Education, study and knowledge

Two-digit addition problems without carrying

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We continue with the problems with sums. In the previous video I taught how to solve problems with sums of a figure and now we are going to complicate it a little more with Two-digit addition problems without carrying.

In this video I will explain through examples how to solve this type of two-digit problems without carrying. The procedure will be the same as solving single-digit addition problems. It is very important to read the statement well and understand what the problem asks of us. Then we will follow a series of steps to be able to solve the problem easily. First of all, we will look at the data that gives us the problem and if we want we will accompany them with some simple drawings so that it is easier for us to understand it. Next we will think what operation is the right one for solve the problem and finally we will write the solution. If we follow all these steps and verify that the operation is well done, the problem will be well resolved.

In addition, I have left you other problems under the video where it says

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printable exercises and solutions. So the children can practice with other problems similar to the ones I teach in the video.

If you have any questions about what I explain in the video, do not hesitate to ask me through our website I will be happy to help you!
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