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Hurt by Johnny Cash: meaning, analysis, lyrics and translations

Hurt is a music from a band rock Nine Inch Nails which was engraved with North American singer Johnny Cash in 2002 and released no album American IV: The Man Comes Around. O clipe da song ganhou um Grammy em 2004.

Cash foi um dos nomes mais influentes da music country. To his version of Hurt, with a rhythm quite different from the original, it became popular and conquered a new generation of fãs for the artist known as "O Homem de Preto".

Analysis and interpretation of Hurt

First stanza

Both to music and to clipe são compostos por tons sombrios. A repetition of some notes causes an impression of monotony and of um feeling of sadness. This sentiment and confirmed logo us first verses, when the author fails us about self-mutilation.

O little lyrical subject opens the song declaring that bruising is the only way to feel alive.

Hoje eu me machuquei
To see you are ainda sinto
Eu foquei na dor
The only thing that is real

A dor can also be an anchor for reality. In a depressive frame, a person can experience various states of mind such as apathy and total indifference.

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Embora seja a dangerous and self-destructive behavior, ferre or own body can be seen as a way to return to reality and escape from this world raised by the depression.

Nos verses finais dessa stanza, a different element arises: o vice and o drugs abuse. O vice cause um buraco, no só na pele but also a soul of the little guy, who can only be pre-fired by himself.

Here, the use of drugs is related to a condition or to a need to lose weight or pass, but the same as "se lembra de tudo".

To agulha faz um buraco
A velha e familiar chopped
Tempt to kill isto for longe
More eu I fall apart from you


Or a saying of music comes with a question: "What did I turn to?". This is an interesting existential question in this context. She indicates that, despite the current situation, the lyricist is still aware of the same two problems.

Na passagem, we are in the presence of somebody whom the author directs, confessing to his solidão. O stretch raises duas interpretações. Uma, what are you going to say about drugs? Outra, mais ampla, aponta or isolation as a condição inerente à existeência.

What was it that you turned me on?
Meu mais twelve friend
Everybody that I know goes to embora
When chega or fim

We can interpret that or destinatário is someone next, that deixou or sozinho author. He argues that he could have given everything to that person, rather than the same time, not too much time to offer. Seu kingdom of him and feito de "subjeira" and, not final, the sóteria bruised and disappointed that person.

E você could have been com tuded
Meu império de subjeira
E eu vou let you down
E eu vou fazer você se brucar

In this way, we can observe his lack of faith in the ability to maintain close human relationships. It accredits that he will not be able to be intimidated by someone for a long time, because he will always fail and provoke or suffer alheio.

This perspective seems to lead or lyrical to a deeper solidão.

Second stanza

I do not eat the verse, we can find a Biblical reference: a coroa of thorns that Jesus used. Na letter, a coroa is related to a "liar's cadeira". Jesus was named as "rei dos judeus" and the coroa de espinhos represents or commeço da penitência na via sacra.

Na canção, this seems to be a metaphor for his or her conscience. How do you see the memories, the ruinous thoughts that weigh on your head.

Eu use essa coroa de espinhos
Sitting na minha cadeira of a liar
Cheio of broken thoughts
That I cannot repair

A lembrança is something reminiscent of the letter and the following verses appear again. Embora or passar do tempo leads naturally to the skecimento, to the lyric to overcoming ainda não chegou.

Contrary hair, he sat down stagnate, prisoner not the same place, while another person is transforming and advancing with his life.

I must give the spots of the tempo
The feelings disappear
Você é uma outra pessoa
E eu continues exactly here

Assim, we can perceive that it is someone who is bitter and does not manage to cut everything or that he has lost.

Third stanza

At the last stanza is a kind of redemption do poetic subject. He is fully aware of his problems, but, even if he elects himself to have the opportunity to start de novo, the same thing is left to him.

We can assume that he accredits that his problems are not inherent to himself, and are due to adverse situations.

E se eu can commeçar de novo
Um milhão de milhas distant
Eu ainda would be the same
Eu acharia uma form

In this way he would be able to do different things and maintain the essence of what he is. In the last instance there is no repentance. Even though his current situation is ruim, it only exists as a result of the fact that the foi and the no longer open.

Meaning of the letter

A letter tells us the history of um homem wrap in depressão It seems that I am not able to feel anything else, I am or not.

As drugs are used as an escape valve, the more they eat them a vicious circle is created. A landscape of the song is very sad, therefore little subject is aware of your situation.

Tudo isso led uma existential reflection. He wonders how chegou naquele ponto e as lembranças appear as a tom of repentance. A solidão, a disappointment and a obsessão as or passado They are also present at the song.

Still, no matter how past it is a place of regret, or never or deny. A music ends with a redemption, of burning above tudo and faithful to itself.

Or clip of Hurt

Johnny Cash - Hurt (HD 1080)

Or clip alternate images of Johnny Cash já idoso with various other videos of the latest news. Essa selection of images dá um autobiographical touch à canção. The cuts of the images are also related to the lyrics of the music.

The music and video ensemble shows us a Johnny Cash já mais velho, who remarks or seu passedado and, despite various adverse events, faces his life with dignity.

Hurt It becomes a song of a homem that softens his life, rather than also leaves me with pride or his legacy.

Johnny Cash e American Records

John R. Cash (February 26, 1932 - September 12, 2003) was a famous American musician and two maiores nomes da music country. Despite not being composted HurtIt is possible to draw several parallels between the letter and his life.

Cash has serious drug problems, mainly alcohol and pill abuse. He was also softened by a severe depression. His relationship with June Carter was very disturbed, but not in the end she or he helped to get rid of drugs and lead a more restored life.

Black and white portrait of Johnny Cash.
Black and white portrait of Johnny Cash.

Perhaps these events have contributed so that your interpretation of the music is so beautiful and profound. A version is integrated into American Records, A sequence of albums produced by Rick Rubin for the recording company that does the same.

The first album, from 1994, marks the return to the singer's career, which was eclipsed in the 1980s. A series included unpublished faixas by the composer and verses of other music. Um two more marked albums of the series é o American IV: The Man Comes Around.

This was the last album released in my life by Johnny Cash, which I did not see in the next year, on September 12, 2003. Two other albums foram released após a morte do cantor, or American V: A Hundred Highways e o American Recordings VI: Ain't No Grave.

Original version: Hurtby Nine Inch Nails

Nine Inch Nails - Hurt (VEVO Presents)

Original version gives music Hurt It was recorded hair group Nine Inch Nails and released no second album of the band, chamado The Downward Spiral, em 1994. A song was composted by a member of the band Trent Reznor.

Renzor disseminated in an interview that he was honored as Johnny Cash's escort to record his music and, when he saw or clipped, he was excited, calling on "aquela song não é mais minha".

The only move that Johnny Cash made the lyrics of the song was a trade from "crown of shit" (coroa de merda) for "crown of thorns" (coroa de espinhos). Apart from withdrawing or playing music, he also had a reference to Jesus. The singer was very religious and mentions passagens da Bible in various songs.

Letter of Hurt (Johnny Cash version)

I hurt myself today
To see if I still feel
I focus on the pain
The only thing that's real
The needle tears a hole
The old familiar sting
Try to kill it all away
But I remember everything

What have I become
My sweetest friend
Everyone I know goes away
In the end
And you could have it all
My empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you hurt

I wear this crown of thorns
Upon my liar's chair
Full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair
Beneath the stains of time
The feelings disappear
You are someone else
I am still right here

What have I become
My sweetest friend
Everyone I know goes away
In the end
And you could have it all
My empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you hurt

If I could start again
A million miles away
I would keep myself
I would find a way

Translation of lyrics Hurt

Hoje eu me machuquei
To see you are ainda sinto
Eu foquei na dor
The only thing that is real
To agulha faz um buraco
A velha e familiar chopped
Tempt to kill isto for longe
More eu I fall apart from you

What was it that you turned me on?
Meu mais twelve friend
Everybody that I know goes to embora
When chega or fim
E você could have been com tuded
Meu império de subjeira
E eu vou let you down
E eu vou fazer você se brucar

Eu use essa coroa de espinhos
Sitting na minha cadeira of a liar
Cheio of broken thoughts
That I cannot repair
I must give the spots of the tempo
The feelings disappear
Você é uma outra pessoa
E eu continued exactly here

What was it that you turned me on?
Meu mais twelve friend
Everybody that I know goes to embora
When chega or fim
E você could have been com tuded
Meu império de subjeira
E eu vou let you down
E eu vou fazer você se brucar

E se eu can commeçar de novo
Um milhão de milhas distant
Eu ainda would be the same
Eu acharia uma form

Conheça also

  • Music Heroes by David Bowie
  • Hallelujah Music, by Leonard Cohen
  • Music Comfortably numb, by Pink Floyd
  • Music Killing in the Name, by Rage Against the Machine
  • Livro A Revolução dos Bichos, by George Orwell
  • Film Infiltrado na Klan, by Spike Lee
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