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COPULATIVE nexus: meaning and examples

Copulative nexus: meaning and examples

In day to day we use conjunctions 'and' or the 'neither', and other copulative ties to unite two or more concepts or ideas, so that we can chain them in a single sense. Young children, who have less knowledge of the linguistic richness of the language, are a clear example of how they act when they relate an adventure. To know how to use copulative links properly, you have to know what their meaning is, what they are and when to use them. In a PROFESSOR we discover the meaning of copulative nexus with examples so that you know better this type of coordination elements.

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  1. What is a copulative nexus? Easy meaning
  2. Role of the copulative nexus in prayer
  3. What are copulative ties in Spanish? With examples
  4. Errors when using copulative bonds
  5. Copulative bonds as connectors
  6. Copulative ties and compound sentences

What is a copulative nexus? Easy meaning.

The copulative ties are those words of the Spanish grammar we use to unite and relate, generally nouns, adjectives and verbs, phrases and constructions of written or spoken sentences. That is, they are a type of conjunctions that join two ideas, concepts or expressions of speech.

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Look these examples of copulative ties:

  • Men and women; John and Peter
  • Handsome and attractive; Nice and big
  • Go and come; Leave and enter
Copulative nexus: meaning and examples - What is a copulative nexus? Easy meaning

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Function of the copulative nexus in prayer.

Syntactically, copulative links perform the function of conjunctions, and are also called copulative conjunctions. They are unchanging and unstressed parts (without accent or accent), and their job is to establish a coordinated relationship and connection between words, syntactic groups and sentences.

In fact, copulative ties can unite:

  • Nuclei of a composite subject. My mother and father arrived yesterday.
  • Verbs of a compound predicate. I have already studied and reviewed the exam.
  • Kernels of a compound predicate. Your room is clean and tidy.
  • Propositions in coordinated sentences. I did my homework and you picked up the house.

What are copulative ties in Spanish? With examples.

In Spanish the conjunctions or copulative links are y (e), ni, que. Let's see each of them separately, with examples of its use as a copulative link.

Nexus Y

It is the most frequently used conjunction to join words of the same category, or to link sentences.

  • Marta and María are sisters
  • Wash and scrub in one go

Nexus E

It's used in substitution of "and" to avoid cacophony, that is, when the second term begins with "I", or "Hi".

  • Maria and Isabel are cousins
  • Children give joy and excitement

NI as a copulative nexus

Equivalent to "and not", and is used to join two negative terms

  • When you finish don't come close
  • I have neither time nor desire to speak

WHAT as a link

It is generally used with ready-made expressions, and as a copulative conjunction it is of very little use.

  • Take what take
  • Cries that cries

Also, the nexus "and" may have a negative character, and be replaced by "nor", depending on the context, and the meaning perceived by the receiver and sender.

Here's an example of the latter: Your brother does not work and will never work. With this it can be understood that now it will not and later it will not work: Your brother does not work and will never work.

These grammatical elements they are fixed pieces of language (invariable parts) and they acquire a meaning of inclusion, since they are morphemes of the most used to enumerate sequences.

  • Roses in spring offer aroma, color and beautify rooms and gardens.
  • His beautiful face had large, black, somewhat slanted eyes and long eyelashes.
Copulative nexus: meaning and examples - What are copulative nexus in Spanish? With examples

Image: Slideshare

Errors when using copulative ties.

There are abuses in its use to narrate past events and actions in spoken or written stories, becoming something very repetitive and redundant, difficult for the recipient to understand.

  • We went out for a walk and shopping and then we went to the park and there we sat and chatted, and when I got home I was tired and went to bed.
  • We had a meal of starters and snacks, then soup and steak and chips, and then fruit and cake and coffee.

In itself, it can be a style of expression, although it is somewhat abusive towards the interlocutor. In the case of young children, it is usual for them to use these structures in the first sentences of expressiveness until they acquire more skill, knowledge and vocabulary.

Copulative links as connectors.

According to their attachment to words, these copulative morphemes are able to express meaning. Sometimes they are regarded as free and independent morphemes, and they allow the insertion between it and other words to complete the meaning, without causing changes, and showing a barrier or link.

  • I searched everywhere and found nothing
  • No one will litter in the street or smoke indoors, but it is done

In linguistics, these links are not considered speech connectors, as part of a text, to give a logical relationship. At once, create an inclusive relationship to make more intelligible information, but they practically perform the same function.

  • They ate berries, apples, and oranges; They ate berries and apples, also oranges.
  • You are in the garden reading, listening to music and drinking fresh lemonade; You are in the garden reading and listening to music, plus you drink fresh lemonade.
Copulative nexus: meaning and examples - Copulative nexus as connectors

Copulative ties and compound sentences.

The copulative ties in addition to joining words to form a sentence, in which the elements succeed each other, grammatically connect one phrase with another in order to put two ideas together to give more meaning to the text. Thus, we form compound sentences, joining two or more simple sentences to create a single unit. This implies that the compound sentence has two or more predicates (verbs).

  • Maria writes a poem and Juan listens to classical music
  • The car travels on the road and the train goes on rails

The types of connection that copulative ties form are a coordinated union, since a dependency relationship is not established between them, that is, they are all at the same syntactic level.

In general, copulative links always work syntactically as a link between words, phrases or sentences; Morphologically they are invariable elements, and semantically they do not have any meaning.

Your role here is to independent coordinator to indicate relation, sum or accumulation. Thanks to them, textual and oral comprehension is more fluid to acquire a joint meaning.

If you want to read more articles similar to Copulative nexus: meaning and examples, we recommend that you enter our category of Grammar and Linguistics.


  • Manual of the New grammar of the Spanish language (2010). Madrid. Spain
  • Pan-Hispanic Dictionary of Doubts (2005). Madrid: Santillana.
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