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What are foreign words

What are foreign words: definition


The language is alive And that is why it changes daily, perhaps these changes are more noticeable in today's times in which we are exposed to different cultures and languages ​​from which we take loans without even realizing it. Today in this lesson from a TEACHER we want to define what are foreignerss as well as some examples for you to better understand this concept of linguistics.

In the first place, to be able to give examples of foreign words, we need to see what their definition is. Foreign words are words from other languages ​​that are introduced regularly in a country's own. I mean, these words are integrated into Spanish even if they come from another language and they are used in sentence construction in the same way as any other word.

Although in most cases the word is written in the same way as in its Original language, in many cases adaptation requires a series of modifications such as the elimination of accents that do not exist in Spanish or the incorporation of them. Thus, some letters that do not exist in the language that adopts them are also replaced.

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On the other hand, these loanwords from other languages ​​are applied in such a way that they receive some alterations, especially in the pronunciation that adapts to that of the language in which they have been incorporated. Thus, it is possible to find words that in their native language have a pronunciation somewhat different from that used in their original language.

Surely if you think about foreign words, you do it in English, but the truth is that in Spanish you can find words from many other languages like French or Latin. Some of which come from other languages and that we usually use are:

  • Basil
  • Pillow
  • Baguettes
  • Bartender
  • Beige
  • Blister
  • Boycott
  • Boom
  • Boutique
  • Bungalow
  • Bunker
  • Camping
  • Cancan
  • Chat
  • Chef
  • Chip
  • Click
  • Clip
  • Cognac
  • Cutter
  • Elite
  • Flash
  • Football
  • Gourmet
  • Hobby
  • Jeep
  • Kayak
  • To be
  • Look
  • Manager
  • Marketing
  • Mozzarella
  • Nylon
  • Off the record
  • okay
  • Paparazzi
  • Table tennis
  • Pony
  • Pub
  • Sandwich
  • Scooter
  • Shorts
  • Slogan
  • Staff
  • Status
  • Sweater

Most of these words are used on a day-to-day basis and are part of the sentences we use. Some of them, although it may not seem like it, or have been in use for many years and are already listed in the Dictionary of the RAE. Despite this, these are words acquired from other languages. Some of them are because in our language there are no terms to define them, but others are simply new ways of expressing themselves.

Let's take the word manager. Surely you have heard it many times and you know what it refers to. Although in recent years, it has become an essential word in the workplace, the truth is that in Spanish we also have a word that it means the same and that can be used in the same way, in this case, we are referring to the word in charge.

What are foreign words: definition - What are foreign words

Image: Slideshare

To better understand how foreign words are used in a sentence, we are going to provide you with a series of examples of foreign wordswith some of the words that we have mentioned in the previous list:

  • What does that sandwich look like!
  • Go down to the bakery and bring a baguette and two bars for dinner tonight.
  • The boy asked his parents to let him ride the fairground pony.
  • The president of this company is at the top of the social status of the country.
  • The use of laser pointers is prohibited in the vicinity of airports as they can compromise the safety of pilots and passengers on board aircraft.
  • As soon as you receive it, send me an email to confirm your attendance.
  • In this street you will find all the boutiques of the big brands.
  • In this room they can take all the photos they want, but these must be taken without using the flash.
  • Enter the page by clicking on the link.
  • This afternoon I cannot accompany you because I have a soccer game.
  • This weekend we will go camping, but instead of a tent, this time we have opted for a bungalow.
  • I am part of the staff of the event that will take place on Monday at that restaurant.
  • The pillow is essential when maintaining a correct posture in bed.
  • The bride and groom's family congratulated the chef on his impressive work at the banquet.
  • New technologies have represented a boom in the world of telecommunications worldwide.
  • Scooters are very versatile vehicles for driving around the city.
  • She loves to change her look, now she has opted for a very hippie aesthetic.
  • My sister is a manager in a major fashion firm.
  • Our bosses have given us the OK to continue with the procedure.
  • Pass me that cutter so I can open the box.
  • Her biggest hobby is dancing at the dance academy.

These phrases are of daily use and they appear foreign words that we use regularly. You can find out more about Grammar and Linguistics in our section of the Web.

What are foreign words: definition - Phrases in which foreign words are used
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