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The 100 best Christmas phrases

Christmas is one of the most common international celebrations in the world.It is one of the most important festivities in Christianity, as it commemorates the birth of Jesus. In different religions, such as Catholic or Protestant, as well as in European cultures, December 24 is known as Christmas Eve, while December 25 is the nativity.

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Best Christmas phrases

To remember the true meaning of these dates, which should be full of love, empathy and sharing, we bring you a compilation with the best quotes and reflections on Christmas.

1. Christmas is a must. There has to be at least one day in the year to remind us that we are here for more than just ourselves. (Arnold Eric Sevareid)

Christmas is a time of reflection and interior design.

2. There is nothing sadder in this world than waking up on Christmas morning and not being a child. (Erma Bombeck)

Never let go of the inner child that we all have.

3. Merry, Merry Christmas, the one that makes us remember the illusions of our childhood, remind grandfather of the joys of his youth, and transport the traveler to his fireplace and his sweet home! (Charles Dickens)
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Christmas is a time that takes us to the best memories.

4. I will honor Christmas in my heart and try to keep it throughout the year. (Charles Dickens)

Let's try to keep the Christmas spirit all year long.

5. Blessed is the date that unites the whole world in a conspiracy of love. (Hamilton Wright Mabi)

The December holidays are a time where we become better people.

6. Christmas is not a time or a season, but a state of mind. To value peace and generosity and to have mercy is to understand the true meaning of Christmas. (Calvin Coolidge)

The best thing we can do at Christmas is to treasure all the moments shared, because it is what is really valuable.

7. What is christmas? It is the tenderness of the past, the courage of the present and the hope of the future. It is the sincerest wish that every cup overflows with rich and everlasting blessings, and that every path leads to peace. (Agnes M. pharo)

On these dates, feelings are on the surface and generosity too.

8. When Christmas day arrives, the same warmth that we felt when we were children comes to us, the same warmth that surrounds our heart and our home. (Joan Winmill Brown)

Christmas allows us to become children again and feel the same with the same intensity.

9. Christmas is the season to light the fire of hospitality in the living room, and the great flame of charity in the heart. (Washington Irving)

We all become generous during this date.

10. I wish we could put the Christmas spirit in jars and open a jar every month of the year. (Harlan Miller)

Let's not let the magic of Christmas fade during the coming year.

11. Perhaps the best Christmas decoration is a big smile.

There is no better gift than a beautiful, big and genuine smile.

12. Christmas is the day that unites all time. (Alexander Smith)

Christmas is magical since it is able to meet with loved ones.

13. Christmas is not a date; it is a state in the mind. (Mary Ellen Chase)

For many people Christmas is something metal.

14. Christmas is not an event, but a part of the home that one always carries in his heart. (Freya Stark)

The best memories come at Christmas.

15. The memory, like a candle, shines brighter at Christmas. (Charles Dickens)

There is no time where it is more remembered than Christmas.

16. At Christmas, happy who is in his house.

Many people do not have the privilege of being home for Christmas.

17. The world has grown tired over the years... but Christmas is still just as young.

There is nothing that makes people young at Christmas.

18. Christmas waves a magic wand over the world, and because of it, everything is softer and more beautiful. (Norman Vincent Peale)

At Christmas things look more beautiful.

19. Christmas is built on a beautiful and intentional paradox: that the birth of the one who did not have a home to be born is celebrated in all houses. (G. K. chesterton)

The baby Jesus even though he was not born in a house, every year he has thousands to be born again.

20. Christmas is a time not only of rejoicing, but of reflection. (Winston Churchill)

At Christmas, gifts are not only given and received, but it is a time to reflect and make good decisions.

21. I don't want a rose at Christmas more than I want the snow in the smiling and conceited May festivities. (William Shakespeare)

Each era has its charms.

22. I received the gifts and I thought that I was just a boy and that I had done nothing, absolutely nothing to deserve them. Of course, I never said it: childhood is shy. (Jorge Luis Borges)

There are times when we think we don't deserve anything, Christmas is one of them.

23. Christmas is the season to light the fire of hospitality in the living room, the great flame of charity in the heart. (Washington Irving)

Don't lose that Christmas energy throughout the year.

24. Remember, this month of December that love weighs more than gold. (Josephine Dodge Daskam Bacon)

There is nothing more valuable than the love we give and receive.

25. The best Christmas message is the one that comes out of the silence of our hearts and tenderly warms the hearts of those who accompany us on our journey through life.

Don't be afraid to express what you feel as it comes from your heart and your thoughts.

26. Christmas is the hope of the years to come, with all the possible and imaginary achievements.

It is very common that at Christmas we imagine the dreams we want to achieve.

27. Christmas is a time to celebrate life, spread love and sow hope.

Christmas is a precise moment to give love, live intensely and cultivate hope.

28. Even if other things are lost over the years, let's keep Christmas bright. (Grace Noll Crowell)

Despite the problems or difficult situations, do not stop celebrating Christmas.

29. A month of lights, snow and parties. It's time to make amends and tie up loose ends, finish what you started and hope all your dreams come true.

Christmas is not just a party and celebrations, but it is a time to forgive in order to move on.

30. For Christmas: happiness. For New Year: prosperity. And forever: our friendship.

Beautiful message to dedicate to loved ones.

31. A nougat is enough for me at Christmas, but your friendship feeds me for a lifetime. Thanks for your friendship.

True friendship grows at Christmas.

32. Few gifts and a lot of dedication can become the best parties we have had in a long time. (Laura Gutmann)

Christmas celebrations are not only focused on giving and receiving gifts, but on giving the best of ourselves.

33. This is the Christmas message: We are never alone. (Taylor Caldwell)

Although it may seem otherwise, at Christmas we are never alone, because memories are present.

34. I don't think Christmas is necessarily about things. It's about being good to each other. (Carrie Fisher)

The best Christmas gift we can give is to become excellent people.

35. With you by my side it will be the most beautiful Christmas.

Christmas is more beautiful when we are with loved ones.

36. Christmas is for everyone, both adults and children. Allow this season to fill your heart and let go of the things you don't like. (Julie Hébert)

Enjoy Christmas, because it comes only once a year.

37. There is nothing like Christmas to reunite with loved ones.

Christmas is conducive to being with family and friends.

38. For Christmas... I want a watch that knows how to stop at the best moments of our lives.

Memories are more painful at Christmas.

39. Regardless of our religious beliefs, we always find it nice to celebrate labor and birth, which is exactly Christmas. (Ibone Olza)

Regardless of religions, a birth is a reason to celebrate.

40. Even if other things are lost over the years, let's keep Christmas bright. Let's go back to our childhood faith. (Grace Noll Crowell)

Don't lose the innocence you had at Christmas when you were a child.

41. At Christmas, all roads lead home. (Marjorie Holmes)

Christmas is a good excuse to return home.

42. Christmas! The word itself fills our hearts with joy. It doesn't matter how much we fear the rush, the Christmas gift lists and the congratulations that we have left to do. (Joan Winmill Brown)

When Christmas arrives, joy is present.

43. Christmas, my son, is love in action. (Dale Evans)

Christmas means love in abundance.

44. Christmas is a time of joy, exchange and brotherhood. May this climate be the basis for finding peace and happiness.

There is nothing more beautiful than having peace at Christmas.

45. Christmas is not about opening presents, it is about opening our hearts.

There is no better gift to give than to open your heart.

46. Every time we love, every time we give, it's Christmas. (Dale Evans)

When in the rest of the year you give to those in need, you are lucky, you carry Christmas in your heart.

47. Maybe Christmas, thought the Grinch, doesn't come from a store. Maybe... maybe... Christmas means a little more! (Dr Seuss)

Christmas is more than just giving and receiving gifts.

48. Don't worry about that little secret, Santa Claus is old and forgetful... I know that you are good.

He seeks to be a good person at all times.

49. Pastors, Eden is open. Don't you hear sonorous voices? Jesus was born in Bethlehem. (Loved nerve)

A very peculiar way to celebrate the birth of baby Jesus.

50. It is the small gestures and attitudes of our day to day that should provide us with a minimum of joy and understanding for everyone around us. In this way the Christmas spirit remains in our hearts.

Keeping the Christmas spirit is not difficult, you just have to be happy even in the worst moments and always smile.

51. One lovely thing about Christmas is that it is obligatory, like a storm, and we all share it together. (Garrison Keillor)

Christmas is synonymous with sharing.

52. The magic of Christmas night is being able to turn our dreams into reality.

When Christmas comes, all dreams can come true.

53. Between All Saints and Christmas, it really is winter.

In many countries, Christmas is the cold season.

54. Christmas is a good reason to experience the brotherhood that unites all beings on this planet. (Abel Perez Rojas)

Solidarity is a good reason to celebrate Christmas.

55. There is no ideal Christmas, only the Christmas that you decide to create as a reflection of your values, desires, loved ones and traditions. (Bill McKibben)

Each person lives Christmas in their own way.

56. Blessed is the date that unites the whole world in a conspiracy of love.

Christmas dates bring with them the opportunity for people to become much more human.

57. Christmas is that sweet space where memories, hugs and laughter prevail radiantly.

It is impossible not to have memories at Christmas.

58. Christmas, time to give, time to share and time to love.

At Christmas love, solidarity and sharing are present.

59. Christmas waves a magic wand over the world, and because of it, everything is softer and more beautiful. (Norman Vincent Peale)

Christmas has the ability to change even the hardest heart.

60. Christmas, the very word fills our hearts with joy. (Joan Winmill Brown)

Just reading the word Christmas fills the heart with joy.

61. Better than all the gifts under the Christmas tree is the presence of a happy family.

There is nothing more pleasant than being surrounded by happy and united people.

62. Christmas is the light that breaks the dark night of the centuries. (Juan Maria Canales

There is nothing brighter than Christmas.

63. Christmas is synonymous with love...

There can be no Christmas but there is love.

64. Make a wish, closing your eyes well, think about Christmas and wait for your miracle. (Anonymous)

Miracles are created thanks to our good deeds.

65. My idea of ​​Christmas, both old-fashioned and modern, is very simple: love others. Let's think about it, why do we have to wait for Christmas to do it? (Bob Hope)

It doesn't have to be Christmas to become supportive.

66. Christmas is painted the color of your deepest emotions. (Anonymous)

As is your interior, so will be your Christmas.

67. Selfishness makes Christmas a burden, love makes it a delight.

Live Christmas with joy, even if it's hard for you to smile.

68. A cup of hope, four tablespoons of tenderness, a pinch of friendship and lots and lots of sincere love: the recipe for a perfect Christmas. (Anonymous)

Good recipe to put into practice during Christmas.

69. Christmas is a time full of magic in which the best are not the gifts but the beautiful moments that we live next to our loved ones. (Anonymous)

Spending Christmas with the family is the best gift we can give ourselves.

70. Christmas is love in action. Every time we dream, every time we give ourselves, it's Christmas.

Whenever we give to others, Christmas is present.

71. My idea of ​​the perfect Christmas is very simple: love others.

If you love your brother, then Christmas makes sense.

72. Christmas is that day that holds the rest of the days together. (Alexander Smith)

We all long for Christmas to start over again.

73. The only people who are truly blind at Christmas time are the ones who don't have Christmas in their hearts. (Helen Adams Keller)

Those who don't feel Christmas are those who are heartbroken.

74. Peace on earth will be established when we live Christmas every day. (Helen Steiner Rice)

If we acted like it was Christmas every day, the world would be better.

75. Even if other things are lost over the years, let's keep Christmas bright. (Grace Noll Crowell)

Don't let bad memories cloud your Christmas.

76. If you don't know what to give your loved ones for Christmas, give them your love. (Anonymous)

There is no better present than your love.

77. From grape harvest to Christmas, everything is sewing and singing

Christmas comes very fast.

78. Christmas is the time of year when we run out of money before our friends do. (Larry Wilde)

Don't let Christmas be just shopping.

79. It comes every year and will forever. And with Christmas come memories and customs. Those humble everyday memories that all mothers cling to. Like the Virgin Mary, in the secret corners of her heart." (Marjorie Holmes)

Memories are an important part of Christmas.

80. Christmas is not a date... It is a state of mind. (Mary Ellen Chase)

Do not forget to give something to that important person, even if it is a small thing, the intention is what counts.

81. Sometimes someone comes into your life and you know right away that he was born to be there. (Anonymous)

At Christmas we become aware of those around us.

82. Gifts of time and love are undoubtedly the basic ingredients of a truly merry Christmas. (Peg Bracken)

Give a little of your time to a loved one.

83. There has only been one Christmas, the rest are anniversaries. (William John Cameron)

The birth of Jesus is the most fun, joyful and nourishing commemoration.

84. Christmas is the season to light the fire of hospitality in the living room, and the great flame of charity in the heart. (Washington Irving)

Be supportive both in your actions and in your desires.

85. Those who think that Santa Claus enters through the chimney are mistaken, in reality he enters through the heart. (Paul M. he)

Santa comes to you through your memories and good deeds.

86. What I like about company Christmas parties is having to look for another job the next day. (Phyllis Diller)

There are things that go fast like Christmas.

87. Christmas is the time when everyone wants their past to be forgotten and their present to be remembered. (Phyllis Diller)

The past returns with every Christmas.

88. Christmas is that child that is born within us, that motivates the noblest sentiments in our hearts, and that hope for a better tomorrow.

It is on these dates where our innocence and childish spirit must come to light.

89. At Christmas play a lot and have fun, because it only comes once a year. (Thomas Tusser)

You have to enjoy Christmas to the fullest, because we don't know if it's the last.

90. Christmas is joy, religious joy, an internal joy of light and peace. (Pope Francisco)

Do not put inner peace aside during these dates.

91. Christmas is all about love. It is the time of the year when our hearts are most open and harmonious, and our hopes are renewed.

Hearts open much more at Christmas.

92. Let's not lose the illusion of Christmas, because those who are no longer there were the ones who taught us to live it.

Take some time to thank all those people who are no longer here for their teachings.

93. Christmas is a time when you feel nostalgic, even when you are at home. (Carol Nelson)

Nostalgia is present at Christmas, even if we are in company.

94. Christmas is like a baby shower that got completely out of hand. (Andy Borowitz)

At Christmas there is no control.

95. The three phrases that best sum up Christmas: peace in the world, let's be kind and batteries not included.

Christmas brings joy, kindness and the desire to move on.

96. Christmas is like a sweet; it slowly melts in your mouth, sweetening every palate, making you wish it could last forever. (Richelle E. Goodrich)

The wishes that are made at Christmas, if they are made from the heart, come true.

97. The purity of Christmas is painted white. The serenity of Christmas is painted blue. The passion of Christmas is painted red. The happiness of Christmas… Take the brush and paint your life!

You are the only one who can paint your life with the colors you want.

98. Christmas is a tonic for our souls. It moves us to think of others more than ourselves. Direct our thoughts to give. (B. c. Forbes)

I don't know what Christmas has, well, we all become more human.

99. Christmas gives us the opportunity to stop and think about the important things in life. (A stranger)

Christmas allows us to sit down and reflect on what is really important.

100. Now Christmas surrounds us and happiness is everywhere. (Shirley Salley)

Christmas has arrived and happiness and joy have overflowed.

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