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The 90 best phrases of René Descartes

Known as the father of analytical geometry and modern philosophy, René Descartes strongly influenced the so-called scientific revolution movement., thanks to his contributions to philosophy, physics and mathematics. His statement 'I think, therefore I am' gave way to Western rationalism, a point that contradicted the English empiricism, which led to a deeper and more truthful analysis of the information to generate new knowledge.

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Best Rene Descartes Quotes

Below we will show 90 phrases and reflections by René Descartes on knowledge and the way of analyzing life in general.

1. I think, therefore I am.

His most famous phrase that invites us to think before acting.

2. There is hardly anything said by one whose opposite is not affirmed.

All things can be debatable.

3. We harbor a multitude of prejudices if we do not decide to doubt, once in a while, all things in which we find the slightest suspicion of uncertainty.

It is closed minds that judge others the most.

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4. Feeling is nothing other than thinking.

Emotions are linked to intelligence.

5. Hope is the desire of the soul to be convinced that a dream will come true.

Explaining what hope means to him, a desire to continue.

6. All the various sciences are nothing other than human wisdom, which remains one and the same, even when applied to various objects.

All sciences derive from philosophy, from someone who began to doubt.

7. The good we have done gives us an interior satisfaction that is the sweetest of all passions.

A great reward is knowing that we can be useful to society.

8. Doubt is the beginning of wisdom.

Any doubt leads us to seek information.

9. Reading is a conversation with the most illustrious men of past centuries.

All reading offers us valuable knowledge of the past, present and future.

10. To live without philosophizing is, properly speaking, to have your eyes closed, without ever trying to open them.

When we question different things in life, we create new knowledge.

11. Philosophy is what distinguishes us from the savages and barbarians.

The ability to reason and search beyond the obvious.

12. The little I have learned is worthless, compared to what I ignore and do not despair of learning.

We are all ignorant, because there is knowledge that we have not yet acquired.

13. Reason and judgment is the only thing that makes us human and distinguishes us from animals.

Placing reason as the greatest thing we have as human beings.

14. There is nothing that is entirely in our power more than our thoughts.

That is why we must take care of them, instead of letting them dominate us.

15. He who spends too much time traveling ends up being a foreigner in his own country.

There are people who travel constantly, to avoid their own nation.

16. I am used to sleeping and in my dreams imagining the same things that madmen imagine when they are awake.

Encouraging us to embrace our imagination as a powerful part of our mind.

17. Not being useful to anyone is equivalent to being worth nothing.

One of our goals will always be not to be a burden to others.

18. Everything complex can be divided into simple parts.

It is the best way to achieve a big goal, break them into small parts.

19. Illusory bliss is more valid than real grief.

Is it better to live a false perfection than to seek the truth?

20. To be happy, it is better to modify our desires than to order the world.

It is impossible to modify the world to our convenience, but we can adapt to it to take advantage of it.

21. Conquer yourself instead of conquering the world.

When we gain self-confidence, we are a little closer to getting what we want.

22. Common sense is the most widely shared commodity in the world, since every man is convinced that he is well supplied.

We all have the belief that we are right, even if it is not always so.

23. To find out what people are really thinking, look at what they do, rather than what they say.

Body language cannot lie to us.

24. I have made all the mistakes that could be made and yet I have never stopped trying.

Mistakes are natural, it is what teaches us what we must improve.

25. It should be noted that many beliefs are based on prejudice and tradition.

Not all beliefs should be followed to the letter, especially if it harms others.

26. Think before you act and do not start anything without having consulted the circumstances thoroughly.

A very important piece of advice that has timeless validity.

27. Talking with characters from other times is almost like traveling.

It is a way of living that part of history.

28. To investigate the truth it is necessary to doubt, as far as possible, everything.

It is impossible to find the truth if we do not look for it.

29. Whether I am asleep or awake, two plus three will always be five, and the square will only have four sides.

Talking about the fact that there are things that cannot be changed, even if everyone thinks differently.

30. By method I understand those certain and easy rules whose rigorous observance prevents the false from being supposed true.

The method he promulgated so that every scientist would find the correct answers.

31. A state is best governed if it has few laws and those laws are carefully observed.

Even here the saying applies: 'less is more'.

32. In my humble opinion, everything in this world happens mathematically.

Many things originate from a mathematical and ordered set.

33. They say the monkey is so smart that he doesn't talk so they don't make him work.

Are animals really not intelligent?

34. Our idea of ​​God implies necessary and eternal existence. Therefore, the manifest conclusion is that God exists.

For everyone who has faith, God exists in all aspects.

35. Philosophy teaches us to speak truthfully about things and to make ourselves admired by the less educated.

On the charismatic and illusory character that the participants of philosophy have to explain their theories.

36. My only desire is to know the world and the comedies that are represented in it!

What do you want to see of the world?

37. It is not that he imitated the skeptics, who doubt only for the sake of doubting and always pretend to be indecisive; on the contrary, my desire was to come to discover something firm.

His precepts are confused with the ideas of the negativists, when Descartes recommends that we always be positive.

38. The first maxim of every citizen must be to obey the laws and customs of his country, and in all other things to govern himself according to the most moderate opinions and the furthest from excess.

It does not matter if they have their own customs, these should not be above the laws of a country.

39. I don't even want to know if there was another man before me.

Never focus on the past, but on the present.

40. How can we be sure that our life is not a dream?

Who assures us that this is real life?

41. The senses deceive from time to time, and it is wise not to fully trust those who have deceived us even once.

A recommendation on not letting ourselves be carried away by our first impressions, but giving ourselves the moment to investigate.

42. The most generous tend to be the most humble.

A humble person does not need to stand out.

43. If I find new truths in the sciences, I can say that six main problems follow, which I managed to solve successfully.

All certainty generates new doubts.

44. An optimist can see light where there is none, but why should the pessimist always rush to put it out?

Maybe it's a reflection of envy.

45. I show up in disguise.

There are times when we prefer to wear a mask.

46. Admitting false opinions about something is like losing a battle.

The truth always comes to light.

47. There is a big difference between body and mind, since the body can be divided but the mind cannot.

The mind must always be in agreement with the body and vice versa.

48. There is nothing older than the truth.

The truth will always exist.

49. Isn't the universe something totally incomprehensible to human reason, something essentially absurd, irrational, unknowable?

The universe is something of which we will never have a fixed certainty.

50. Even those who are most difficult to please in anything else are not in the habit of wanting more than they have.

A person who is satisfied with his life appreciates the things he has.

51. If you want to be a true seeker of the truth, it is necessary that at least once in your life you doubt, as far as possible, everything.

The truth does not arise if there is no question.

52. Keep pushing. Keep pushing. I made all the mistakes I could make. But I kept pushing.

Giving up comes from not trying anymore.

53. All things happen mathematically.

Mathematics is the universal language.

54. We are only rational in light of our species.

An element of human nature.

55. My aim is not to teach the method that everyone should follow to use his reason well, but only to show how I have tried to use mine well.

Promoting what has worked for him, with the hope that it can be useful for someone else.

56. Reason is nothing without imagination.

Imagination is a powerful weapon to see beyond what surrounds us.

57. The mathematical truths, which are called eternal, have been established by God and depend totally on Him, just like the rest of the individuals.

Mixing their knowledge with their religious beliefs.

58. Every time I have been offended, I try to raise my soul so high that the offense cannot reach me.

An excellent reflection on working on our confidence.

59. The multitude of laws frequently provide excuses for vices.

Too many laws do not always benefit those who need them, but those who are convenient.

60. Never accept anything as true without knowing with evidence that it was so.

Never say something you don't fully know.

61. It often happens that there is not as much perfection in works composed of several pieces and made by the hands of many masters as in those in which only one has worked.

There are jobs that can only be done individually.

62. Better than seeking the truth without method is never to think about it, because disorderly studies and obscure meditations disturb the natural lights of reason and blind intelligence.

If you are not committed to something, it is better to walk away than to do something that is not right.

63. To improve our knowledge we must learn less and contemplate more.

It is always important to learn to listen.

64. The joy that is born of good is serious, while the one that is born of evil is accompanied by laughter and mockery.

No one who rejoices in the misfortunes of others can find peace in his life.

65. Being incapable of enthusiasm is a sign of mediocrity.

Losing enthusiasm is the same as losing enjoyment of life.

66. Perfect numbers as well as perfect shoulders are very rare.

Nothing is perfect in this life.

67. When it is not in our power to determine what is true, we must follow what is most probable.

You have to follow a known path and then take risks.

68. The diversity of our opinions does not come from the fact that some are more reasonable than others, but from the fact that we direct our thoughts in different directions and do not consider the same things.

A perfect explanation of why we have different opinions and it's okay to have them.

69. It is not enough to have a good mind; the main thing is to use it well.

A talent is worth nothing if you don't work it to use it.

70. We don't describe the world we see, we see the world we can describe.

The world is how everyone observes it.

71. I hope you will judge me for all the things I have explained and also for all the things I have intentionally omitted, in order to leave others the pleasure of discovering them.

All criticism must be constructive.

72. The greatest souls are as capable of the greatest vices as they are of the greatest virtues.

There are geniuses or artists who fall into some vice and stay with them.

73. Nature abhors a vacuum.

Nature is in constant motion.

74. It would be absurd for us, who are finite, to try to determine infinite things.

We must be aware of our limitations in what we can do.

75. The trips serve to learn about the customs of the different peoples and to shed the prejudice that it is only one's own homeland that one can live in the way one is accustomed to.

Every trip brings us first hand to the culture of other countries.

76. The main perfection of man consists in having free will, which is what makes him worthy of praise or censure.

Freedom gives us the possibility to do what we want, but not at the cost of detaching ourselves from our responsibilities.

77. True intelligence consists in discovering the intelligence of others.

An intelligent person knows how to appreciate the intelligence of others.

78. Bad books cause bad habits and bad habits cause good books.

Not all books are good, but there you don't have to give up on the search for a good one either.

79. Nations are all the more civilized and cultured the better their men philosophize.

The really rich thing about a song is the quality education that its people have.

80. Mathematics is the science of order and measure, of beautiful chains of reasoning, all simple and easy.

One of the biggest fans of mathematics.

81. When you write about the transcendent, be transcendently clear.

Not only do you have to look for the truth, but you have to know how to explain it clearly.

82. Two things contribute to progress: go faster than the others, or go on the right track.

Faster doesn't always mean better, sometimes it can work against us.

83. It is prudent not to trust entirely those who have deceived us once.

Those who betray us once have an open gap to do it again.

84. I would give everything I know for half of what I don't know.

Every day we have the opportunity to learn something more.

85. The very desire to seek the truth often makes people who do not know how to search for it correctly make judgments about things they do not know how to perceive and thus make mistakes.

In search of the truth, many wish to promulgate their own beliefs.

86. I clearly and distinctly perceive that necessary existence is contained in the idea of ​​God. (...) Therefore, God exists.

Explaining his own belief in God.

87. At last I am going to dedicate myself sincerely and unreservedly to the general demolition of my opinions.

Do not get carried away by your impressions until you have all the information available.

88. It is enough to judge well to do well, and to judge as well as possible to act also in the best way.

You can only judge if you are looking for a better result, not just to criticize.

89. A false happiness is often preferable to a sadness whose cause is true.

It is always good to have a bit of illusion to escape the harsh reality.

90. Reading a book teaches more than talking to the author about it, because the author, in the book, has only put the best thoughts about it.

All authors seek to capture their best version in their works.

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