Education, study and knowledge

Writing convention in triangles

In this new video I will explain what it is the writing convention on triangles.

The main points of a geometric figure, like the vertices of a polygon, are usually designated by uppercase Latin letters: TO, B, C.

A triangle it is then named like any other polygon, successively designating its vertices, for example ABC. In the case of the triangle, the vertices can occur in any order, because any of the 6 possible ways (ABC, ACB, BAC, BCA, CAB, CBA), corresponds to a tour of its perimeter. This is no longer true for polygons with more vertices.

The sides of the triangle are denoted, like all segments, by their ends: AB, BC Y AC.

To name the length On the one hand, the name of the opposite vertex is usually used, converted to Latin lowercase: to in order to BC, b in order to AC, c in order to AB.

The general notation for the angle between two segments OP Y OQ who share the end OR. It is also possible to use a lowercase letter surmounted by a caret.

In the video you can see graphically the triangle writing convention.

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Also, if you want to practice what you learned in today's class, you can do the printable exercises with their solutions that I have left you on the web.

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