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A biography and works of Nelson Rodrigues

Nelson Rodrigues was a celebrated author of chronicles, stories, romances, folhetins and dezessete peças de theater that or consecrated as a playwright - até hoje suas peças são remontadas e adapted for o audiovisual.

Or a modernist author, who belongs to the age of 45, was found in the Brazilian literature: provocative, original, revolutionary, courageous.



Nelson Falcão Rodrigues was the fifth filho of the journalist and deputed Mário Rodrigues with Maria Esther Falcão. O rapaz nasceu em Recife - onde o pai trabalhava no Jornal do Recife - no day 23 August 1912.

Nelson tinha thirteen irmãos: Milton, Roberto, Mário Filho, Stella, Joffre, Maria Clara, Augustinho, Irene, Paulo, Helena, Dorinha, Elisinha and Dulcinha.

In 1917 the family moved to Rio de Janeiro where it settled in the North Zone.

Nelson Rodrigues journalist

With just 13 years, Nelson Virou non-wage police reporter To Manhã and Review, both do seu pai by him (Mário Rodrigues).

In 1932 he went to work non-wage O Globo. You also give us Diaries Associates.

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Not wage earning, he ended up assassinating many sports, police and opinion artifacts for even the chronicles. His main column was foi To life like ela é, which lasted ten years (1951-1961), not a last minute wage.

Nelson also assinou a Coluna My destiny and sin, as feminine pseudonym Suzana Flag. As his produções de el na coluna foram transcribed and he renderam sete livros.

Audiovisual production (television and cinema)

The writer also participated in a series of round tables on soccer on television - it was convenient to note that Nelson was a Fluminense de carteirinha.

He also wrote a journalist for a television (TV Rio), in 1963, a novel A morta sem espelho.

Além de ter adapted a series of texts for the cinema, Nelson participated in some roteiros as A dama do lotação.

A doença that travessou o path of the writer

In April 1934 Nelson suffered a tuberculosis and needed to be admitted to a sanatorium located in Campos do Jordão.

The author had to leave a hospital for 14 months adding all his plans on occasion.

Written for or theater

A first time that Nelson escaped to the boxes chamava-se A mulher sem sin It was launched in 1941.

Sua peça Dress by Noiva - On the second day of the race - it was directed by polonês Zbigniew Ziembinski and fez enormous succession has been presented at the Municipal Theater of Rio de Janeiro. I have looked at the production and considered a divisor of waters not Brazilian theater because of its inauguration or modern theater not our country.

A Terceira Peça Composta - Family album (1946) - it was censored having been released just in the sixties. Ao all the author writes for the theater, many of the sofrerem with a political and religious repression for addressing controversial issues.

Or answering machine Nelson Rodrigues Filho and a military officer

Two descendants of Nelson Rodrigues - or young Nelson Rodrigues Filho - were against a military leader and against an organized group of skeletons that were captured by the regime.

O raptor was tortured and imprisoned at 1979.

Personal life of Nelson Rodrigues

O writer casou with Elza Bretanha in 1940 and you have two filhos (Joffre and Nelson Filho).

An extra-conjugal relationship with Yolanda Camejo from its origin to three filhos: Sonia, Maria Lúcia and Paulo César.

Ao he divorced Elza, he lives with Lúcia Cruz Lima and has a filha called Daniela.

Nelson was also married to Helena Maria, from which he divorced in 1977 and returned to his first woman, Elza.

A morte do writer

Nelson Rodrigues died aged 68, not in Rio de Janeiro, not on December 21, 1980, a victim of a cerebral vascular insufficiency after facing seven cardiac arrests.

Biography of Nelson Rodrigues feita by Ruy Castro

To biography O Anjo Pornographic - A Vida de Nelson Rodrigues It was written by Ruy Castro and published in 1992.

O Anjo Pornographic - A Vida de Nelson Rodrigues

Either a biographer or baseou free in interviews with more than a hundred people who coexist as an author. Ruy also consulted files, annotations, newspaper clippings and included photographs provided by friends and relatives.

Nelson Rodrigues quotes

No Brazil, I burn no canalha on the eve of canalha not the next day.

A freedom is more important than what or what.

Or love between husband and wife é uma grossa bandalheira. It is degrading that a homem rejects his own filhos.

You homens will lie less, you will be happy, fewer questions.

Dinheiro buys tied true love.

Deus are near coincidences.

Only cynicism redeems a marriage. I need a lot of cynicism for a family to cheer at the wedding of prata.


Here are some pieces of theater that compõem a dramaturgical work by Nelson Rodrigues são:

  • A mulher sem sin (1941)
  • Noiva dress (1943)
  • Family album (1945)
  • Anjo black (1946)
  • Senhora two afogados (1947)
  • Doroteia (1950)
  • Waltz No. 6 (1951)
  • To deceased (1953)
  • Forgive me for you bring me (1957)
  • Viúva, porém Honest (1957)
  • You sete gatinhos (1957)
  • Mouth of ouro (1959)
  • Or beijo not asphalt (1961)
  • Otto Lara Resende ou Bonitinha, more Ordinária (1962)
  • All Nudity Will Be Punished (1965)
  • Anti-Nelson Rodrigues (1973)
  • A Serpente (1978)

Characteristics of the work of Nelson Rodrigues

Nelson Rodrigues gostava to address his texts delicate topics as or incest, to doença, to death, or suicide, to betrayal and or adultério.

As a controversial and revolutionary punch, he tried to present the presença das social masks e a true interior das personagens.

Nelson tinha is interested in relating to harsh and cruel reality, sem rodeios, many times fazendo use of an acid humor and always through a simple way and a colloquial linguagem.

Restless, a gift of a restless personality, Nelson was a long year in his career saved for the day, for the theater, for a television and for or cinema always trying to provoke or read and place it in a place of discomfort and reflection.

Conheça also

  • Romeu e Julieta, by William Shakespeare
  • Auto da Barca do Inferno, by Gil Vicente
  • José Saramago: biography and books

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