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ADVERSATIVE connectors: definition, types and examples [with VIDEO!]

Examples of adversative connectors

The links are words that we use very frequently in Spanish when we want to join two words or different sentences. These help to organize the information and make sense of it, at the same time that they provide a clear structure to be understood by the receiver. These links are also called connectors and we have different types in our language. In this lesson we are going to show you what are adversative connectors, their functions and some examples so you can use and identify them in any text.

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  1. What are adversative connectors?
  2. Types of adversative connectors
  3. Examples of adversative connectors

What are adversative connectors?

The adversative connectors are links in which a union between two elements, be it words, premises or sentences in a degree of equality with the aim of showing a contrast between them. That is, the adversative connectors or links will function as a union of ideas or sentences that are incompatible with each other.

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In other words, adversative connectors are those links that will mark a relationship that is opposed to a conclusion that has already been stated in the preceding sentence or in the premise immediately previous.

The conjunction but It is the most used when we want to use an adversative nexus, but the truth is that it is not the only one since we can also use phrases of an adversarial type.

Types of adversative connectors.

Now that we know what adversative connectors are and what they are for, let's see what types exist and what words are part of each of them. Thus we can point out that adversative connectors can be of two kinds:

  • Restrictive adversative connectors
  • Exclusive adversative connectors

The restrictive adversative connectors

The restrictive adversative connectors are those that unite two premises in which there is no incompatibility, that is, they can occur, but if both are contradictory. Within the restrictive links we can find the conjunctions:

  • But
  • More
  • However
  • Even if

The exclusive connectors

Exclusive connectors are those that will express a exclusion between premises. That is, there is an incompatibility between them. Among the exclusive links we find:

  • Otherwise

Adverse conjunctions

As we have previously advanced, adversative conjunctions can also fulfill the function of adversative connectors. The most used in Spanish are the following:

  • However
  • Nevertheless
  • With everything
  • Except
  • Except
  • Rather well
Examples of adversative connectors - Types of adversative connectors

Examples of adversative connectors.

We already know what adversative connectors are, what they are used for and what types exist, so for be able to better consolidate your knowledge, nothing better than seeing it clearly through a series of examples. Next we are going to show you some sentences in which they will appear examples of adversarial ties. To help you easily identify them, these will be highlighted in bold:

  • I was very happy to have been selected for that job in the United States, but she was afraid of leaving her life, her friends, and his family behind.
  • You are all acting very well in this difficult situation, but I want to ask you to go the extra mile.
  • Your intelligence is superior to that of the other candidates, however in this field you know that it is not the most important thing.
  • The man sitting by the stream let his imagination fly, delving into his feelings, more she was unable to discover what had been the trigger for so much misery in his life.
  • They watered the tree thoroughly, more they failed to make it flourish.
  • I would like to go on a trip to any of those exotic places, even if spending the summer in the mountains also has its advantages.
  • Even if do not share your ideas about the economy we can reach an agreement.
  • They have told me on many occasions, they have warned me ad nauseam, However I have trusted her again as a naive one.
  • They were at home all afternoon wasting time, However They claimed that they had been extremely busy and had not performed their duties.
  • He walked alone in those places, he liked to do it daily and it helped him to think. NeverthelessThat loneliness did him no good since he returned home taciturn and melancholic.
  • On other occasions I have trusted you, Nevertheless after what happened last week I can't do it again.
  • I think I could not do as much sport as you do, except that he had a good motivation for it.
  • I will go alone to the conference in Madrid except that you want to accompany me.
  • In his restaurant there are no tables otherwise benches so people can sit.
  • These roses are not red otherwise salmon.

The adversative connectors are very useful and very frequent as you have seen in the previous examples. They have surely helped you understand them better and know how to use them correctly. If you want to know more about any aspect related to Spanish languageTake a walk through our sections where you will find lessons of all kinds.

Adverse Connector Examples - Adverse Connector Examples

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