Education, study and knowledge

Three-digit multiplication problems

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We continue with the videos on the problem solving with multiplication. Solving problems is not an easy task but with these videos from you will surely understand them a little better.

Multiplication is a binary operation that is established on a numerical set. [Such is the case of natural numbers, it consists of adding a number as many times as another number indicates. Thus, 4 × 3 is equal to adding the value 4 by itself three times (4 + 4 + 4). It is a different operation from addition, but equivalent,

In this video I will show you how solve three-digit multiplication problems. These problems will be solved in the same way as those of 2-digit multiplication. The only difference is that the operations will be more complicated.

Remember that to solve any type of problem it is very important to read the statement very well to know what information the problem gives us and what it asks of us. I, as always, will divide the problem solving in three different parts: the data that they give us, the

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operation what to do and the solution. Following these steps will make it much easier to solve the problem.

Here is an example of how the process would be to solve three-digit multiplication, you will see that it is very easy:

Finally, if you want to practice with problems similar to those that I have explained in the video I have left you on the web some printable exercises with their solutions with different problems so that you can check if you have understood them. I hope they help you!
Three-digit multiplication problems

Three-digit multiplication problems

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