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DIFFERENCES of euphemism and dysphemism

Euphemism and dysphemism: differences

It is normal many times to want to avoid a specific word or expression because you may consider it offensive or rude. This can also be greatly influenced by the register and context of the conversation you are in. This is how words taboothey try to be avoided in any language, words that, for one reason or another, we decide not to use and we look for an escape route that we consider more appropriate.

However, there are also words that are somewhat more rude than others, or even colloquial, that we sometimes look for in our language for whatever reason. This is how we got to euphemisms and dysphemisms, words synonymous with others with a register, on the one hand softer, or on the other more aggressive. Today in a Professor we have dared to talk about the differences of understatement and dysphemism.

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  1. What are euphemisms?
  2. What are dysphemisms?
  3. Differences between euphemism and dysphemism

What are euphemisms?

As we anticipated, the euphemisms

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are words we use to avoid other that may be offensive or rude to us. It can be said that a euphemism is a synonym for something softer of a specific word that, depending on the register in which it is used or communicative context, may be out of tune. For example, the euphemism of drunk could be drunk, just like the euphemism for piss could be to pee, etc.

Therefore, we can affirm that the euphemisms try to avoid taboosWords that by social and collective consensus are derogatory, out of place, rude or offensive, which is why people prefer, for one thing or another, not to use them. Normally, this euphemistic interpretation is carried out more by the listener and the issuer by general knowledge and, as we said, social consensus. If both parties do not know the taboo or euphemism used, it usually does not have the euphemistic value sought.

It is true that it is normal to consider a euphemism a synonym for the word we are trying to avoid, but It happens that, at least in Spanish, it is difficult to find synonyms that share exact connotations. The same happens with euphemisms, which they are usually partial synonyms, since they imply certain hidden meanings in them that are not totally shared by the other words of which they are synonymous.

That is, as much as piss and to pee are synonymous, the second (which would be the euphemism of the first) implies certain connotations other than piss, as a less colloquial or familiar register. However, and ending with this, a euphemism can become a synonym of its taboo word that it tries to avoid with the passage of time and lose its distinctive properties.

Euphemism and dysphemism: differences - What are euphemisms?

What are dysphemisms?

We already know what a euphemism is, but what is a dysphemism? As well, a dysphemism is the exact opposite of a euphemism. We speak of dysphemisms when dealing with bad words or more contemptuous or aggressive than their synonyms. Normally these words are often used as a sign of anger or as a derogatory or hurtful search towards the listener.

However, we should not confuse dysphemisms with taboo words. A taboo word is a term that we try to avoid for any social or situational reason, etc. while a dysphemism is a hurtful, aggressive, derogatory or rude word that we look for intentionally.

East pejorative use of language it has nothing to do with taboo, since to any word without negative connotations we add them with dysphemism.

Examples of dysphemisms

For instance, the dysphemism of fast food could be junk food, or that of a well done steak It would be shoe sole. This is because, in both cases, the term considered as dysphemism is used with a more derogatory tone than the conventional one, adding some pejorative connotations.

Euphemism and dysphemism: differences - What are dysphemisms?

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Differences between euphemism and dysphemism.

As we said, the difference between euphemism and dysphemism is that one is the opposite of the other. While euphemism tries to avoid a word or expression that is considered taboo, dysphemism travels in the opposite direction, trying to find a more aggressive expression than any other.

Not that one works with the other. That is to say, a euphemism is not always a euphemism for a dysphemism. For instance, dwarf it could be considered the dysphemism of To die, since it seeks a more pejorative or less serious effect of its synonym. But, nevertheless, that does not mean that To die was the euphemism of the other, that is, dwarf it. In fact, To die has its own euphemism, which would be pass away, since it carries softer connotations and is often used in more delicate contexts.

Therefore, we must emphasize that, broadly speaking, a euphemism and a dysphemism travel in opposite directions, looking for a totally opposite effect in the communicative situation or conversation. This is why we say that euphemisms are the opposite of disphemisms, and of course, disphemisms are the opposite of euphemisms.

Euphemism and dysphemism: differences - Differences between euphemism and dysphemism

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  • Carrasco Darnés, A (2020). The lexicalization of the euphemism. Its presence in the Dictionary of Authorities (1726-1739) and in the Dictionary of the Spanish language (2014). (Final degree project). University of Barcelona, ​​Barcelona.
  • Encyclopedia of Examples (2019). Euphemism.
  • Martel Navarro, L. (2020). Taboo, euphemisms and dysphemisms. Ted's case. (Final degree project). University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Gran Canaria.
  • Ortega, J. (July 29, 2021). What is a euphemism - with examples. a teacher
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