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+ 15 examples of sentences with COMPOUND SUBJECT

Examples of sentences with compound subject

In this lesson from a TEACHER we are going to talk about one of the essential parts of prayer: the subject. In this case, in order to understand it better, we are going to make a definition and establish a series of examples of sentences with compound subject so that you have no doubts about this element.

First of all, in order to see different examples of sentences with a compound subject, we must define what the subject is. Thus we can point out that the subject will be that part of the sentence that experiences the action of the verb. The subject must always agree with the verb both in person and in number.

When we talk about the subject, we must bear in mind that it can refer to a person, an animal or a thing. These will be those who suffer from the verb found in the predicate of the sentence. Thus, the subjects are formed fornoun phrase. These are a group of words that have as nucleus a noun so it will be us relatively easy to identify. In this case we would be talking about a simple subject. Let's see an example to understand it:

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The girl runs in the park

In this case we see that the subject is The girl. This noun phrase that forms the subject is composed of a specific article and a noun that reflect the action of the verb, which in this case is to run. As we see there is only one name and this makes it a simple subject.

But what happens when the subject of the sentence has two or more nuclei? This is possible and this phenomenon is known as a composite subject. In other words, a sentence can have in its subject a noun phrase in which two or more names are the nucleus of it. Let's see an example based on the previous sentence:

The girl and her dog are running through the park.

In this case the subject are The girl and her dog as both are the ones who run. In this case we find that the noun phrase is formed by a determined article (the one noun (girl), a copulative conjunction (and a possessive article (his) and another noun (dog). In this sentence both girl and dog are the subjects of the sentence and therefore we are before a compound subject.

Now that we know what a simple and a compound subject is, we are going to see a series of composite subject examples to help you assimilate the contents of this lesson. In the following sentences we will highlight in bold the subject composed of them so that you can easily identify it:

  • Juan Y Peter they are home.
  • The bread and the drink They are included in the menu.
  • The telephone and the keys of the car are in the cabinet at the entrance.
  • Michael and his brother they are very tall.
  • Carmen, Isabel Y Rodrigo they are cousins.
  • The doors and the Windows They are closed.
  • Madrid Y Barcelona they are the largest cities in Spain.
  • The roses yellow and the lilies they are her favorite flowers.
  • The mother and his her baby they were tired of waiting for the doctor.
  • The friends of Alba and her sisters they went to celebrate his birthday at a hotel on the coast.
  • The opening act and the artist Principal rose to the occasion.
  • Me mother and my aunt They are from Badajoz.
  • Antonio and their friends They went to a typical restaurant for dinner during their trip to Peru.
  • The rumors and the critics they are part of his job as an actor.
  • The nouns and the verbs they are kinds of words.
  • The chair and the table of the living room are new.
  • The fruit and the vegetables they are essential in your diet.
  • My neighbours Y the Asociation they made a collection to buy toys for the neighborhood children for the summer.
  • The books and the pencils they are essential to be able to start the course.
  • Esteban and his cousin they are inseparable.
  • Me bed and you chair They are from the same store.
  • The bags and the waste plastics harm the environment.
  • The cars and the motorcycles They are parked in the shed.
  • The authorities and the interested attended the meeting at the company headquarters.
  • The colors and the picture of advertising are very effective for the campaign.
  • The raspberries, the blueberries and the strawberries they are red fruits.
  • Edward Y Sunrise they sang a duet at karaoke.
  • The dogs and the cats they tend to get on badly.
  • The review and the public they gave a good evaluation to the film.

We hope these compound subject sentence examples have helped you better recognize it. As you can see, it is quite easy to locate it. If you want to continue enjoying content like this to continue learning, do not hesitate to visit our section Spanish language.

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