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Meaning of the poem O Bicho, by Manuel Bandeira

Or poem Or bug, written by Pernambuco author Manuel Bandeira (1886 - 1968), has a harsh social criticism of Brazilian realities for two years and forty.

Concise, or face poem, with precision, a record of human misery. Find out its in-depth analysis below:

Or bugby Manuel Bandeira

I saw ontem a bug
Na imundície do patio
Tasting food among the detritus.
When he achava somethin ',
He did not examine nem cheirava:
Engolia com voracidade.
Or bug was not a cão,
He was not a cat,
It wasn't a long time.
Or bug, meu Deus, it was um homem.

Analysis of the poem Or bug stanza by stanza

Written in Rio de Janeiro, not on December 27, 1947, or a poem portrays the social reality of Brazil immersed in misery during the forties. Seemingly simple, but finally puzzling, or poem Report a fractured social order.

Bandeira demonstrates the ability to transform a sad and cruel dinner into poetry. Ao olhar for an experienced exclusion in the landscape of a large urban center, or poet denunciation or social abyss typical of Brazilian society.

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First trio

I saw ontem a bug
Na imundície do patio
Tasting food among the detritus.

At the presentation of the initial dinner, we see a little subject who will learn about the daily life and use the dinners from day to day as poetic material.

Logo at the first appearance of the bug, we know more about the place and time, not what it was found, and what it was doing.

Immersed in its context, or animal It feeds that society is wasted. I'm looking for food, or vasculha bug or let's play fora

Second triplet

When he achava somethin ',
He did not examine nem cheirava:
Engolia com voracidade.

This second section does not address more properly or bug, more to his attitude, or his behavior in the specific situation.

In this passage, we perceive the difficulty of the creature to find food and its afobação ao it is found with something that can serve as food ("não examinava nem cheirava").

Or last verse, "Engolia com voracidade.", fala da fome, it gives pressure, it gives urgency to attend to the basic needs of the body that cries out for food.

Third trio

Or bug was not a cão,
He was not a cat,
It wasn't a long time.

Not the last triplet or eu-lyrical tries to define what a bug that would be. Trying to guess, he enumerates animais usually found in the streets. Enquanto or Homem lives in houses, the bugs live in the street, a public space destined for or abandonment.

At the organization of the verse face I believe that or eu-lyrical will mention another bug, we ficamos in suspense até or last verse without knowing what creature it is.

Last verse

Or bug, meu Deus, it was um homem.

Qual não é o terror When the reader discovers that he is a human being. At that time we perceive as a final home and equated to a bug, reduced to its need for survival, humbled to scavenge food among debris.

That verse denounces misery and poverty, tão characteristics of realities with a huge social abyss. Or bug It scandalizes or leitor pela his construction, which leaves us in suspense, and depois pela sad verification of the social circumstance that imposes on degradation of the human being.

In expressing "meu Deus", not at the end of the poem, it reveals a mixture of surprise and horror.

Poem format Or bug

O poem has a concise, condensed format, being composed by three triplets and a single final verse. Manuel Bandeira uses uma popular linguagem, open to all, with a poetic construction made from free verse.

Despite the word "bug" appearing three times a year during the poem (and being or title of the child), the construction only reveals situation of homem equated to or bug not last verse, leaving or reading to the dark for practically all to reading.

Characteristics of Modernism em Or bug

Or bug It is a typical exemplar of modernist poetry. It is about a lyric closely linked to its tempo, which denounces the social problems of the epoch.

To poetry here and faced like uma protest ferramenta; It should be remembered that two years 30 poetry was especially deceived and the verses passed from an aesthetic objective to an ideological project.

Manuel Bandeira records daily tragedies and was aware that this could not be a dinner passed out on the white. O poet understands that tem um social commitment I am aware that poetry cannot be restricted to an individualistic approach.

This way of facing or poetic fazer aligns itself with many other poets that give rise to it. The modernists accredited that we were serving popular culture and tinham as a target for fazer or public. Reflect on or everyday, on social inequality in our country and on the difficulty of living a large Brazilian metropolis.

A brief biography of the poet Manuel Bandeira

Manuel Bandeira, or famous Brazilian writer, born in Pernambuco on April 19, 1886, is not part of a well-stocked family. For six years he migrated as a country to Rio de Janeiro.

Or poet Ingressou did not course in architecture, but ended up abandoning the faculty to contract a tuberculosis.

Portrait of Manuel Bandeira
Portrait of Manuel Bandeira

Packed with letters, Bandeira became a professor, writer, literary and art critic. O seu first book published foi To cinza days hours.

Tido as two great names of Brazilian Modernism, the author of two famous poems Pneumothorax, Os Sapos and Vou-me Embora pra Pasárgada. Or a writer died on October 13, 1968, 82 years old.

Conheça also

  • You will remember the poems of Manuel Bandeira
  • Poem Os sapos, by Manuel Bandeira
  • Poem Pneumothorax, by Manuel Bandeira
  • Poem Trem de ferro, by Manuel Bandeira
  • Poem Vou-me embora pra Pasárgada, by Manuel Bandeira
  • Great Brazilian Modernist Poems
  • Fundamental Brazilian poets
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