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Does love have age... or not? Science makes it clear

Love is an extraordinary feeling that can make us go crazy.. Have you ever wondered "what would our life be without this intense feeling?" And of course, love awakens our most intense emotions and the passion that we can feel for someone can make us lose our reason.

Over the years, a multitude of studies have been carried out to learn more about this phenomenon. Some studies have provided very interesting data and others have shown surprising and even controversial results. Is love old? What is the best age to get married? A recent study seems to have found the ideal age to get married.

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Love and age: what is the best age to get married?

There are many factors that influence the infatuation and romantic love (both biological and cultural), but ensuring the success of a marriage is more than just being in love. Many relationships end when the flame is still alive, and the breakup in those cases can be really hard.

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Actually, this study did not analyze the ideal age to be in love, but rather The objective of the research was to know what is the perfect age to get married and thus reduce the probability of divorce. He Institute for Family Studies (IFS) carried out the research and revealed that the best age for marriage is between 28 and 32 years.

Related article: "The 30 best phrases about love and romanticism"

What does this study say?

The study was led by Nicholas H. Wolfinger, a sociologist at the University of Utah (USA). For the analysis, he used data from the National Survey of Family Growth American between 2006-2010 and 2011-2013.

The results showed an inverted bell curve. Therefore, the key point is at that age, that is, 28 and 32 years.

From this age, the probability of divorce increases again, and according to research, by 5 percent each year. Until now, previous studies had concluded that the later the marriage took place, the greater the probability of success.

According to Wolfinger: "Individuals who intend to marry past their 40s may not be predisposed to do so. Some tend to show problems in their interpersonal relationships and therefore decide to marry later. The director of the study explains, regarding the results of this investigation, that "even after establishing a control in the respondents regarding the gender, race, family structure, age, education, religious tradition, as well as the size of the metropolitan area in which they live, the results persist".

And… does physical attractiveness have age?

As this study concludes, there seems to be a more favorable age for marriage. But, regarding physical attractiveness, does age influence? Well, it seems that yes.

In the case of women, from what age do they stop being attractive to men? There is a popular belief that men like younger women, and that seems to confirm the science. A group of Finnish researchers from Åbo Akademi University, who carried out a study with more than 12,000 participants between the ages of 25 and 40, concludes that women over 28 are no longer attractive to men.

You may be interested in learning more about this research: "Women over the age of 28 do not attract men, according to a study"

And men, at what age are they most attractive? According to a 2010 study led by Fhionna Moore, a researcher at the University of Dundee in Scotland, older men are more attractive, especially to those economically independent women. The sample included more than 3,700 British subjects between the ages of 18 and 35.

Recommended article: "10 scientifically proven ways to be more attractive"

Who suffers more in a breakup?

Of course, relationships are not easy., and the success of marriage, especially today, is not assured. Society's values ​​have changed and divorce is increasingly accepted. But what happens if the relationship ends? Who suffers more, men or women? This is what a group of researchers from Binghamton University tried to find out.

In collaboration with a group of University College London scientists, these academics asked 5,705 subjects of 96 nationalities what was their level of pain after the breakup on a scale of one to ten. The results showed that females feel more pain after a breakup, as they scored higher on the physical and emotional pain scales. However, they recover before the breakup of the couple than men.

You can read this research in our post: "Women suffer more from the breakup of a partner but recover better, according to a study"

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