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What are VALUES and what are they for?

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What are quotes and what are they for?

If you've ever done a play, you've probably heard of the author's remarks. It is possible that at that moment you have discovered their meaning and what they are for or that you have simply been left wondering.

That's why in this lesson from a TEACHER we want to answer all your questions about this subject and explain it to you in detail. what are the dimensions and what are they for in a text. In addition, we are going to give you some examples at the end, so that you can better see how they work.

A dimension is a specification, explanation or delimitation What does the author want to do about a text? You can find these dimensions as notes or notes, written in the margins or at the bottom of a text, but you can also find them in parentheses in the middle of the same text.

These notes help us understand a text, since they are the observations or explanations of the same author, regarding what we are reading, in order to bring clarity to certain passages. In a book, we can find footnotes, or we can even write them ourselves as a reminder for the future.

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The context in which the dimensions are most used is in the theater, this type of text that has been written to be represented on a stage and that is loaded with actions of the characters. In the world of theater, stage directions refer to all those notes left by the author in his text and that help us better understand the scenery that surrounds the characters and the actions they are carrying out.

For example: The curtain opens. Manuel is sitting at a table in the bar. Waiter 1 enters and puts a glass on the table. After speaking, Manuel pours himself some water.

The directions are not part of the text that the actors will recite, but their main function is to guide them and the director so that they understand certain aspects when representing their work. These notes can give us information about tone of voice, expression, gestures, etc.

For example: Lorena: I knew you were hiding here (angry), I've been looking for you all afternoon (she starts to cry).

What are the dimensions and what are they for - What are the dimensions - with examples

The dimensions will have a different utility depending on the kind of text that we have before But, their common feature is that they always will provide extra information so that the reader can better understand the piece of text that he is reading.

These are the main utilities of the dimensions:

  • In a study text, the dimensions can be used to make clarifications or to summarize the most important concepts.
  • The editor can use the dimensions to make the corrections relevant to the text he is reading, before it is published.
  • Add examples that clarify what the author is writing.
  • They serve to make reference to other authors who have written about the same topic or who provide extra information about what is discussed in this text.
  • In a play, the directions can provide information about the physical characteristics of the actors. characters, age, their clothes, their hairstyles, their makeup, etc.
  • Indicate that gestures or movements must be performed by the actors when representing the characters, as well as their body postures, tones of voice, etc.
  • The dimensions explain how the stage setting, in what period the story takes place, how the lighting should be, what objects are on the scene, etc.
  • A dimension can also give us information about the music and the sounds that should be heard during the theatrical performance.
What are the dimensions and what are they for - What are the dimensions for

let's get you some examples of dimensions so you can better understand how they work within a text and what authors use them for:

  • The Cowboy (after straightening his hat): Where can I find the sheriff of this town?
  • Elena goes into the room to look for her jacket, but she can't find it, she looks in the closet until she sees it. Helena: Oh! At last!
  • Santiago (crosses the park, sits on the edge of the fountain and tosses a coin): I hope this wish comes true.
  • The receptionist: Sir, can you sign here please? She (she hands a paper and a pen to Esteban).
  • Sofia (knocks on the door three times): Is there anyone there?
  • The butler (cleaning the window with a feather duster): Sir, I think there is someone at the door.
  • The woman (shouts): Do not enter the building!

We hope this lesson has helped you to know What are the dimensions and what are they for? If you are interested in this topic and want to continue learning more about how to write this type of text, do not hesitate to consult our writing section, where we will answer all your questions.
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