Education, study and knowledge

10 free melhores to expand your mind

Dessa time we come across or challenge to create a list of works that give us a comfort zone! We do not use the literary genre as a criterion, here you will find essays with scientific views, romances and the same newspaper.

Our objective was to pursue works that would like to rethink our values ​​and expand our horizons.

We hope you will take advantage of the dicas and we wish you all a wonderful reading!

1. In search of lost tempo, by Proust

I'm looking for the lost tempo

The classic brought up by Proust occupies a bom piece of the shelf and is written that will make you (re) think of its relationship as past.

A history narrated by a French writer has the ability to make us travel by time and rework our experiences that we have lost.

Over the past two volumes we perceive the mechanisms that move to engender voluntary and involuntary memory and modify our way of dealing with remote tempos.

2. Or pink notebook from Lori Lamby, by Hilda Hilst

Or Lori Lamby's pink notebook

Or I have written about the controversial Brazilian writer Hilda Hilst, you will ask the limits between fiction and reality, between socially oil and or that disturbs our Moorish values.

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The narrator of O caderno rosa by Lori Lamby is a young woman who became a prostitute for her own country and tells her about her sexual experiences every day.

Or more disturbing is that a garota supposedly sentenced us to abuse us, or that it places or read in a situation of rejection and at the same time enchantment with genuinely obscene writing.

3. O andar do bêbado, by Leonard Mlodinow

Or walk do bêbado

On the contrary, two books presented above, O andar de bêbado is not about a fiction, but rather a work with a scientific base supported by physics, mathematics, economics and psychology.

Leonard Mlodinow tries to explain the role of perhaps in our daily life and how some two events in different areas can be justified by science.

With the help of the author, we understand basic concepts of probability, perhaps, statistic, lot, pattern and randomness. At the reading of O walk do bêbado face perceive how many times it is here that we have total control this time for us more.

4. Why do we faze or do we faze?, by Mario Sergio Cortella

Why do we face or what do we do?

Mario Sergio Cortella is professor and philosopher and writer Why do we do or what do we do? to reflect mainly on our relationship with what occupies a greater part of our day: or work.

Many times we choose a career by family suggestion or by the induction of two friends and we are going to assist or spend two years doing something that, I do not fund, we are not so interested in either.

Why do we face or what do we do? It is a treat for a pause and for a reflection. You face here, what do you want? What can I do to make a difference? Tem prazer na sua rotina? Is he satisfied with the hours pre-lit for two six days?

5. O filho eterno, by Cristóvão Tezza

O eternal filho

Despite being classified as a romance, O filho eterno is a deeply autobiographical book and tells the story of a little subject who discovers that it will be the father of a child with Down syndrome.

Genuinely honest and transparent, we attend to the anxieties that surround the head of the home at the beginning of preconceptions.

Or free O eternal filho It is available for free download in PDF format and it is a highly recommended reading so that you want to face the preconceptions head-on.

6. 1984, by Gerge Orwell


Can you imagine how it would be to live under the command of a totalitarian regime that controlled everyone with security cameras? George Orwell thought it was a disturbing dinner in 1984.

Winston Smith, or protagonist of the story, works in the Department of Documentation of the Ministério da Verdade and is two responsible for the propaganda and rewritten of the past. Ou seja, its function is to rewrite the journals and old documents in order to support or party not to be able.

A ficção do Britânico is long overdue to be an uncool creation of reality and the reading of romance helps us to perceive the limits of the world in which we are living.

7. O prince, by Nicolau Machiavel

Or prince

Leitura obrigatória nos courses in philosophy and politics, a famous work of Machiavellian, transcendent the walls of universities and an exercise of inebriant reflection for all who are interested in hair jogos do can.

Despite being written in 1513, the Machiavellian pages will not lose validity. O author lecture, a year long of 26 chapters, on how to achieve and maintain or political power. Or prince It is available for free download in PDF format.

8. Homo Deus, by Yuval Noah Harari

Homo Deus

O lightly conceived by Israeli hair Yuval Noah Harari is divided into three parts and a contemporary best seller that seeks to investigate from where we see, who we are and where we go. Or olhar that aspires to encompass or past, or present and or future theme as a basis for scientific, philosophical and historical studies.

To try to find out where we see and how we got here, Harari intends to open a large angle and discover where we will probably go.

9. Let's all be feminists, by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie


Or an essay by Nigerian writer Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie is not an apology for radical feminism or a kind of theoretical manifesto on the subject.

As Chimamanda's words are before a way to outsource to her personal experience of her enquanto mulher black and to squeeze or that still needs to be ugly so that women are treated with life equal.

O livro intends above all to provide an olhar for the future: as a fazer for deixamos or the world that we wish for our descendants?

A question of gender and important in any song in the world. It is important that we begin to plan and dream a different world. A fair world. A world of happier homes and happier women, more authentic with themselves. And so we must start: we need to breed our lines in a different way. We also need to breed our filhos in a different way.

10. É isto um homem, by Primo Levi

This is um homem

Or classic written hair breeder Jewish Primo Levi aims to alert about the limits of humanity. Survivor of the holocaust, it was written that the author found to immortalize the facts lived and beg for the horror never to be repeated again.

Contrary to the fact that we disallow, or preconceived, intolerance and or hate remain disseminated in our days of leaf e or ensaio e uma leitura obrigatória to help us rethink our capacity for empathy and solidarity.

This is um homem It is available for free download in PDF format.

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Rebecca Fuks
Rebecca Fuks

Formed in Literature at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (2010), Master of Literature at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2013) and doutora in Studies of Culture of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro and of the Portuguese Catholic University of Lisbon (2018).

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