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How to identify the Predicative Complement

How to identify the Predicative Complement

The syntax It is usually one of the units of our language book that we like the least. But, the truth is that, understanding how sentences are structured and knowing what function they fulfill each word within a whole, can help you write better texts that are interesting to your readers.

In this lesson from a PROFESSOR we are going to explain cHow to identify the Predicative Complement within the sentences.

You may also like: Verbal complements


  1. What is the predicative complement and examples
  2. Steps to identify the predicative object
  3. Examples of predicative complement
  4. Predicate complement exercise and solutions

What is the predicative complement and examples.

He predicative object or also known as simply predicative, is a complement that is located in the predicate of the sentences, just after the verb. This complement modifies both the verb and the subject or the CD, describing a characteristic or state of the subject or CD that it modifies, at the same time that it modifies the verb.

The predicate is very similar to

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circumstantial complement, but it is important that you do not confuse them. Its main difference is that the circumstantial complement only affects the verb, while the predicate affects both the verb and the subject.


For example: Enrique called late.

"Afternoon" is a circumstantial complement that explains the moment in which he called Jorge and only modifies the verb.

For example: Enrique called angrily

In this case we can see how "angry" is a predicative complement, since it indicates the way in which develops the action of the verb, but at the same time is directly related to the mood of the subject.

The predicative object agrees in gender and number with the subject or the CD it modifies.

Steps to identify the predicative complement.

To identify the predicate object, the first thing you should do is make sure that the verb of the sentence is predicative, that is to say, that we are not facing a linking verb (to be to be to look like). Only predicative verbs can carry this type of complement.

To identify the Predicative Complement you must follow these steps:

  1. Ask the verb how? and the answer will be the predicative complement. For example: The goalkeeper ended the game injured. / how did the match end? injured.
  2. Make sure that the predicate you found agree in gender and number with the complement that accompanies in the sentence, either the subject or the CD. For example: The goalkeeper ended the game injured. / In this case the predicative object “injured” agrees in gender and number with the subject “the goalkeeper”.

As the two previous conditions are met, we can ensure that the word "injured" is the predicative complement of the sentence.

Examples of predicative complement.

let's get you some examples of sentences that contain a predicative object, so you learn how to identify this function when it's placed inside its context. We have marked the predicate in bold to make it easier for you to identify it:

  • the water runs fresh and clean by the riverbed.
  • The boy brought a ball to the football match deflated and they couldn't play.
  • The poor man walked dying for life because of her problems.
  • the girl entered silent to her mother's room to sleep with her.
  • They found the store closed because it was sunday.
  • they chose as representative of the people to the wrong person.
  • If the driver drives altered, all the passengers are afraid.
  • the little one goes happy to his grandmother's house.
  • The young man wore all the clothes paint stained because of her work.
  • The dog eats restless because she went a whole day without food.
How to identify the Predicative Complement - Examples of predicative complement

Predicate complement exercise and solutions.

We propose an exercise for you to put into practice everything you have learned so far and make sure that this lesson has stuck well in your mind.

These are 5 sentences that contain a predicative complement, but we have not pointed out what it is, do you dare to identify it?:

  1. She came in groggy from the recital because the volume was too high.
  2. The woman rests easy without knowing what is happening outside her house.
  3. The man bought cheap tools in a promotion.
  4. The bird flies rapaciously through the blue sky.
  5. They appointed María head of the company.

Solutions to the predicate object exercise

Here you will find the solutions to the previous exercise of the predicate complement, which will allow you to check if the answer you have given is correct:

  1. He came stunned from the recital because the volume was too high.
  2. The woman rests peaceful not knowing what is happening outside his house.
  3. The man bought tools cheap in a promotion.
  4. The bird fly rapacious through the blue sky
  5. They named Maria head of the company.

We hope this lesson has helped you understand what the predicate object is and the best way to identify it within a sentence. If you are interested in continuing to learn more about syntax in the Spanish language, do not hesitate to consult our grammar and linguistics section.

If you want to read more articles similar to How to identify the Predicative Complement, we recommend that you enter our category of Grammar and Linguistics.



  • Hernandez, f. m. g. (1987). The predicative complement. Letters, (15-16-17), 47-59.
  • Pawlick, J. (2004). The attribute or the predicative complement?.
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