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Coordinate and Subordinate Sentences - Examples


A coordinated sentence it's a kind of compound sentence formed by two propositions coordinated with each other but syntactically independent of each other. For example, My parents work and I study they are two sentences coordinated with each other through the copulative conjunction "and". Each of them has full meaning; that is, it can be stated My parents work as well as I study, just like it is also possible to reverse the order: I study and my parents work.

However, if we say My parents work so that I can study, we observe how the second proposition is subordinate to the first, so that we cannot only state Yor can study because the sentence needs something else to complete. Therefore, we say that so that I can study It is a subordinate clause adverbial of purpose, which depends on the main sentence, which is My parents work.

Next we will see in this article a PROFESSOR examples of coordinate and subordinate sentences in Spanish.

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  1. What are coordinate and subordinate clauses?
  2. Examples of coordinated sentences
  3. Examples of subordinate clauses

What are coordinate and subordinate clauses?

Before offering you examples of coordinated and subordinate sentences it is important that we define these terms so that, thus, you can better know what they consist of and detect them more easily when you analyze a prayer.

What is a subordinate clause? Examples

A subordinate clause is a sentence that is part of compound sentences and that is joined with the main clause in the form of subordination: that is, a relationship of importance is established within the statement. In order to join the two sentences, a nexus is used, an element in charge of establishing the relationship of importance and connecting them.

Here we leave you some examples of subordinate clauses so you can better understand the definition:

  • I went to that beach just like you told me.
  • Boys that they suspended they have taken the exam again.
  • Mary, that she is my grandmother, he made me some delicious lentils.

What is a coordinated sentence? Examples

On the other hand, a coordinated sentence is a compound sentence that is formed thanks to join two or more sentences what can be totally independent, but they are linked by a nexus. The sentences can be understood if they are read by themselves and do not need the other to understand their meaning. However, they are put together to form a longer statement and to imply that the two ideas are linked together.

We leave you some examples of coordinated sentences so you can see what kind of statement we are referring to:

  • Melisa is bored and she wants to go somewhere else.
  • Tell me now or get out of here.
  • I don't agree with what you say, but with what your mother says.

Examples of coordinated sentences.

In Spanish they exist three types of coordinated sentences depending on the link between them:

Copulative coordinate sentences

Whose links are: "y", "e" (before "i" or "hi" but not before the diphthong "hie"), "ni" and "que" (rarely), which provide a summation meaning between both propositions:

  • I went to work and my roommate stayed home.
  • My brother likes soccer and riding his bike.
  • I do not know, and I do not care.
  • Give him that always does not matter.

Disjunctive coordinate sentences

With the links "o", "u" (before "o" and "ho") and "or" indicate exclusion or choice between one proposition or another; That is, if one proposition is true, it means that the other proposition is not because it is canceled:

  • Are you coming or are you going?
  • Either you tell me what you're thinking or I stop talking with you immediately.
  • Take it or leave it.

Adversative coordinated sentences

With the links "but", "but" and "more", these sentences have a nuance of annoyance of one proposition against the other:

  • I play chess better than you but I always lose.
  • I have not bought a bicycle but a motorcycle.
  • I love doing sports but I have little free time.
Coordinate and Subordinate Sentences - Examples - Examples of Coordinate Sentences

Examples of subordinate clauses.

Subordination in Spanish is directly opposed to coordination. As we have said in the introduction, the main characteristic of subordinate clauses in Spanish is their dependence on a main clause; namely, the subordinate has no independence syntactic, hence its subordination relationship. In Spanish they are distinguished three types of subordinate clauses:

Subordinate substantive clauses

Subordinate clauses that perform the function (s) of a noun phrase; that is, subject, direct object, indirect object or name complement, among others). To know that they are substantive subordinates, they are replaced by a pronoun ("that", "this", "it", etc.):

  • I think you are not right.
  • The teacher gave an extra point to those who came to class on time.
  • It is not worth arguing over nonsense.

In this video we teach you to know parse a noun subordinate clause.

Subordinate adjective clauses

As its good name indicates, it fulfills the functions of an adjective, expressing a quality related to the main proposition. They can be entered by who, which, who, whose, whose replacing "what":

  • The car you see there is mine.
  • My friend, the one I introduced you yesterday, is coming to the concert today.
  • The actors who had been awarded thanked the audience.

Adverbial subordinate clauses

Parallel to circumstantial complements, we can divide adverbial subordinate clauses as follows:

  • Of place (I go where you tell me)
  • Of time (Before doing something, ask first),
  • So (He behaves like his father does)
  • Causal (I congratulate you because you have worked very well)
  • Consecutive (I have so much to do that I can't go out tonight)
  • Conditional (Even if I don't tell you, I love you very much)
  • Final (My family went to the function to see my cousin's performance)

In this video we give you some tricks to recognize subordinate clauses.

Coordinate and subordinate clauses - Examples - Examples of subordinate clauses

If you want to read more articles similar to Coordinate and Subordinate Sentences - Examples, we recommend that you enter our category of Grammar and Linguistics.


  • Cornejo, R. G. Coordinated sentences. Liceus, Management Services.
  • Carrillo, G. (1963). Syntax Studies. Subordinate Sentences. Philology Bulletin, (15), 165-221.
  • Álvarez Martínez, M. (1987). Subordinate Sentences: Classification Outline.
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