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Queísmo and dequeísmo in verbs

Welcome to a Teacher, in today's video we are going to finish the block of dequeísmo and queísmo, and we will deal specifically with these errors in relation to a series of verbs.

There are verbs in Spanish that can behave with double construction, they can be transitive and intransitive at the same time, pronominal and non-pronominal, and on many occasions we can construct them with preposition or without.

That is why the speaker gets confused and falls into the error of dequeism or queísmo.

The class will be divided into three sections:

- First of all we will give you a small trick or a law that will serve as a reference to know whether or not to put a preposition

- We will talk about these verbs that have two behaviors

- Finally we will talk about some constructions that we call supporting verbs

If you have any questions or comments about it queísmo and dequeísmo in verbs, you can do it through our website. And if you want to practice more, you will find below this video, some printable exercises with solutions for you to do.

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