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5 Extremely Simple Mindfulness Practices

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Did you know incorporating mindfulness activities into your daily routine can be much easier what do you think? In this busy world, our mind moves quickly from one thought to another, from one task to another. This leaves us no room for calm and can lead us to feel stress.

I am aware that most of us do not have time to do a 30 minute meditation session. But, I promise you don't need that much time!

  • Related article: "What is Mindfulness? The 7 answers to your questions"

Very easy practices of Mindfulness

The following mindfulness exercises can help you slow down, be more present, and become more aware of yourself and the environment around you.

Practice 1. wake up consciously

When you wake up in the morning (before checking your phone), sit on the bed or in a chair. Close your eyes and contact the sensations of your body: you can feel the pajamas on your skin, your bare feet resting on the carpet, your breath...

Take several breaths, taking the air in through the nose and releasing it through the mouth. Then let your breathing regulate itself and take its own rhythm. Notice how your chest rises and falls as you breathe. Once you have done the above, it is time to ask yourself some questions: What do I want from today? How to take better care of myself? What is my intention for today? Establish your intention, for example, it can be to eat healthy, talk with a friend, walk quietly around the city...

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Once this is done, start your day with that intention in mind. It is recommended that throughout the day you take a break to check your intention.

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Practice 2. just sit

This is a basic meditation that you can practice in many different situations, such as while you're waiting for your appointment, you're on public transportation, you're at work. It is easy to learn and apply and will only take you a minuteThat's why this is one of my favorite practices.

Sit in a chair with an upright posture, but without stiffness. It is important that both feet rest on the ground, that is, do not cross your legs. Position your hands in a way that is comfortable and relaxed for you. Close your eyes and begin to focus on your breath, as you follow each inhalation and exhalation. If you realize that you have been distracted, nothing happens, do not fight, congratulate yourself for having realized that you have been distracted and continue with the breaths. After about a minute, slowly open your eyes and resume your activities.

  • Related article: "10 psychologically healthy daily habits, and how to apply them to your life"

Practice 3. conscious eating

Has it ever happened to you that you ate everything on your plate without even being aware of it? Try to eat more consciously and you will see how the moment of food can be more pleasant.

First, before you start eating, take a few moments to breathe. After the breaths, bring your attention to the physical sensations in your body, especially the stomach area. Ask yourself: How hungry am I? How do I know if I'm hungry or not? listen to your body, not your thoughts. This can be a difficult task, since we tend to pay more attention to what we think than to what we feel. Now that you are more aware of your hunger (or not hunger), you can make more conscious choices about what to eat, when, and how much.

Finally, try to eat in peace and quiet. Slow down the speed at which you eat and keep your breathing conscious.

Practice 4. walking meditation

Walking meditation is, as its name suggests, a form of meditation that is practiced while walking. It is common to do it in a straight line or in circles, although it is not mandatory. Besides, you can do this exercise almost anywhere; for example, when you walk to work, take a walk with your dog or are with your children in the park.

The most important thing is to be fully aware of our gait, how our foot lifts off the ground, the roughness of the sidewalk, like our clothes brush against our skin when walking... Being connected to our breath also helps us aid.

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Practice 5. If you monotask, not multitask

This practice seems very important to me in a society in which the ability to do several things at the same time is increasingly valued. This tendency to multitask takes us completely away from mindfulness. All you have to do is fully focus on whatever task you are working on. And only in that task. That is, if you are playing with your child, it is not worth looking at your mobile, if you are cooking, do not watch YouTube videos, etc.

As you have seen throughout this article, mindfulness activities can be applied to almost anything you do in your daily life. If you try these mindfulness activities, please tell us about your experiences.

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