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A raposa e as uvas: fable com moral, explicação e origin da historia

A classic fable of the fox and the grapes I see feeding gerações serving not only as a source of entertainment as well as learning.

Na brief history, recounted by great names such as Aesop and La Fonteine ​​and always starring a badly resolved fox, the little ones are introduced to the issues of cobiça, da inveja e da frustration.

A fable of the fox and the grapes (Aesop's version)

Chegando a Raposa to a parreira, a widow loaded with ripe and formosa grapes and cobiçou-as. He began to make attempts to climb; For that reason, as the grapes were high and the rise was enter me, no matter how much I tried, I did not manage to reach it. Then he disse:

- These grapes are very blue, and can stain my teeth; I don't want to colhê-las verde, pois not like delas assim.

E, dito isto, foi-se embora.

Moral of history

Homem warned, things that I can't reach, you must show that you don't want to; It burns copper because of its faults and wear and tear it does not give up to it that it wants badly, but it is because it wants to be; and that is true in all things, have more place for us marriages, that I wish-the weeks will have you and pouquidade, and if I will show or homem that I do not lembram, even that I much shelter you.

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a fox and the grapes

Fable withdrawn from livro Aesop's Fables, translation and adaptation by Carlos Pinheiro. Publifolha, 2013.

Learn more about the history of raposa and das grapes

A fable of the fox and the grapes was rewritten many times a year long two centuries in various parts of the world.

As verses that were ficaram more consecrated foram as redrawn by Aesop (a versão mais antiga), La Fontaine and Phaedrus.

Not Brazil as national versions that will enter for the collective imagery of Millôr Fernandes, Monteiro Lobato, Jô Soares and Ruth Rocha.

Each author of his or her personal touch per year or according to the respective morais, practically embodies all of them turn around the same theme of disengagement due to the impossibility of achieving this as desired.

As Versões das Morais Two Authors

Numa das verses of Aesop to moral and succinct:

It is easy to ignore what is not achieved.

It sublimates the attitude of the fox that, under the conditions that it has been placed, depreciates or is its object of disposal (the grapes).

Na version of Fedro, for the time, or author uses the example of the fox to generalize or behavior two homens and call attention to the reaction that we have from a disappointment:

Those who curse that we cannot do it, we must look back, aware that they have been disregarded or bom conselho.

A version of La Fontaine, for the same time, follows the same line of Phaedrus, and in a more expanded way it approximates the history of events that may happen not to us day by day, sublining that many of us behave like a fox story:

E quantos são assim na vida: despise, devalue or that we cannot achieve. But a little hope is enough, a minimal possibility for me to see me, like a fox, or focinho. Olhem à volta, that you will meet in a large quantity.

A raposa e as grapes

As Brazilian Verses, by Monteiro Lobato and Millôr Fernandes, are shorter.

Or first he summarizes in some few words that are part of our popular imagination:

Quem since I wanted to buy.

Já Millôr Fernandes opted for a more philosophical morality and a more dense reading:

A frustration is a form of growth that is like any other.

Or what is a fable?

As fables, in terms of format, são generally divided into two parts: a description of the history and morality.

They servem simultaneously as entertainment at the same time as fulfilling um teaching / pedagogical paper and stimulates reflection.

These stories, generally succinct, talk about condemning behaviors - small and great injustices -, and ethical questions that touch on day-to-day situations.

What are you fabled people?

As fables are brief allegorical histories, generally starring animais or deceitful inanimate creatures, who carry a moral or an ensinament.

You are principal personagens dessas brief narratives são: o leão, a fox, a cicada, or a donkey, or a crook, or a while and a hound.

You encourage you to pass your stories through an anthropomorphic and agem as you home through the resource of personification. They ended up being symbol of virtues and human defects.

To the origin of fables

A word fable vem do Latin verb fable, who wants to tell or talk.

We do not know precisely the origins of the fables because the initially marked fora pe oralidade and, by isso, forms traveled from one side to another and sofreram a series of modifications.

The first fables that were known were sung by Hesoid, around 700 BC. C. e Archilochos, em 650 a. C.

What was Aesop?

We have little information about Aesop's life, who is properly suspicious of his existence.

Herodotus was the first to report that Aesop, who probably lived around 550 BC. C., he was, na verdade, um escravo. It is speculated that he was born in Asia Minor and that he was served in Greece.


Aesop does not escreveu nenhuma das his histories of him, the foram transcribed by later authors, such as, for example, the Roman Phaedrus.

I want to know more brief stories read the edição de As fables of Aesop, available in public domain.

Conheça also

  • Or that is a fable
  • As fables of Aesop
  • Fable A Cicada e a Formiga
  • Little Fables with Morality
  • Fables of Monteiro Lobato commented
  • As melhores fables com moral
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