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What is the THIRD person singular?

What is the third person singular - with examples

The third person singular is HE/HER and it is used when talking about someone who is not part of the communication: neither the sender nor the receiver. At unProfesor we tell you.

In this lesson from a TEACHER, we want to explain in detail what is the third person singular and on what occasions it is used. Stay tuned, because we are going to give you some examples that will help you understand this concept perfectly.

The grammatical person It is a characteristic of language that allows us to identify the person speaking, the person listening and the possible individuals who are around. That is to say, modify the words of a sentence, like the verb or pronouns, to refer to real people talked about in the speech. In Spanish, there are three different grammatical persons: the first (me or us), the second (you or you) and the third (he, she, they, them).

As we have said, grammatical persons are differentiated following an order that starts from the speaker's point of view. In this way, we can understand that the speaker is the FIRST person, the listener is the SECOND person and

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who is being talked about is the THIRD person. Any of these people can be SINGULAR, if it is a single person, or PLURAL if it is more than one.

The third person, therefore, is a grammatical person that is used to refer to a person, animal or thing being talked about. If we talk about the singular of this person, we are referring to the fact that there is only one being.

As a result, the third person singular is identified with the personal pronouns HE or SHE.

For example: TO she she doesn't like soup

However, it can also be identified with the unstressed pronouns LE, LO, LA, SE.

For example: Carlos doesn't have markers, so you He asked her friend for one.

Discover here the personal pronouns in Spanish and their functions.

Verbs are a type of word that helps us understand the grammatical person they refer to, just by looking at the flexion with which they end.

In this way, if we want to conjugate the verb eat, so that this adapts to the grammatical third person of the singular in the present simple, we will obtain the word COME.

  • For example: Maria eat soup even if you don't like it.
What is the third person singular - with examples - How do third person verbs end?

Let's put some on you Examples of verbs conjugated in different tenses, but always referring to the third person singular. In this way, you will be able to see how the inflection of each of them allows us to identify the person it refers to, in addition to the time and way in which they are written:

  • adjust
  • spent
  • minimize
  • love
  • like
  • died
  • I was joking
  • she has verified
  • born
  • look for
  • had been
  • normalizes
  • will walk
  • there would be
  • usurped
  • occluded
  • comment
  • have resolved
  • will forget
  • build
  • I had known
  • painted
  • I would consult
  • it was over
  • could
  • He decided
  • will excite
  • restored
  • settle me
  • blames
  • would break
  • understood
  • intuit
  • save
  • evoke
  • would invite
  • feel
  • excluded
  • play
  • I dreamed
  • would encourage
  • I would regret
  • would end
  • would fumigate
  • wore
  • took
  • works
  • lie
  • will wear
  • galloped
  • she deserved
  • she lived

In unProfesor we discover the conjugation of verbs in Spanish with examples.

What is the third person singular - with examples - Examples of verbs in the third person singular

The first thing we are going to do is put some example sentences explained, in which we point out the verb that is in the third person and tell you which verbal conjugation they belong to.

  • The government coup brought I get a new form of administration. (Brought: third person singular, past perfect indicative).
  • My heart beat very strong from the first time I saw her. (Latio: third person singular, past perfect simple indicative)
  • Heaven this cloudy. (It is: third person singular, present indicative).
  • The agreement has been signed by all partners. (It has been: third person singular, past perfect compound indicative).
  • She sang with a very harmonious voice. (He sang: third person singular, past imperfect indicative).

More examples of sentences in the third person singular

Now let's put some on you more examples of sentences in the third person singular, so that you can get practice on this topic. We have pointed out the verb that indicates the third person, so that it is very easy for you to find it:

  • Grandma always confuses the name of her grandchildren.
  • The television spoiled and the girl doesn't could watch her favorite show.
  • bus passengers they suffered multiple injuries due to the accident.
  • The afternoon she fell and the lovers they slept peacefully under a tree.
  • The beach is the best place to go on vacation.
  • They will regret have acted as they made.
  • The child lost and the firefighters They found alone and scared a few hours later.
  • The consequences they will be serious.

The best way to understand a lesson in depth is by putting the concepts you have learned into practice. That is why we want to propose this exercise in which you must Identify sentences that are written in the third person singular. Prepared?

  • Once he had finished eating, the man left the place.
  • I played the piano all night.
  • The man knew that everything would end badly.
  • The mission failed because the plans were not well thought out.
  • Tomorrow our lifelong friends will come to dinner.
  • You were stunned by the exam.

In this section you will find the solutions to the previous exercise about the third person singular. Try not to consult the answers before you have tried it yourself, so that the learning is complete and you can retain this information forever:

  • Once he had finished eating, the man left the place.
  • I played the piano all night.
  • The man knew that everything would end badly.
  • The mission failed because the plans were not well thought out.
  • Tomorrow our lifelong friends will come to dinner.
  • You were stunned by the exam.

We hope that this lesson on third person singular It has helped you understand this concept of grammar a little better. If you want to continue delving deeper into this topic, do not hesitate to take a look at our lessons in the grammar and linguistics section. They will be very useful to you!

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