleven, who has telekinetic powers and offers them her aid. If you like this Netflix star series, keep reading; here you will see a compilation of the best quotes from Stranger Things.
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The most memorable Stranger Things phrases
This series has left us with shocking and memorable moments, but it has also emphasized the importance of friendship during youth, that is why we bring a compilation with the best phrases of Stranger Things.
1. I am going with my friends. I'm going home. (Eleven)
Our friends represent the family we decide to have.
2. You don't have to like things just because people say you're supposed to like them. (Jonathan Byers)
Everyone should do what they love, no matter what others think is 'right'.
3. Why do you keep the door of curiosity closed? (Dustine)
Curiosity is the most effective tool to discover new things.
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4. Men of science have made many errors of all kinds. (sam)
Science has its dark side, which they justify as a means to obtain their results.
5. If you believe in this story... Finish it. (Karen)
The only way to achieve something is to believe that you can do it.
6. We are talking about the destruction of our world as we know it. (Luke)
Lucas showed real concern that led him to be a bit cruel.
7. Sometimes people don't say what they're really thinking, but capturing the right moment…says so much more. (Jonathan)
Remember that words also need to have actions.
8. Sometimes the bad guys are smart too. (will)
Intelligence does not distinguish between good or bad people.
9. These books… these books are my oars. I need my oars! (Dustine)
Books have the power to stretch our imagination.
10. Ask for forgiveness, not permission. (Nanny)
Do you think it is better to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission?

11. I was once like you. I kept my anger inside, tried to hide from it, but the pain was building, spreading. Until I finally faced my pain and began to heal. (Kali)
There will always be someone out there who can perfectly understand what you are going through.
12. What is a friend? (Eleven)
As the chapters of this series progressed, we could see how Eleven managed to know what true friendship is.
13. All the time they have lied to you, they have locked you up. They took everything from you, they stole your life. (Kali)
People get used to what they know, even if it is something that hurts them.
14. I don't want you to get hurt at all. And I don't want to lose you. Just make sure you heat up some real food. Not just waffles. (Jim)
A very faithful display of concern and love.
15. Two options: Go back into hiding and never be found, or fight and face them. (Kali)
There are things that we cannot run away from all our lives, sooner or later we must face them.
16. A friend…is someone you would do anything for. You lend him all your stuff, like comics and cards, and they never break a promise. (Mik)
A very successful concept of friendship, especially for young people.
17. There's more to life than stupid boys. (max)
Love at any age marks us, although do not doubt that you can overcome any breakup.
18. Science is great, but I'm afraid it's not very forgiving.
Sometimes to achieve what is proposed, science can be very cruel.
19. Three hundred and fifty-three days. I heard you. (Eleven)
Eleven confirms that he was aware of all of Mike's calls.
20. We are looking for the monster, but you haven't stopped to think... Maybe she is the monster? (Luke)
Lucas at all times doubted about the real nature of Eleven.
21. Maybe I'm a mess. Maybe I'm crazy. Perhaps I am out of my mind! But, God help me! I'm going to keep these lights on until the day I die if I think there's a chance Will is still out there! (joice)
Mothers never give up when it comes to their children.
22. No, El, you're not the monster. You have saved me. You understand? You saved me. (Mik)
Mike convincing Eleven that she is a good person, because she has done a good deed.
23. We would never have made you feel bad if we knew you had superpowers. (Dustine)
In real friendships, differences are not teased.
24. Whatever it is, it doesn't go very far.
The myth that things or people who stray from Hawkins end up coming back.
25. A shadow grows on the wall behind you, engulfing you in darkness. (Mik)
A sense of despair that steals all kinds of hope.
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26. Do not fall in love. If not, they'll break your heart, and you're too young for that shit. (Steve)
Broken hearts are very common in adolescence, because they are beginning to love.
27. It's called code to shut your mouth. (erika)
There are times when we need to be silent.
28. Our friend has super powers, and she squeezed your bladder with her mind, so we got you to pee on yourself. (Dustine)
Showing pride in Eleven's mental capacity.
29. I don't care if no one believes me. (joice)
Despite having everything against him, he continued to persist in the search for his son.
30. You left him in that place to die! You faked his death! We had a funeral. We buried it. And now you ask for my help? Go to hell!
When you play with a person's feelings, don't expect them to help you when you need it.
31. I guess my parents loved each other at some point, but… I wasn't there when that happened. (Jonathan)
It's hard for anyone to see that their parents never showed love to each other.
32. He just didn't want you to think he was a wastoid, you know? (Mik)
We tend to hide things from ourselves for fear of what others will think of it.
33. I know everything. I know they conduct experiments on kidnapped children and fry their parents' brains. And I know that this time they have passed, and they have screwed up well. They've fucked it up to the bottom, yes, and a lot... That's why they try to cover the trail.
Solving the main mystery that hides in the town of Hawkins, experiments on children.
34. It's hard to have an open heart even when friends seem to hurt it.
Friends deserve trust, but when they break that trust, nothing is ever the same.
35. We're not even in the game; we are on the bench. (Mik)
Showing his frustration at not knowing what to do.
36. I'm on a curiosity trip and I need my oars. (Dustine)
Do not underestimate the power of your curiosity to go where you want to go.
37. Nothing will ever be the same again. Not really. But it will get better. Over time. (Jim)
Hope is never lost and after a strong storm the light will always come out.
37. I may be a horrible boyfriend, but I happen to be a very good babysitter. (Steve)
We can be good at something, even if it's not everything we want.
39. Friends never lie. (Eleven)
Honesty is necessary to have an excellent friendship relationship.
40. I know who you are. I know what you've done. You have taken my boy away from me!
Coming face to face with real danger in Hawkins.
41. Until now I tried hard to pretend that everything was fine, but it's not. (Nanny)
Sooner or later our true emotions explode out of control.
42. You're deaf? I thought we were friends, you know? But friends tell each other the truth. And they definitely don't lie to each other. (Mike Wheeler)
Be careful with lies, even if they are pious, they always leave a trail of pain.
43. I don't like most people. (Jonathan)
Not all people enjoy interacting with many people.
44. I'm looking for my stepsister. She's petite, redheaded, and a bit of a curse. (Billy)
Quite an interesting description.
45. First they act like I'm their friend, but then they treat me like trash. (MadMax)
There are people who treat you well just to get something from you.
46. Do you know anything about sensory deprivation tanks? Specifically how to build one? (Dustine)
To solve the mysteries of Hawkins, kids have to take the lead. ###47. Sometimes, I feel like... if I could see her. Like she's still around… but she never is. (Mik)
An almost maddening display of how much Mike misses Eleven.
48. Make mistakes, learn from them and when life hurts you, because it will, remember the pain. (Jim)
No person can escape their mistakes, so it's best to face them.
49. There is nothing simple about it. There is nothing simple about anything you have told me. (murray)
Is it possible to explain in a simple way what happens in Hawkins?
50. I do not know. Sometimes I feel like he's driving me crazy. (Mik)
Anxiety and extreme worry always plays against us.
51. My mother was young. My father was more mature, but he had an easy job, money and came from a good family. So they bought a nice house and started their family. To hell with that. (Nanny)
Not all stories that have a beautiful beginning end well.
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52. Of all my brother's friends, you are my favorite. You have always been my favourite.
Do you have a favorite friend?
53. You're going to leave those three kids and the boys alone… Then I'll tell him… I'll tell him where his science experiment is.
An unfair but desperate exchange.
54. Nobody normal has achieved anything significant in this world. (Jonathan)
The people who stand out the most are those who go beyond the standards and bet on different things.
55. You can't have more than one best friend. (Dustine)
Do you think this is true?
56. Stop talking to me. (max)
People need space.
57. Being a weirdo is the best. (Jonathan)
Never be ashamed of who you are, embrace it and build the best version of yourself.
58. I felt as if this evil was watching me. (will)
When we are immersed in negativity, everything around us seems to suffocate us.
59. I kept my anger inside, tried to hide from it, but the pain… It built up. It was expanding. (Kali)
The only thing that happens when we accumulate our feelings is that they explode in the worst way.
60. All living organisms develop defense mechanisms against attack. They adapt. They find a way to survive. (Dr Owens)
We all have the ability to adapt to new circumstances.
61. Pain is good. It means you've come out of that cave. (Jim)
Pain is the first step of overcoming.
62. I don't want to go anywhere. I have found my home in you. (Eleven)
The difficult part of leaving a place is the people we leave behind.
63. I finally faced my pain and began to heal. (Kali)
To improve it is necessary to know and accept what bothers us.
64. It's day 353. I had a bad day today. I don't know, I guess... I wish you were here. I mean, we all want. If you're out there... please just give me a sign. (Mik)
One of the messages that Mike left without fail for Eleven.
65. You'll have to give me your word. No one will find out about all this.
How much is silence worth?
66. I always thought that this kind of thing happened in movies and comics. (Bob)
Nobody in their right mind would believe the things that happen in Hawkins.
67. A promise is something you can't break…ever. (Mik)
Never promise something that you cannot deliver.
68. People don't spend their lives trying to see what's behind the curtain. They like the curtain. (murray)
A reference to people preferring to stay in their comfort zone.
69. I never gave up, I called you every night. (Mik)
A token of Mike's commitment to getting Eleven back.
70. Mornings are for coffee and contemplation. (hopper)
Each person has their particular way of having their mornings.
71. This is not a normal family. (joice)
There are very few things that are normal in the town of Hawkins.
72. Sometimes your total forgetfulness blows my mind. (Dustine)
There are people who can forget things very easily.
73. We will have some rules. Rule number one: always keep the curtains closed. Rule number two: only open the door if you hear my secret knock. And rule number three: Never go out alone, especially in daylight. (Jim)
Necessary rules to survive the unpleasant surprises of the town.
74. I don't think my parents ever loved each other. (Nanny)
A terrible truth that remains like a perpetual wound in the hearts of children.
75. The grass, the crops, the trees. Everything in this area is either dead or dying, and that's a radius of more than 5 kilometers. And all of that leads back to here. (Jim)
The destructive power that dwells in Hawkins.
76. Do you want information? So I need something in return. (Keith)
Many things are handled as if they were business.
77. She helped just enough to get what she wanted. Food and a bed. It's like a stray dog. (Luke)
The way Lucas behaved towards Eleven, without any compassion.
78. You will be the first and the last person I will love.
Young love is one of the most intense of all.
79. This is not yours to fix alone. (joice)
There are times when we need someone else's help, even if we don't want to accept it.
80. If we're going to freak out, it's better to do it together.
Friends always support each other and usually stay together.