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What are slang

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For Sara Caro. June 20, 2019

What are jargons: definition and examples

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You may have heard the word on occasion jargon to refer to a form of speech in a language. But what is actually slang? How can we identify or differentiate them from the definition of language? At we will discover what are slang and how we can identify them at all times.

Slang is a special language of a social group differentiated that is only used by the speakers of that social group. This particular language can be difficult to understand for those people who are not part of that particular social group.

This kind of "dialect" is born by the need of social groups to hide the meaning of certain words. In prison lingo, for example, prisoners use a certain language that only they understand and that prevents security guards from knowing what they are talking about. But in jargon there is a drawback, which is usually temporary words mostly. Once they are extended, they are no longer useful to the social group and they are no longer used.

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In addition, there are several types of jargon and levels. The jargon in a family environment will not be the same as the jargon used in the most disadvantaged groups. In addition, there are also jargons that arise due to geographical reasons and that, over time, become part of the regional dialect itself. This will depend a lot on the extension of the word and the acceptance by the whole group of speakers of that particular dialect.

What is jargon: Definition and examples - What is jargon

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We can establish two large groups of jargons, although there are also smaller or recent groups of jargons that are not yet established. Which are? Let's see it.

Social jargons

As the name suggests, social jargons are those that are created as a sign of identity to differentiate themselves from other people or social groups. For example, young people have their own definite jargon. They use a code that only those people who belong to that social group can understand. It is necessary to point out, in the case of young people, that the jargon will vary depending on the locality and even the neighborhood. It should be noted that in this area, the definition of jargon can be confused with slang.

Professional jargon

The people that belong to a certain work environment they can develop a type of language specific to their profession. This language is only shared by the team that belongs to said work environment.

In this case, there is no interest in hiding the meaning of the words, as is the case in other types of jargon, but rather a specific term is needed for a specific action or instrument. This is precisely why it is not usually easy to follow a conversation between two professionals in a sector.

Example: Dyspnea is a term used by medical professionals. For us, dyspnea has no meaning, but for them it is the "feeling of shortness of breath that causes shortness of breath." This is called medical jargon.

Regional jargon

Although it is often referred to as dialect, there are some variations of language in the same dialect. For example, in the same city, in different neighborhoods, they may use different words to understand each other so that others cannot follow the conversation.

Tech jargon

Due to the evolution of technology, today there is technological jargon, that is, the language used in SMS, WhatsApp messages or social networks. A clear example is the "xD" that young people use to simulate a laugh.

What are Slang: Definition and Examples - Types of Slang

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Next we are going to know some examples of social jargon:

  • Chorizo: thief.
  • Curro: work.
  • Largemouth: gossipy.
  • Babe: hooligan.
  • Mule: person who transports drugs from one place to another.
  • Roll: boring.
  • Muscle: muscular.
  • Pad: joint.
  • Sing: give away.
  • Cate: suspense.
  • Camel: person who sells drugs.
  • Apechugar: facing a problem.
  • Snitch: person who gives information about criminals.
  • No brainer: easy.
  • Toned: tipsy.
  • Journal: people who never pay.
  • Chump: silly.
  • Fetus: physically unattractive person.

Professional-type jargon

  • "It is an NN": in the police field, an NN is a person who does not have any type of document. It is a person who is not identified.
  • Amputation: cutting off a part of the body.
  • Scaffold: temporary structure used to gain access to higher places. It is used in construction jargon.
  • Climb: refers to a person who wants to move up quickly in his job.
  • "The left turtle is not doing well": ambulance lights.
  • Fuselage: frame or external part of the aircraft.
  • Didactics: a teacher's way of teaching.
  • ADHD: disorder that presents a certain alteration or hyperactivity in behavior.

These are some of the examples of the different types of jargon, whether professional or social.

What are jargons: Definition and examples - Examples of professional and social jargons

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Now that we know what the word slang means, let's see where it comes from. The word jargon comes from French. The origin derives from "gargon", which was the language the thieves used. Before that, there was the word gargun, which referred to the chirping of birds. Gargun, in turn, derives from Latin gurges, gurgitis with a meaning of abyss or whirlwind.

If you want to know more about the history of the language, do not forget to review other sections in or leave a comment with all the doubts that have arisen.
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