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The use of the b

The use of the b

The Letter B is represented by the voiced lip phoneme of words like boat, kiss, Bible,... To know when to write b we will have to take into account certain spelling rules. In this lesson from a TEACHER we will explain the spelling rules that must be taken into account to write the letter b. The use of b has many rules and, for this reason, we will explain it with the help of a video in which you can see each of the rules with their examples and / or exceptions.

If you want to know how the B is used in Spanish, it is important that you know the spelling rules stipulated by the Royal Spanish Academy. Here we leave you a summary that includes these regulations so that you are clear when to write B in Spanish. Take note!

  1. Before consonant is always written B (For example: furniture, absolute, brightness, etc.)
  2. Terminations in -ABA always with B (for example: he sang, danced, dreamed, you studied, etc.)
  3. Verbs ending in -BIR or -BUIR they are always written in B (For example: write, attribute, receive, etc.) -> Exceptions: Boil, serve, live.
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  5. Infinitives and conjugations of DRINK, FIT, DUTY, HAVE, KNOW (For example, drinking, fitting, had, knew, etc.).
  6. BI-, BIS- BIZ- prefixes they always go with B. (For example: bimonthly, bicolor, sponge cake, biscuit, etc.).
  7. Prefixes BENE-, GOOD-, BON- are always written with B (For example: benevolent, blessed, kind, etc.).
  8. B is always written before combinations AL, AR, UR. (For example: apricot, tree, urbanization, etc.). -> Exception: socket.
  9. Words that start with AB-, OB-, SUB-, are also always written with B. (For example: absurd, obtuse, underground). -> Exceptions: oval, ovule, sheep, ovary, ovine, ovation.
  10. After syllables CA-, CE-, CO-, CU-, there will always be a B. (For example: head, onion, copper, cube, etc.). -> Exceptions: dig, cavern, brood, caviar, cavity, ceviche.
  11. The words that start with SA-, SI-, SO-, SU- they will always be accompanied by B. (For example: wise, sibilant, above, underground, etc.). -> Exceptions: sap and Soviet.
  12. The words that start with -BO and continue with d, f, n, r, t are also always written with the letter B. (For example: wedding, slap, pretty, drunk, boat, etc.). Exceptions -> vaudeville, voracious, vote.
  13. The use of the B is also essential in words that begin with LAB-, RAB-, TAB. (For example: styling, tail, board, etc.). -> Exceptions: wash and lava (the liquid of the volcano).
  14. All those words that begin with BIBL- and BU- They also always go with the letter B. (For example: library, armchair, bibliography, etc.). -> Exceptions: overturning, flight, return, yours, vulgar, violate.
  15. Terms that begin with TRIB-, TURB- OR RIB- are also always written with B. (For example: tribute, troubled, riverbank, etc.). -> Exceptions: trivial, rival.
  16. And finally, the use of the B in Spanish is also essential in the words that end with -BILITY, -BUNDA, -BUNDO. (For example: weak, dying, homeless, etc.). -> Exceptions: civility and mobility.

In this other lesson we give you all the keys you should know about the use of V.

Now that you know the rules for the use of the B in Spanish, we are going to give you some examples of words with B so you can get used to them. In addition, in this lesson you will also have exercises on the use of B with solutions so that you can test your knowledge.

Let us remember that the letter B is the second letter of the alphabet, it is preceded by A and it is usually called "long b", "high b" or "labial b" in order to differentiate it from V. At the level of phonetics, B is a voiced bilabial stop sound that is represented as follows: / b /

Without further ado, we are going to offer you several examples of the use of B so you can finish the lesson and understand everything we have discussed:

  1. Look no further for the watch, you have surely lost it!
  2. Marcos is a very GOOD boy who helped me get up from the fall.
  3. Do you want to go to the LIBRARY to reserve the book?
  4. Give me the FAN, I'm very hot!
  5. I would like to travel inside a SUBMARINE.
  6. The OBJECTIVE of this meeting is to decide what we will do next quarter.
  7. I would like to study BIOLOGY because I really like animals.
  8. Do you think I have any CHANCE to pass the exam?
  9. I would like to KNOW if you like me.
  10. You can't DRINK soft drinks before bed!
  11. There has to be some way to solve the problem...
  12. I like to SIP milk in the morning.
  13. They were going to the mountain when it started to rain.
  14. The TAX Agency sent you a document this morning.
  15. I find it ABSURD that you get angry over this nonsense...
The use of b - 15 examples of the use of B

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