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What are SOBRESDRÚJULAS words and examples

What are sobresdrújula words and examples

Sobresdrújula words are those with more than 3 syllables. and they are always accentuated. For example: remind me, eat it... In a Teacher we tell you.

The smallest unit of the language are the phonemes, that is, each of the sounds that we articulate when speaking. However, these phonemes are grouped into slightly larger groups within words: the syllables. The syllables are the voice strokes of which the words are composed (ga-lle-ta) and can be stressed or unstressed.

In this lesson from a PROFESSOR, we want to explain what are sobresdrújula words, those that have the tonic syllable in the penultimate position. Join us to find out!

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  1. What are sobreesdrújula words: definition
  2. Examples of sobreesdrújula words
  3. Examples of sentences with sobreesdrújula words
  4. When the sobresdrújula words are accented
  5. What is the origin of the sobreesdrújula words?

What are sobreesdrújula words: definition.

The sobresdrújulas words are words with

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more than 3 syllables and the tonic syllable will always be accented with tilde, regardless of its ending. They are not very common in comparison with the esdrújulas, the llanas and the graves, which are the ones that form the majority of words in our language.

As in many other languages, in Spanish, the words are divided into syllables. Each of these voice hits is made up of one or more vowels and none, one or more consonants.

For example: quickly

Remember that words are classified taking into account the location of the tonic syllable, that is, the one that sounds louder than the others. In the example above you can see that the tonic syllable is RÁ- because in addition to carrying an accent, it sounds with more emphasis than the others.

Taking into account what we have just explained, the words they can be classified into:

  • Sharp words: The tonic syllable is the last
  • Plain wordseither serious: The tonic syllable is the penultimate
  • squishy words: The tonic syllable is the penultimate
  • sobreesdrújula words: The tonic syllable is the one before the antepenultimate, that is, counting 4 from the end of the word.

Here we help you recognize the sobresdrújulas.

What are sobresdrújula words and examples - What are sobresdrújula words: definition

Examples of sobresdrújula words.

let's get you some examples of sobreesdrújula words so you can see how this concept works put into practice. Although they are not very common words, surely you have heard them at some time and, if not, you can look them up in the dictionary to find out their meaning:

  1. making sure of it
  2. punish him
  3. drinking it
  4. logically
  5. uselessly
  6. tell him
  7. buy me
  8. turn it off
  9. correct me
  10. throwing them at them
  11. pick me up
  12. think about it
  13. find out
  14. romantically
  15. writing them down
  16. tell me
  17. accommodating it
  18. sarcastically
  19. humming it
  20. bumping into it
  21. writing it to him
  22. coldly
  23. practically
  24. put me together
  25. show me
  26. open it for me
  27. sign it
  28. drink it
  29. chemically
  30. spontaneously
  31. suddenly
  32. erasing it
  33. bumping into it
  34. give it back
  35. believe it
  36. peaceably
  37. composing it
  38. prepare it
  39. manifest it to him
  40. correct them
  41. simultaneously
  42. warmly
  43. tell me
  44. drink it
  45. reproach it
  46. correct me
  47. allow it
  48. recording it
  49. continually
  50. show them
  51. repeat it to yourself
  52. play them
  53. technically
  54. meekly
  55. giving it to him
  56. owing it
  57. assigning it
  58. throw it on
  59. nimbly
  60. unexpectedly
  61. satirically
  62. giving them
  63. eat it
  64. give it to him
  65. consigning it to him
  66. passing them on
  67. tell him
  68. stirring it up
  69. endorse it
  70. win her over
  71. play it
  72. stretch it out
  73. take it away
  74. democratically
  75. study it
  76. hand them over
  77. bring it to me
  78. making it up
  79. making sure
  80. sporadically
  81. draw it for me
  82. specifically
  83. correct them
  84. taking them off
  85. breaking it
  86. easily
  87. comfortably
  88. sell it to him
  89. erasing it
  90. correct me
  91. ethically
  92. give it back to me
  93. swallow it

Examples of sentences with sobreesdrújula words.

So that you can understand this concept a little better, we are going to give you some Sentences containing sobreesdrújula words. We have marked them in bold, to make it easier for you to identify them.

  • The dog doesn't have to be here, take it away sooner.
  • The boy solved the equation easily.
  • think about it and then you answer me.
  • I do not get it; explain it to me again please.
  • The hosts welcomed us warmly.
  • I think she is talking sarcastically.
  • If I forget to buy lettuce, remind me.
  • The player moves skillfully down the track
  • The young man feels bad physically, but well emotionally.
  • The mother told them strongly to stop fighting.
  • If you don't understand, try telling him else.
  • The message is for me read it to me aloud.
  • If you don't agree, do it to him know.
  • solve your problems peaceably.
  • The girl replied shyly to the teacher's question.
  • When you no longer want your car, sell it to your neighbor.
  • Quickly we got in the car.

When the sobreesdrújula words are accentuated.

Basically, sobreesdrújula words, like esdrújulas, they always accentuate, without having to look at the termination. In the majority of words that you find, this rule will be fulfilled; however, there are some exceptions which are the ones that add excitement to this lesson. We talk about all words ending with the suffix -MENTE.

In this case, we must graphically accentuate only those words whose root takes tilde. Usually, the words that we will find that exercise the root function are adjectives and the sobreesdrújula ending in -MENTE should not be accented if the main adjective does not have an accent.

For example:

  • Quickly (rá-pi-da-min-te). This sobreesdrújula word is accentuated because the RAPID root has tilde.
  • Slowly (slow-ly). This word is not accented, because the SLOW root does not have an accent.
What are sobresdrújula words and examples - When are sobresdrújula words accentuated?

What is the origin of the sobreesdrújula words?

Sobreesdrújulas are exceptional words in Spanish and we use them very little in writing. This is because they are verbs with pronouns added to the end of the word. These are the pronouns known as enclitics and they are ME, TE, SE, NOS, OS, LO, LA, LOS, LAS. These particles are added to verbs, which can be in the gerund or imperative.

Sobreesdrújulas formed by a gerund + pronoun

are added to it pronouns at the end of the word of a gerund verb, such as singing, shouting, eating, jumping, etc.

For example:

  • is all the time reminding me.
  • The clerk was selling it to you And I didn't want to interrupt.
  • About the gift, I saw that you were buying it.
  • The day has passed repeating it all the time!
  • About the songs, yesterday we were singing them in the afternoon.

Sobreesdrújulas formed by an imperative + pronoun

In this case, the pronouns are added to the end of a verb in the imperative, how he sings, sleeps, runs, lives, jumps, etc.

For example:

  • let me talk for a moment about nature.
  • ¡Swear to me either deny me!
  • sell it to him at once, that you are wanting to buy.
  • remind me later, now I'm busy.
  • Those boxes on the floor take them off from there please.

Now you know what are sobresdrújula words and you've seen some examples. If you want to continue learning more about syllables and the skeleton on which the Spanish language is based, do not hesitate to consult our grammar and linguistics section, where we will give you all the advice you need to get the best grade in your language subject Spanish.

If you want to read more articles similar to What are sobresdrújula words and examples, we recommend that you enter our category of Grammar and Linguistics.


Chapa, K. Spanish conventions.

Gomez, E. TO. G., Lopez, J. TO. M., & Calderón, A. L. R. (2016). General rules of accentuation in eighth grade of Distance Education in the Dipina community, Waslala, 2016. Science and Interculturality, 19(2), 42-52.

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