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How to know if your partner is narcissistic?

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Sometimes people talk about narcissism, defining it as the love that one feels for oneself, but in reality, assuming that whoever is narcissistic is a person who loves themselves is to fall into error.

For example, while being able to value ourselves is essential when it comes to establish healthy relationships, marked narcissism often causes problems in marriages and courtships. To this we must add that, in addition, it is not always easy to detect narcissism in the person with whom we have started a relationship. love relationship, especially if we are in that first phase of falling in love, in which we idealize our couple.

Therefore, in this article we will see what they are the keys to know (in an approximate way) if your partner is narcissistic, so that it is easier to address these kinds of problems if they cause discomfort in a relationship.

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Signs to know if your partner is a narcissistic person

Understanding narcissism as a personality trait, we can say that being somewhat narcissistic does not have to be something negative; but narcissism can be problematic when it is excessive, since it often facilitates the appearance of conflicts or inequalities in relationships. With this in mind, let's see what are the main aspects to look at to detect those possible signs of narcissism in those who are next to us.

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1. feels special

Narcissistic people they feel that they are special and that they are above the rest of the people, both physically, intellectually and personality. This also includes their partners, family or friends around them.

In addition to that, in narcissism it is also common for people to believe that they deserve success in life, live extraordinary experiences and surround yourself with successful, successful, intelligent and status people high.

All this leads narcissistic people to be extremely demanding with their partners, to always demand Your Excellency and belittle your abilities, ridicule or humiliate them both in private and in public. public.

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2. Expect preferential treatment

Another identifying trait that can help us detect a narcissistic partner is the fact that these they always believe they are more worthy of support and attention than the rest of the people around them, and therefore consider that their problems, opinions or experiences are more important than those of any other person.

Narcissists also have a tendency not to listen to what their partner has to say and to minimize the problems, worries or opinions of other people, including their partners.

That is why they like to talk about themselves continuously and do not listen to anything their partners, friends or family have to say.

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3. You have high expectations about your future in the medium and long term

Both fantasies and high expectations of success and power are common in people narcissists, since they consider that they deserve a bright future for the fact of being superior to the rest of the people.

Narcissism in the couple

Their high expectations end up colliding fully with reality and usuallyGiven this fact, they react negatively with aggression and blaming other people for their own failures. In addition, this can cause many problems when creating plans for the future as a couple, since to reach a certain level of commitment in a courtship or marriage, it is It is necessary to be certain about what the person next to us is looking for years to come, and to know that those expectations are realistic and compatible with our plans.

4. Lack of empathy

Empathy is the ability to put yourself in another person's shoes and understand what they are thinking or feeling at a given moment, something narcissists lack.

Narcissistic people They tend not to take other people's opinions into account. much less to put yourself in their place or understand their motivations, suffering, experiences or needs.

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5. You think you deserve a special love

Considering that they deserve a high and special love for being the best is another of the fantasies recurring traits that narcissistic people harbor, which is why they always demand attention, affection and love constant.

That is why they will always be demanding with their partners, highlighting their defects at all times and demanding permanent affection and love from them to exaggerated limits. In many cases, it may appear that they expect their partners to have something similar to telepathy, to perfectly understand what they want to express and anticipate their wishes.

6. Has a tendency to psychological manipulation and seeking control

The most markedly narcissistic people have tendency to use the people around you for your own benefit, considering that they are the best and that other people have the obligation to serve them at all times.

The manipulation, exploitation and subordination to which they submit their partners can affect their mental health and generate in many emotional dependency cases, since they are experts in emotional blackmail and in making their partners feel guilty when they do not agree to their wishes.

7. Does not tolerate criticism

The lack of tolerance for criticism is also a classic symptom of narcissists, as well as not accepting being told how to do things, much less being given advice.

They consider that they do everything well and that they always know everything, which generates frustration and discomfort in their partners, who receive rejection, opposition or humiliation when they give their opinion or try to help.

Narcissists have a wounded and very sensitive ego., that is why they try in every way to protect themselves against any real or perceived attack by reacting in very aggressive ways.

Anyone who can attack them or question the image of perfection they have of themselves will receive exaggerated hatred from the narcissist, always reacting defensively and obsessing over fight it.

8. Tendency to envy

Envy is a common reaction of the narcissist, especially when their partner or another person proves to be better in any area, destroying the fanciful image of superiority they create about themselves.

In these cases, the narcissist usually feels great envy of his partner, which can significantly affect him and endanger the survival of the relationship in common.

Another classic characteristic of narcissists is believing that everyone is envious of them because of their superiority, that is why when they fail in something they attribute it to the envy of others or to a supposed boycott external.

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