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Or what was it or Modernism? Historical context, works and authors

O Modernismo foi, sem dúvida, um two movements that will most impact the ways we think and create. We can define "Modernism" as a set of cultural currents and artistic schools that will emerge in the first goal of the 20th century.

It is important to emphasize that within this label there are various forms of thought, and they all agree with each other; Not really, some were antagonistic.

So that the tinham in common was the notion that the traditional culture was exceeded and that, for that reason, it was necessary to find new ideas and concepts. These avant-garde will start, then, in search of new, modern.

Strongly marked by values ​​of experimentalism and transgression, these currents try to break as parents, norms, not only ways of raising, but also of nurture and agitation in society.

Not Brazil, as well as other points of the world, or movement trouxe various transformations in culture and art, especially not field of literature.

Or its value and legacy and incalculable, one time that modernist artists become a reference for various generations of future breeders.

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Characteristics of Modernism

Embora or modernism tenha was configured in various ways, through various forms of artistic expression in different points of the world, we can identify some characteristics transversais:

  • TO rupture with tradition;
  • TO experimentalist stance;
  • TO daily valuation;
  • Looking for / reconstruction of identity.

With spirits full of desire for novelty, modernist artists and writers do not hesitate to discard the models of traditional regras.

Instead of following or copying, we will seek innovation, creativity, exploring, experimenting and trying to access new knowledge and techniques.

Trust me too detailed explanation of the characteristics of modernism.

Historical context of Modernism

Or Modernism arose in no time period that separated the First World War (1914 - 1918) and the Second (1939 - 1945). At its origin is situated, therefore, a period traversed by conflicts, revolutions and social transformations deep.

It is also important to note that the historical context of the modernist movement was largely influenced by the ongoing industrialization process and the various technological advances that were emerging.

Fruit of a tempo that is characterized by peels looking for progressThese artists will try other ways and techniques to breed. For this reason, they were inspired by dissident artistic currents, such as Impressionism and Symbolism.

From 1890, Modernism began to take shape in a cultural movement. Um two founding frameworks foi a loja opening Art nouveauby Siegfried Bing, em Paris. Starting from the local name, some translations and "modernism" appeared as the most commonly used label.

Literary Modernism

Na literature, or the legacy of two modernists, was valuable. Tired of always seeing the same themes in the same ways, not fazer literature, they want to break with the traditions, promoting uma formal and aesthetic freedom.

These values ​​are manifested, for example, through free verse and non-use of pontuação. Another marked movement of the movement and the way in which they valued everyday topics, trazendo you for prose and poetry.

Many times, these themes were accompanied by a humorous tom and / or a linguistic record next to the orality.

Or literary modernism ganhou muita forces mainly in Europe and the United States of America. After the First World War, these authors were never concerned about serving the interests of the bourgeoisie, but simply because of the inconsistencies in the reality they lived in.

O movimento também trouxe various literary techniques such as o flow of consciousnessThe interior monologues add to the possibility of showing several different points of view within the same work.

Portrait of Ezra Pound.
Portrait of Ezra Pound (1885 - 1972), North American poet and literary critic.

Uma das outstanding figures do not começo do movimento foi or North American poet and critic Ezra Pound. In 1912, the Creole or Imaginism, a current of Anglo-American poetry that apostasy did not use precise images and a clear language.

Já em Portugal, modernist literature started full throttle in 1915, with the creation of the Magazine Orpheu. Among the collaborators of the publication are great names of Portuguese literature, such as Fernando Pessoa and Mário de Sá-Carneiro.

Orpheu magazine cape.

Not Brazil, or the great modernist folklore that took place some years later, in 1922. Among the various names that will integrate the first generation of Brazilian modernism, three ficaram understood as a "Modernist triad": Oswald de Andrade, Mário de Andrade and Manuel Bandeira.

Modernism not Brazil

Not Brazil, or Modernism was a movement of enormous impact, which saw the traditional structures overthrow and transform national art and culture.

Embora já existissem agitações anterior, or initial frame of the movement foi a Modern Art WeekWhat happened on February 13, 15 and 17, 1922, not Theatro Municipal, in São Paulo.

The event includes a series of lectures, readings, exhibitions and recitations of music, combining various artistic modalities.

Among some two names present in this "starting point" of Brazilian modernism, Oswald de Andrade, Graça Aranha, Anita Malfatti, Mário de Andrade, Di Cavalcanti and Villa-Lobos stand out.

Organizing Committee of the Modern Art Week, with Oswald de Andrade standing out (in front).
Organizing Committee of the Modern Art Week, with Oswald de Andrade standing out (in front).

In the date that celebrates the centenary of the Brazilian Independence, artists and intellectuals from different areas will gather to reflect on the new rumor that they want to continue to rebuild the country.

Verifying that the national artistic productions reflect the colonial herança and the European models, the modernists wish to break with the traditions. Or was your ultimate goal to value, celebrate and promote Brazilian culture and reality.

Phases of Brazilian modernism

Brazilian literature, or Modernism assumes three phases, with quite different characteristics and principles.

1st Phase: Heroic Phase (1922 - 1930)

In the first phase of Modernism in Brazil, it was also more incendiary and willing to break with the patrons, the forms and the traditional themes. This geração ficou known for the revaluation of indigenous culture and search for a national identity.

O nome de Oswald de Andrade and incontornável n this period. Além de fazer part of the organizing committee of the Modern Art Week, I was also the author of two publications essenciais: Manifesto da Poesia Pau-Brasil and Manifesto Manifesto.

2nd Phase: Phase of Consolidação ou Geração de 30 (1930 -1945)

Conhened by having been a geração de continuity, this phase maintains some of the first modernist principles, such as formal freedom and experimentation. Discussed about sociopolitical and philosophical questions, these writers began to perceive and register the inequalities of Brazil.

Ganha força, assim, or regionalism, with works like To Bagaceira, by José Américo de Almeida, and Macunaímaby Mário de Andrade.

3rd Phase: Post-Modernist ou Geração de 45 Phase (1945 - 1960)

In the last generation, also known as Post-Modernist, it reflects the parameters of previous generations. Influenced by political events such as the Cold War and the establishment of the Brazilian government, this phase is more introspective, serious, individualistic.

Na prose, or regionalism continues to proliferate, this time focused on sertaneja realities; Grande Sertão: Paths, by Guimarães Rosa, is named as one of the two major classical of that period.

Find out more about or Modernism not Brazil, its phases and characteristics.

Modernism Works

São incontáveis ​​works of modernist literature that were produced by the inner world. However, some will stand out and become true classics of the movement.

Ulisses (1922), released by the Irish author James Joyce reinvented Odisseia by Homer, and designated as a number of modernist works-firsts.

Capa do livro Ulisses, by James Joyce.

Quite complex and with references to subjects that were considered improper, Ulisses It was censored but it became one of the two most influential romances of all times.

Na poetry, or author and critic T. S. Eliot, who was born to the United States and moved to England, was quite remarkable. The same chegou to win or Nobel Prize for Literature in 1948.To Useless Terra (1922) is a two of his most popular poems, faced as or deflated by his geração in the post-war period.

Capa do livro Macunaíma.

Not our country, Mário de Andrade was two authors who headed the first modernist generation, with truly innovative works such as an anthology of stories. Paulicéia Desvairada (1922). O seu livro more famous of him,MacunaímaIt was launched in 1928 and became an important framework not a Brazilian literary canon.

Later, já integrating the third party, João Guimarães Rosa escreveu Grande Sertão: Paths (1956), an experimental romance focused on sertanejo regionalism.

Authors of Modernism

Not as a Brazilian, there are some modernist authors that we will not mention impossibly. Um uncontrollable example Oswald de Andrade, or writer and expert who was a great promoter of the Modern Art Week of 22.

Portrait of Oswald de Andrade.
Portrait of Oswald de Andrade (1890 - 1954), Brazilian writer and scholar.

Além de ter been author two modernist manifests that will define the non-country period, or Manifesto da Poesia Pau-Brasil (1924) e o Manifesto Manifesto (1928), or writer also published several works of poetry, theater and romance.

Quem estava do seu side na empreiada era Mario de Andrade, poet, critic and musicologist who was seen as a leading figure in Brazilian intellectual life. Author of emblematic works of national literature, he was also considered a polymath, ou seja, someone who has knowledge in various matters.

Portrait of Carlos Drummond de Andrade.
Portrait of Carlos Drummond de Andrade (1902 - 1987), considered one of the two greatest national poets.

Já na second modernist geração, Carlos Drummond de Andrade he conquered the public and critics with his poetry, being appointed as one of the two most influential poets of the XX century.

Some of your compositions of it, like No meio do caminho and Joseph We continue to be extremely popular with new readers.

Portrait of Virginia Woolf-
Portrait of Virginia Woolf (1882 - 1941), English writer, editor and essayist.

Nem só de homens se fez o Modernismo e Virginia Woolf foi uma das evidências disso mesmo. An English writer and publisher was the main figures of modernist literature in her country, with unspecific works such as Mrs Dalloway (1925) e Orlando (1928).

No Brazil, some authors also stand out in the literary panorama. Foi or case of Cecília Meireles, to poet author of Romanceiro da Inconfidência (1953), and Clarice lispector, romancista and contista that escreveu classics like A Hora da Estrela (1977).

Portrait of James Joyce.
Portrait of James Joyce (1882 - 1941), romance writer, writer and poet born in Ireland.

Finally, it is impossible to mention modernist authors James joyce, or romancist and Irish poet who wrote Ulisses, who is considered one of the works of Modernism in the English language.

Main modernist authors

No brazil

  • Oswald de Andrade (1890 - 1954)
  • Mário de Andrade (1893 - 1945)
  • Manuel Bandeira (1886 - 1968)
  • Cassiano Ricardo (1894 - 1974)
  • Carlos Drummond de Andrade (1902 - 1987)
  • Murilo Mendes (1901 - 1975)
  • Cecília Meireles (1901 - 1964)
  • João Guimarães Rosa (1908 - 1967)

Na Europe

  • Virginia Woolf (1882 - 1941)
  • James Joyce (1882 - 1941)
  • Luigi Pirandello (1867 - 1936)
  • Rainer Maria Rilke (1875 - 1926)
  • Guillaume Apollinaire (1880 - 1918)
  • Franz Kafka (1883 - 1924)
  • Fernando Pessoa (1888 - 1935)
  • Mário de Sá Carneiro (1890 - 1915)
  • Almada Negreiros (1893 - 1970)
  • José Régio (1901 - 1969)
  • Alves Redol (1911-1969)

Modernism no cinema

We can affirm that the cinema, in the “imagem-movement” emerged at the end of the XIX century, with the creation of the cinetoscope (1889) and the cinematograph (1892). A cinematographic art, however, only began to form the first decades of the XIX century.

Also, it is easy to understand that either the cinema influenced or the modernist movement was also influenced by it. Among the main references, stands out o German expressionism, represented, for example, film hair Metropolis (1927) by Fritz Lang.

Metropolis (1927) Trailer # 1 | Movieclips Classic Trailers

Another framework of modernism no cinema foi o surrealism english, conheque sobretudo through A chien andalou (1928), film directed by Luis Buñuel and Salvador Dalí that can be seen in full below:

Um Cão Andaluz (Un Chien Andaluz) legendary Pt / Br

OR soviet cinema It was also extremely important, as works that will enter the history of the seventh art, such as O Encouraçado Potemkin (1925) by Sergei Eisenstein e Um Homem com uma Câmera (1929) by Dziga Vertov.

O homem com uma camera Dziga Vertov 1929 (Trailer)

No Brazilian panorama, or Cinema Novo It was a movement that had an international impact, promoting the transformation of the country.

Some of the two most famous films since the time ecoavam also modernist influences. É or case of Deus e o Diabo na Terra do Sol (1964) e Terra em Transe (1967) by Glauber Rocha ou Macunaíma (1969) by Joaquim Pedro de Andrade.

Modernism in painting and avant-garde schools

Depois do seu initial fôlego, or Modernism begins to spread through various points of the world, presenting distinctions and singularities from the context.

As tempo, or movement I manage to take in a number of different forms of cultural and artistic expression: painting, architecture, literature, music, etc.

Influenced also by the appearance of cinema, a moving image, painters from this period began to invent their own ways of breeding and escaping traditional realism.

Nasceram, assim, os various "isms" that will deeply mark our artistic panorama: or Expressionism, or Cubism, or Dadaism, or Surrealism, or Futurism, etc.

As artistic vanguardists are characterized by radicalism and also by exploration of the mind, as the objective of expressing feelings and emotions.

Kandinsky's Quadro (1925)

Amarelo-Vermelho-Blue (1925), by Kandinsky

OR Expressionism It emerged in Germany and was attended by Wassily Kandinsky with two main representatives. O Cubismo teve as your co-founder and maximum representative or Spanish painter Pablo Picasso.

Na Italy, or Futurism ganhou força na literature, devido ao Futuristic Manifesto, the poet Filippo Marinetti. Seus preceitos ecoavam na painting by artists such as Umberto Boccioni, Carlo Carrá and do português Almada Negreiros.

Led by the poet Tristan Tzara, or the Dada movement emerged in Suíça, born in the city of Zurique. Já em Paris, uma das mais notáveis ​​avant-garde modernist was born: o Surrealism.

As writer André Breton as mentor and poet Guillaume Apollinaire as thermo breeder, or Surrealism It is a highly prolific aesthetic current. Among the great names of the epoch, it stands out or Salvador Dali, which remains as an icon attached to years of leafing days.

Quadro A Persistência da Memória, by Salvador Dalí
A Persistência da Memória (1931), by Salvador Dalí.

All these avant-garde schools Try not only to innovation, but also to experience. Willing to explore everything or what was to be discovered, they were concerned with understanding the human mind and altering the ways of thinking and living. Its influence was, therefore, a determining factor in the literary panorama.

Not Brazil, the painters were influenced by these European avant-gardes, marking the presence of the Brazilian movement since or beginning, in the Modern Art Week.

Abaporu (1928), Tarsila do Amaral
Abaporu (1928), by Tarsila do Amaral

Looking for uma aesthetic renovationThese artists will pay attention to national culture, urban centric years, industrialization, among other themes that are notable at the time.

Tarsila do Amaral is appointed as the greatest exponent of Brazilian modernist painting. To work Abaporu (1928), the artist, inspired the creation of the Anthropophagic Movement.

Great modernist painters

No brazil

  • Anita Malfatti (1889 - 1964)
  • Di Cavalcanti (1897— 1976),
  • Tarsila do Amaral (1886 - 1973)
  • Candido Portinari (1903 - 1962)
  • Vicente do Rego Monteiro (1899 - 1970)
  • Inácio da Costa Ferreira (1892 -1958)

Na Europe

  • Wassily Kandinsky (1866 - 1944)
  • Henri Matisse (1869 - 1954)
  • Pablo Picasso (1881 - 1973)
  • Salvador Dalí (1904 - 1989)
  • Piet Mondrian (1872 - 1944)
  • Georges Braque (1882 - 1963)
  • Umberto Boccioni (1882 - 1916)

Conheça also

  • Modern Art: movements and artists in Brazil and in the world
  • Great Brazilian Modernist Poems
  • Quadros of Tarsila do Amaral
  • Futurism: what were the main works?
  • Naturalism not Brazil
  • A Persistência da Memória, by Salvador Dalí
  • Fantastic Realism
  • Naturalism: characteristics and main works
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