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Rubén Darío and his most famous POEMS

Rubén Darío: famous poems

Ruben Dario, poet, journalist and diplomat, has been considered the highest representative of the literary modernism in Spanish language. He is one of the most studied poets in the world, hence his poems are well known throughout the world. Next, in UNPROFESOR, we are going to know the famous poems by Rubén Darío and his work.

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  1. The poetic work of Rubén Darío
  2. Sonatina, one of the most famous poems by Rubén Darío
  3. Lo Fatal, another of Darío's best poems
  4. Autumn song in spring

The poetic work of Rubén Darío.

The poetry of Ruben Dario andIt perfectly encompasses all the characteristics of modernism. From the structure form (chromaticism, sound, rhythm), to the themes (exotic, mythological, inner world). Rubén Darío seeks beauty through words.

His first major book was Blue (1888), in which preciousness and French influence are present. Profane prose (1896) is the culminating work of Rubén Darío's Modernism. Sensuality and eroticism are fundamental themes in this popular work by the author.

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Songs of life and hope (1905) is, perhaps, his most important work since he manages to open his mind and a broadening of themes appears in poetry, from his own intimacy to communication with the rest of the world.

The wandering song (1097) and Autumn poemand other poems (1910) are other important works of the author.

Rubén Darío: famous poems - The poetic work of Rubén Darío

Image: Slideshare

Sonatina, one of the most famous poems by Rubén Darío.

Despite the fact that the repertoire of the poet Rubén Darío is extensive, some of his poems have managed to be more popular than others. La Sonatina, Lo fatal or Song of autumn in spring, are some of the most famous compositions of the author. What characteristics do they have? Let's see them below.

Who has not ever heard that "The princess is sad... What will the princess have? Her sighs escape from her strawberry mouth ”? The Sonatina is perhaps the most popular poem of the work of the poet Rubén Darío.

Sonatina belongs to the book Profane prose (1896). The poem is written in alejandrinos de arte mayor, that is, 14 syllables, organized in sextinas, stanzas of six verses, with the scheme: AABCCB and rhyme.

The main topic of the work in verse is freedom. The princess finds herself a prisoner in a palace, but through her imagination, she breaks free from her chains. The main theme fits perfectly with the moment in which it is written, which belongs to Rubén Darío's first stage in modernism. She here she adopts a totally evasive poetic stance.

Regarding secondary themes, in the Sonatina we also notice the appearance of disenchantment, sadness, love and escape, very recurring themes in modernist poetry.

Rubén Darío uses a cultured language for the creation of that poem. Likewise, we can see in him the stylistic features of the first stage of modernism: the rejection of reality.

Rubén Darío: famous poems - Sonatina, one of Rubén Darío's most famous poems

Image: The flower of my word

Lo Fatal, another of Darío's best poems.

The poem belongs to the book of Songs of life and hope (1905), a work showing a much more thoughtful poetry and preoccupied with existential issues. Here, in addition, a much more sober and even more precious language is used than in previous works.

Metrically we are before a composition of three stanzas: the first two are serventesios of Alexandrian verses of consonant and alternate rhyme (ABAB - CDC), while the last stanza has a particularity. The last verse, instead of being Alexandrian like the rest of the poem, is divided into two, an eneasyllable and a heptasyllable. The use of Alexandrians and eneasyllables is one of the innovations introduced by Modernism in poetry.

Regarding the subject of Fatal, It is a very anguished reflection on the pain of living and the meaning of life. This is contrasted with the certainty of death. It is a typical theme of the more mature stage of Modernism.

Rubén Darío: famous poems - Lo Fatal, another of Darío's best poems

Image: Slideshare

Autumn song in spring.

The composition Autumn song in spring It is also included in one of the best books of the author, Songs of life and hope (1905). In this poem he uses a poetic voice from nostalgia and longing by the past since the twilight of old age. It resembles the twilight of life to old age, while it endows the spring with youth, joy and rebirth.

On Autumn song in spring, Rubén Darío manages to take the gorgeous style that characterizes Modernism. He uses a taciturn language that does not lose the musicality that characterizes the compositions of this literary trend led by the Nicaraguan poet.

It is made up of a total of seventeen stanzas with eneasyllabic quartets of major art, in which the first, fifth, ninth, thirteenth and seventeenth are repeated. It has a rhyme of crossed quartets (ABAB) of the consonant type.

If you want to learn more about Rubén Darío or other authors of Modernism, do not forget to consult the section on History of Literature to keep learning.

Rubén Darío: Famous Poems - Autumn Song in Spring

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