The origin of precious metals
Precious metals such as gold, silver and platinum can come from meteor bombardment that took place about 200 million years ago, that is, after the Earth was formed. At least this is the theory advocated by a group of scientists from a British university, and published by the specialized magazine Nature and in a PROFESSOR we are going to talk to you about it to try find out what is the origin of precious metals on our planet.
Metals of great value in the goldsmith market and that are located in the crust of our planet. During the research, scientists from the British University of Bristol had to analyze the structure of 4 billion-year-old rocks, which were discovered in Greenland
By comparing these metals with contemporary pieces, the scientists concluded that these rocks allowed the opportunity to know the composition of the Earth, after its nucleus was formed.
One surprising fact is that enough precious metals are believed to exist in the Earth's core to cover the entire surface of our planet. We can affirm, therefore, that the formation of all these precious materials, of such value in the current market, has been the result of the
collision of a group of asteroids that reached Earth.Irrefutable proof that this phenomenon is true is the finding of isotopes in rocks analyzed from Greenland. Scientists agree that isotopes were present during the meteor shower.
However, the aspirations of scientists do not end here, as their next mission will consist of discoveringr how long it took to produce the geological processes that gave rise to the origin of the continents and that deposited these precious metals in the crust of our planet.
Another great unknown to reveal that will help to understand some of the great mysteries of the existence of our planet.