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INVARIABLE words: definition and examples

Invariable words: definition and examples

In Spanish we can meet different types of words and the construction of them will be different taking into account different parameters. That is, some will be modified when two options are added: gender and number, but there are others that do not incorporate these inflections and that remain in the same way regardless of gender and number. In this lesson from a TEACHER we are going to talk about invariable words: definition and examples so you can understand them better.

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  1. What are invariable words
  2. The prepositions
  3. Adverbs are also invariable words
  4. Interjections
  5. Conjunctions

What are the invariable words.

The invariable words are those that not change as for the gender and number. That is, they are those that do not require or admit in their formation some morpheme that adds a inflection, so that it is not necessary that they agree in gender and number with the rest of the words of the prayer. The invariable words are the following:

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  • Adverbs
  • Conjunctions
  • Interjections
  • Prepositions

We are going to see each of them in depth as well as examples of them that will help us to identify and distinguish them.

The prepositions.

The prepositions are those invariable words used as a link within the same sentence. These unions made by prepositions always act as a prepositional phrase and remain unchanged. You can check them all in the list of prepositions and some examples of these in sentences:

  • TO
  • In view of
  • Under
  • It fits
  • With
  • Against
  • From
  • Since
  • On
  • Between
  • Toward
  • Until
  • Through
  • In order to
  • For
  • According
  • Without
  • SW
  • On
  • After

Some examples of sentences with prepositions are:

  • The ball from Angel is a gift from the his mother.
  • The boy had hidden after curtains.
  • I was convinced that I would go with to the end of the world.
  • If we look closely we can see a copy from lynx Come in the tree and the stream.
  • If you want to improve your work, you should go toward further specialization in the field of computer science.
  • All the children were playing on Park.
Invariable words: definition and examples - Prepositions

Adverbs are also invariable words.

The adverbs they are invariable words that work by adding different circumstances to the sentence. That is, they always act as a circumstantial complement and show those conditions related to the verb they accompany. These circumstances are the time, the place, the way ...

Below we show a series of sentences in which we have included adverbs in bold.

  • Learned how to do the exercise easily.
  • A) Yes we're not going anywhere.
  • The man was in front of.
  • It was Quitelate to solve the problem they had caused.
  • Carmen's haberdashery is the one she is behind from the church, there you will find what you are looking for.
  • To rest we travel far from the city.
Invariable words: definition and examples - Adverbs are also invariable words


Interjections are also invariable words and are very easy to identify since they always appear between exclamation marks. These seek to show a state of mind or attract the attention of the listener. These are some examples:

  • ¡High!
  • ¡Oh! Be more careful.
  • ¡Bah! That was already done by Raúl in '98.
  • ¡Cool! I love the plan you have come up with.
  • ¡Oh! But what a handsome baby.
  • ¡Puag! I can't stand insects!
  • ¡Phew! It sure is nothing.
  • ¿Hey? What did you just say?
Invariable words: definition and examples - Interjections


The conjunctions They are invariable words and are used when we want to join different sentences together. In other words, conjunctions are links that make it possible to make unions either of words, groups of words or different sentences. Conjunctions can be of various types. We are going to see the most representative and some examples of them:

  • Temporary: when, before, while... An example can be the following sentence. While I pick up the clothes, you can put another washing machine.
  • Finals: for... Let's see an example. You have to raise your voice much higher in order to to be heard in the last row.
  • Tradeoffs: o, u... for example. OR choose red or the green.
  • Copulatives: y, e, ni... we would find an example in the following sentence. I wish I could buy a sofa Y two tables.
  • Consecutive: so, therefore, that, then… Let's look at an example. I really liked the movie you recommended to me, soI've seen it twice.
  • Conditionals: yes... an example is the following sentence. He would now be working himself Yes I would have studied the career he wanted.
  • Concessive: although... for example. He recognized that he was tired of that game even if it was he who proposed it.
  • Comparative: so, so much, that, like... For example. He is passionate so much classical music What contemporary.
  • Causal: because, for, like, well... An example. He actually did it because he felt like it.
  • Adverse: but, more, but... For example. He didn't know how but he managed to run away.

We hope this lesson on invariable words: definition and examples has helped you get to know them better. You will find more content in our sections Spanish language. You will also find other information on subjects that may interest you a lot and that may help you achieve better results in your studies, with simple examples and explanations easy.

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