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VOLTAIRE: the 4 important works

Voltaire: important works

In this lesson from a TEACHER we are going to talk to you about the most important works of Voltaire, French writer, historian, philosopher and lawyer, and one of the most important thinkers of the illustrated movement. His real name was François-Marie Arouet he occupied the 33rd seat at the French Academy. He recalls that during this time a series of changes take place that will affect both the individual and society.

Many of them would be motivated thanks to the diffusion of the ideas of the Illustration and the approach of education to the people. Well then, Voltaire, next to Rousseau and Monstesquieu (also known as humanists) contributed greatly to this sociocultural transformation.

If you want to know more about Voltaire, as well as their plays more important, continue reading this article by a TEACHER. Start the class!

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  1. The Naive or the Sincere Huron, a fundamental book by Voltaire
  2. Candide or optimism, the most important work of Voltaire
  3. instagram story viewer
  4. Treatise on tolerance, a reference work
  5. Philosophical letters, a direct attack on religious fanaticism

The Naive or the Sincere Huron, a fundamental book by Voltaire.

In this funny book, Voltaire tells the story of a Ferret, an Indian, who crosses the ocean to go, first to England, and from there, to France. It turns out that Huron finds his parents there, and therefore, he is a French citizen. His new family baptizes him with the name Hercules de Kerkabon (Hercules de Kerkabon).

But the Huron is unfamiliar with European culture, causing endless comedic moments. East "son of nature"He is not" civilized "and interprets the customs of the Europe of the moment, in a very different way. Basically the work is a criticism of the society of his time, the corruption of the French government, and especially the church.

Candide or optimism, the most important work of Voltaire.

Voltaire's most important work is Candid or optimism. In this satirical book, the author recounts the adventures of Naive, a faithful follower of Leibniz and convinced that everything "tEverything happens for the good in this, the best of all possible worlds”. Throughout the play, a series of misfortunes happen to Cándido, which he stoically accepts, because if it happened like this, it had to be that way and not otherwise.

The book, humorously, criticizes Leibniz's philosophy, while showing the tragic situation of the moment. In the work, Pangloss, Candido's tutor, represents Leibniz, who despite the terrible problems that he is involved in, never cease to repeat that “tEverything happens for the better... on the best of all possible worlds

Voltaire: important works - Candide or optimism, the most important work of Voltaire

Image: Famous quotes and phrases

Treatise on tolerance, a reference work.

The Treatise on Tolerance It was a work written by Voltaire, motivated by an event that marks him deeply. Its about trial and execution of Jean Calas, the merchant who is accused of killing his own son for having converted to Catholicism.

The work constitutes a brutal criticism of the intolerance and the religious fanaticism, as well as the superstition and deception of religion. In the Calas trial, no evidence was presented and despite being tortured, he never confessed the murder of his son. The violent reaction of the people and the fear of the judges were decisive when condemning him.

The French philosopher starts a campaign to have the accusations dropped, in an attempt to demonstrate religious intolerance. The king dismisses the chief magistrate, and finally, but already dead, Calas was exonerated. The family had to pay a fine for false accusations.

Voltaire: Important Works - Treatise on Tolerance, A Reference Work

Philosophical letters, a direct attack on religious fanaticism.

Philosophical letters is another of Voltaire's important works and is composed by 25 cards that deal with the intolerance and religious bigotry of the time, political corruption, art, philosophy, medicine, commerce and art. The content of this work is summarized as follows:

  • From letters 1 to 7, Voltaire will make a harsh criticism of religions
  • In 8 and 9, he will attack the political system of the England of his time
  • Letter 9 deals with justice and taxes
  • In 10, he makes an analysis of the Government
  • In 11 he questions some of the practices of medicine
  • From 12 to 17, the work will be dedicated to the most illustrious British
  • In letter 18 he talks about art
  • In the 19 of the comedy
  • From 20 to 22, poetry
  • Card 23 and 24 addresses the issue of letters and men of letters
  • In 25 he develops some of his criticisms of the philosophers of his time.

Voltaire left a vast legacy and contributed to the series of changes that took place all over the world, being of great influence in the movement that caused the French Revolution of 1789 or the American Revolution of 1776.

If you want to read more articles similar to Voltaire: important works, we recommend that you enter our category of Philosophy.


  • Voltaire. Naive. Ed. International Book Club. 2020
  • Voltaire. The naive. Ed. International Book Club. 2020
  • Voltaire. Treaty on Tolerance. Ed. Brontes. 2011
  • Voltaire. Philosophical letters. Ed. EDAF Library. 1977
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