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The 10 most famous works of Machado de Assis

Machado de Assis (1839 - 1908), one of the two most notorious Brazilian writers of all times, is appointed as the greatest fictionist in our literature.

Among his books of various genres, some titles stand out that turn authentic frames in the national literary panorama. Find, below, the most famous and influential works by the author:

1. Dom Casmurro (1899)

Dom Casmurro (1899)

A work-cousin of Machado de Assis is narrated by the protagonist, Santiago, um homem de meia-idade that is known as "Dom Casmurro", due to his teimosia.

No romance, he relegated or followed from childhood, when he was named after Bentinho and se apaixonou by Capitu, to a friend who morava na casa on the side.

As we attend the love story that has been unfolding for two years, we are led to reflect on timeless themes such as human relationships, orciume e a traição.

All of it is told from Dom Casmurro's perspective and, at times, we are going to doubt his word about him. Assim, to work deixa a big questão no ar It has been the subject of countless interpretations by readers and scholars from various eras.

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Also entrust to detailed analysis of Dom Casmurro's work.

2. Posthumous Memories of Brás Cubas (1881)

Posthumous Memories of Brás Cubas

Initially published num folhetim, during the year of 1880, the Machadian romance saw it represent a point of viragem in his literary career. O narrator gives play and or protagonist, Brás Cubas, um homem he is dead e resolve to tell your story about him.

As he is no more among the living, he assumes a privileged position to fail the truth, with no constraint, and criticize contemporary society.

The "deceased author" imprinted an innovative character a year ago, which became very popular and was considered the inaugural work of Realismo no Brasil.

A narrative follows a biography of um homem that I wanted to invent a universal remedy to heal all the doenças of the world, but I ended up dying during the process.

Through the possibility of knowing a little about its historical context: a characterized tempo technological and scientific advances, as well as great sociopolitical changes and questões philosophical.

Also entrust to complete analysis and explanation of the work.

3. Quincas Borba (1891)

Quincas Borba (1891)

To or side of Dom Casmurro and Posthumous Memories, this is one of the works that integrate realistic trilogy The author, understood as the highest point, gives his career. Or romance tells the story of Rubião, a young man who began to work for a philosopher and ended up hurting his fortune.

Atento às lições do antigo mestre, Joaquim Borba dos Santos, or youth reflect on seu concept of "Humanitism", theory that considered war a form of natural selection. Due to his ingenuity, he ends up becoming a victim of ambition of third parties and falling in disgrace.

Fruit of the tempo, or entanglement reflects and satirizes a historical context dominated by scientific discourse and positivist thinking.

Also entrust to Complete analysis of Quincas Borba work.

4. Helena (1876)

Helena (1876)

Helena face part of the first literary phase of Machado de Assis, in which the influences of Romantism were also evident. It deals with an urban romance, past Rio de Janeiro of the XIX century, which draws a portrait of the society.

When or Conselheiro Vale dies, his will announces to the family that ele tinha uma illegitimate filha: Helena, a young man who was born fora do seu casamento.

As a last wish, I asked him to sign or filho, Estacio, received herdeira in his family life. Not so much, despite giving his doçura, a moça hides a big segredo and Num forbidden love is wrapped.

Also entrust to free analysis Helena.

5. Or Alienist (1882)

Or Alienist (1882)

Initially published in folhetim e depois included na colletânea Papéis AvulsosThe work divides opinions in relation to its genre: some considered it to be a story, others a novel.

Pierced peel satire and macabre humor, The narrative is starring Dr. Simão Bacamarte, an alienist doctor, who we currently designate as a "psychiatrist". Embora is extremely dedicated to profissão, he marries Evarista thinking of becoming descendants.

As a tempo, he began to prove that the woman's infertility resulted from psychological problems and decided to open Casa Verde, a psychiatric hospital that happens to shelter all the patients of the region.

Also entrust to complete analysis of O Alienista.

6. Esau and Jaco (1904)

Esau and Jaco (1904)

Or romance, a last two books that Machado de Assis published, follow the destinies of Paulo and Pedro,dois gemeos that was born of a mulher chamada Natividade. O entanglement built an evident parallelism with the biblical story of Esau and Jaco that is narrated from the book of Genesis.

We will live a great conflict that I eat when we are still on my belly. Your divergences are overly ideological, what? um é republicano e o outro defende o Império.

Na work ficam clear the sociopolitical tensions that divided a Brazil in full overthrow of the monarchical system, configuring an important testimony on the time.

7. Missa do Galo (1893)

Missa do Falo (1893)

Passado na noite de Natal, this is one of the two most famous Machadian contos and was included in the coletânea Recolhidos Pages (1899). Nogueira, or young storyteller, is staying at the house of a conhecido and hopes that either vizinho or chame stops at Missa do Galo.

Enquanto all dormem, comes to dona da casa, Conceição, e os dois ficam talking, em segredo, peel noite inside. Embora nourishes or majors respects the woman, most velha, and her husband, or teenage girl, impacted by hair, found that she could never get more done.

Here, or wish that it does not materialize, it seems to serve as a criticism for bourgeois society, serious false moralisms and hypocritical behaviors.

Also entrust to analysis and explanation of the story Missa do Galo.

8. A Cartomancer (1884)

A Cartomancer (1884)

First published in "Gazeta de Notícias" and depois na coletânea Various Histories (1896), or conto narrates um inesquecível love triangle.

Rita is married to Vilela, but keep it up extra-conjugal relationship com Camilo fears the consequences of his actions. Concerned about the future, the protagonist decides to seek the conselhos of a cartomancer.

A narrative is a chronicle of costumes of bourgeois society and the ways in which it faces or casamento enquanto institution hardly moved by financial interests.

Also entrust to Complete analysis of the Conto A Cartomancer.

9. A Mão e a Luva (1874)

A Mão e a Luva (1874)

Integrating the romantic phase of the author, this was the first work that Machado de Assis published in a book format, not a daily "O Globo". A protagonist of history, Guiomar, is a young man who lives indecisive between three applicants: Estêvão, Jorge and Luís.

Embora reveals about feelings and love relationships, or romance traça a psychological and critical portrait of his tempo. This is how dúvidas da moça illustrate the way in which marriage was faced inquanto "vehicle to rise to life" and move up socially.

10. Aires Memorial (1908)

Aires Memorial (1908)

Aires Memorial (1908) it was launched not even the death of the author, being or his last published romance. A work assume in the form of um newspaper that gathers several episodes lived by Aires, a personagem who appears in our books of Machado, as Esau and Jaco.

Full of irony and sarcasm, or entanglement and past nucleus of the Rio elite. Algumas interpretações apontam um Possibly autobiographical cunhoWell, there seem to be parallels between you only two people.

In this way, "Aires" could be a representation of Assis and his beloved, "Carmo", would be his wife Carolina.

You want to discover more about the author, conheça information about the life and work of Machado de Assis e seus most famous contos.

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