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Summary and analysis of conto A cartomante, by Machado de Assis

Or count To cartomancer, from the genre of Brazilian literature Machado de Assis, tells the story of the love triangle composed by Vilela, Rita and Camilo. Originally published in the journal Gazeta de Notícias do Rio de Janeiro on November 28, 1884, or it ended up being recovered later in the day at the author's collection. Various Histories (1896).

I summarize

Uma paixão forbidden

A history começa numa sixth-feira de novembro de 1869. Rita, anguished with her loving situation, resolves to consult, in hiding, a cartomancer who serves as a kind of oracle. Dull-haired lover Camilo, a childhood friend of her husband, Rita fears hair related relationships that run in parallel. Camilo zomba gives atitude to the lover because he does not accredit any superstition.

Rita, Vilela and Camilo were quite close, especially após a morte da mãe de Camilo.

Rita and her husband lived in Botafogo and, when she managed to escape home, she would find her hidden lover at Rua dos Barbonos.

As I daí chegaram ao amor, no o soube he ever. To be sure, he spent hours by her side, he was her moral nurse, who was an irmã, but mainly she was woman and pretty. Odor di feminina: eis o que ele aspirava nela, e em volta dela, to incorporate it into itself. Liam we love you, iam together to theaters and passeios. Camilo ensinou-lhe as ladies and or xadrez and jogavam às noites; - he is bad, - he, for him to be nice, little less bad.

instagram story viewer

Camilo felt seduced by Rita and, fate, who settled in a love triangle.

You give anonymous letters to ameaça

Or a problem arises when Camilo receives anonymous letters from someone that reveals the knowledge of the extra-conjugal relationship. Camilo, I know how to react, he is worried about Vilela, who is suddenly missing or disappearing from his friend.

Desperate to receive a ticket from Vilela summoning to find him in his house, Camilo recovers the old wounded babies, as well as Rita, following in search of the cartomancer.

To reviravolta

After consultation, Camilo calms down and goes, calm down, find a friend, believing that or in case he had not been uncovered.

OR twist The last paragraph is given when the tragic end of the lovers' house is revealed. Ao entering Vilela's house, Camilo meets Rita assassinated. Finally, he takes two shots from his childhood friend, also falling dead no chão.

Vilela did not respond to him; tinha as feições decompostas; fez-lhe sinal, e foram for an interior saleta. Entering, Camilo could not suffocate a cry of terror: - Ao founded on the couch, Rita was dead and bloody. Vilela pegou-o pela gola, e, with two revolver shots, estirou-o morto no chão.


A forte presença da city no text

A common tradition in Machadian literature is a strong presence of the cartography of the city, not the literary text. Em To cartomancer Not different, we see over the years a series of references to the streets of the city and the road years that people usually percorriam:

The house I found was in the old Rua dos Barbonos, where Rita was from Moravia and Rita's province. This descent from Rua das Mangueiras, in the direction of Botafogo, where she resided; Camilo descended from Guarda Velha, going from passage to the cartomante's house.

São menções pontuais that help to locate or read no time and no space and that a huge public plot does not conheça in detail to the area south of Rio de Janeiro, to a narrative unfolded a map of the city from two little hairy roads personagens. This is a generous and creative way for the writer to make known to the city readers who did not know at this or Rio de Janeiro.

A history is locked in open

Outra characteristic of the prose of Machado de Assis and the famous Brazilian writer deixar many mysteries suspended no ar. Em To cartomancer, for example, let's go to the end of the story to understand how Vilela effectively discovers a traição.

Had it been a cartomancer to count or extra-conjugal case? Or would husband have intercepted a few letters exchanged between lovers? As readers we continue to eat dúvidas in the open.

Outra asks what not to do when we escort to prove that the case was discovered through the reading of some letters é: I know, of fato, a cartomancer tinha or dom da vidência, because the fez Camilo believed that the story would end as a final happy? Doesn't fit it - what defines the oracle function in the narrative - will it alert-stop it or iminent?

A complaint gives hypocrisia

I do not tell Machado tragicomic we read a series of social criticisms and a denunciation of hypocrisy that reigned in bourgeois society of that time. Paira around To cartomancer or subject of assassination, adulthood and sustainability of an empty marriage in the maintenance of social order.

Or leitor barnacle, for example, as a marriage based on convenience and not love that, of course, should unite a home. A bourgeois society and or marriage são, in the prose of Machado, moved exclusively by financial interests.

But this is not a personagem Rita who proves to be a hypocrite in history, Camilo maintains me anyway or you see appearances to feed a supposedly true friend with Vilela when, no true, she brought my friend with her respective wife.

An inspiration for the creation of Machado de Assis teria arising from a series of cases that were reported to us at that time. It is worth noting that adulthood was a recurring theme in the 19th century bourgeois society.

A complex of two people

Machadian people are rich precisely because they present themselves as complex beings, endowed with contradictions, attitudes to the same time and more, generous and sordid. We cannot say, for example, that I did not tell a hero or a villain, all the protagonists carry positive and negative aspects.

They all play a social role in each other, at the same time, victims and some people with whom they relate. Rita, for example, brought a husband, on the other hand it was up to the caregiver or burden of interpreting or the role of a socially appropriate woman, maintaining a façade marriage.

It is also important to note how, throughout the text, we practically do not find any value judgment on the attitudes presented. The narrator transfers to the reader, therefore, the responsibility of giving or conducting two people in question.

Personagens principais


In her thirties, she is described as a stupid, silly, graceful lady, long live gestures, warm smells, a fine and questioning mouth. Rita is married to Vilela and the lover of Camilo, a childhood friend of her husband. It is about a typical woman of bourgeois society, who maintains a marriage of appearances and fulfills her social role of wife despite being in a marriage that is not happy.


Magistrate, open an advocacy desk in Rio de Janeiro. He is twenty and nine years old and lives in a house in Botafogo. He is married to Rita and fulfills what he expected of a bourgeois homemaker: provider, Vilela has a great deal and has a beautiful woman.


Twenty-six-year-old civil servant, Camilo did not follow or wish for the country, who wanted to see a doctor. He feared as a childhood friend or advocate Vilela and ended up being turned off by Rita, a woman of my friend, as he developed a clandestine love.

To cartomancer

A woman is about forty years old, Italian, dark and lean, with big eyes, described as dull and sharp. A cartomancer was given by Rita - and depois by Camilo - as a kind of oracle capable of divining or future, but in practice I failed to foresee the tragic events that would result in extraconjugal.

Film To cartomancer

Directed by Marcos Farias, or based on a historical film To cartomancer It was launched in the year 1974. History is divided into two parts, the first is passed in the year of 1871 (as well as or counted), to the second it has as a modern cenário, in the 1970s. Or cast and composed by Mauricio do Valle, Itala Nandi, Ivan Cândido, Célia Maracajá and Paulo Cesar Pereio.

To cartomancer em quadrinhos

An adaptation of Machado's contour for HQ was made by Flávio Pessoa and Maurício Dias through watercolor paintings. The outdoor dining rooms are not undone, or in contrast to paintings we see photographs that serve as setting for Rio de Janeiro at the end of the XIX century. As images são de Marc Ferrez and Augusto Malta.

To cartomancer HQ

To cartomancer turn opera

Not on July 31, 2014, in Brasília, or teacher Jorge Antunes appeared in his adaptation of the brief Machadiano count for opera.

Opera A CARTOMANTE by Jorge Antunes - première

Complete reading of the contents

Or count To cartomancer It is in the public domain and is available in its entirety in PDF version.

Or what do you know about Machado de Assis?

Born on June 21, 1839, not Morro do Livramento, Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis had humble origins. He was filho de dois ex-escravos alforriados, or pai era or painter of walls Francisco José de Assis e a mãe era a lavadeira açoreana Maria Leopoldina Machado de Assis. He was born orfão de mãe logo given and was raised by stepmother Maria Inês.

Mestiço, he has immense difficulty to stay not formal. He never went to attend a university, he was self-taught and began to work as an apprentice printer at the National Press. At the age of 19, he became a reviewer in an editor, and at the age of 20, he worked non-paid Correio Mercantil. At the age of 21 he began to collaborate in Jornal do Rio.

He was a fairly active intellectual, published novel romances, about 200 stories, five collections of poems and sonnets, more than 600 chronicles, and some theatrical short stories. He also worked as a civil servant.

He married in 1869 with Carolina Xavier de Novais, his love tied or final gives life. He was a founding member and president of the Brazilian Academy of Letters. He occupied cadeira number 23 and escolheu as patron of his great friend José de Alencar.

He died on September 29, 1908, 69 years old.

machado and carolina
Or casal Carolina Xavier de Novais and Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis.

You want to know To cartomancer, discover also other works by the author:

  • The most famous works of Machado de Assis
  • Conto Missa do Galo by Machado de Assis
  • Poems by Machado de Assis commented
  • You are told by Machado de Assis that you need to know
  • Conto O espelho, by Machado de Assis
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