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Cântico Negro: analysis and meaning of José Régio's poem

Canticle Black é um poetry by José Régio, pseudônimo José Maria dos Reis Pereira. It was published in 1926, it was not first published. Poems of Deus e do Diabo. Or "manifesto-poem" tells me some modernist premises that give rise to the poetic work of José Régio e da geração presentist.

Canticle Black

Come here "- tell me some like you olhos doces
Extending-me you arms, and sure
What would be good that eu you ouvisse
When you tell me: "go over here!"
Eu olho-os com olhos lassos,
(Há, nos olhos meus, ironias e cansaços)
And I cross your arms,
And I never went for Ali ...

A minha glória is this:
Breeding dehumanities!
Do not accompany any.
- That I live like sem-vontade
Com que rasguei or ventre à minha mãe

No, no go there! Só vou por onde
I took my own steps ...
I know I want to know nenhum of you answers
Why do you repeat to me: "go here!"?
Prefiro escorregar nos lamacentos becos,
Redeem the windy years,
Like rubbish, drag your bloody pests,
To go there ...

I saw the world, foi
Only to deflower virgin forests,
And unleash my own condolences to the unexplored area!
Or mais que faço is not worth anything.

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As, pois, you will be
That you will give me impulses, strength and courage
To defeat your obstacles ...
Run, nas vossas veias, sangue velho dos avós,
And you love how easy it is!
Eu amo o Longe e a Miragem,
I love the abysses, the torrents, I desert you ...

SDI! You have avenues,
You have gardens, you have canteiros,
You have a country, you have breasts,
You have rules, and treatises, and philosophers, and sages ...
Eu tenho a minha Loucura!
I raise-a, like a facho, to burn a dark night,
And I felt foam, and sangue, and chants we kissed ...
Deus e o Diabo é que guiam, mais ninguém!
All tiveram pai, all tiveram mãe;
More eu, that I never start nem I finish,
The love is born between Deus and Diabo.

Ah, that no one gives me pious intentions,
No definition is my fault!
Ninguém tell me: "go over here"!
A minha vida is a gale that broke,
It's a wave that got up,
É um atom a mais que animaou ...
Não sei por onde vou,
Não sei para onde vou
I know you're not going there!


Canticle Black It is considered a poem-manifesto pois within it the common elements of José Régio's poetics. Or seu first book of poems, where is this poetry, theme as a central theme to religiosidade, Deus e o Diabo.

This theme will be recurrent in the work of José Régio, being two pillars of his metaphysical reflections. Religiosity in Régio is approached by a little symbolism, at the same time that it faces an eternal passage in circles between the grotesque and the sublime, as in Baudelaire.

No poem in questão, Deus e or Diabo, or grotesque and or sublime is in eternal movement. A união das duas figures is marked, as we verses:

More eu, that I never start nem I finish,
The love is born between Deus and Diabo.

Despite only formally appearing in the penultimate stanza, these figures are present in the entire poem. Or poetic individual, who is the fruit of his relationship, the logo appears in the first stanza. For me, let him age the poem long.

Atitude of the subject is a kind of reflection of the relationships between Deus and Diabo. Its only possible action is possible to re-create. Assim or little subject becomes individualized and, at the same time, fragmented. Your individuality resides in your escorts, not to follow everyone's path and seek a different path, even though it seems more difficult, more obscure.

Or individual and extremely important for José Régio's poetry. It is by means of him that Deus manifests himself and by means of Deus that he is annulled. Also through the individual who exists in his own poetry, both in reality and in metaphysics.

Come here "- tell me some like you olhos doces
Extending-me you arms, and sure
What would be good that eu you ouvisse
When you tell me: "go over here!"
Eu olho-os com olhos lassos,
(Há, nos olhos meus, ironias e cansaços)
And I cross your arms,
And I never went for Ali ...

Here the individual appears in contrast with "others", and the individuality is affirmed in an incisive way as a negation of the suggested path or other hairs. Or it is essential to understand the attitude of "eu", the tired and ironic ones indicate the attitude in relation to other people.

Ironically, for a state of "eu", it is also a form of linguistic present, not a poem. A proper stanza and recheated of irony, a denial of the individual in accompanying the others and placed in an ironic way, as the verses "and I cross your arms, and I never go through there ...".

A grotesque figure is also present in everything or poem. São images that remind you of low things, or of a path with "eu" and cheio delas.

And you love how easy it is!
Eu amo o Longe e a Miragem,
I love the abysses, the torrents, I desert you ...

These figures appear in contrast as I wish two others. When you want them easy and high, or individual looking or low and difficult. How are you other fossem in search of sublime and or "eu" or grotesque. Or I play between light and shadow is ugly and accompanies the theme Deus e Diabo na poetry.

Ninguém tell me: "go over here"!
A minha vida is a gale that broke,
It's a wave that got up,
É um atom a mais que animaou ...
Não sei por onde vou,
Não sei para onde vou
I know you're not going there!

A individuality of the subject is always marked by opposition as other and serious desejos. Likewise, I do not have em if I wish clear, or "eu" is affirmed to or denied or that advem of fora. Or state of the individual is quase "natural", as "uma where it arose."

Or individual does not have his own desires, he will not be able to follow the others and work as his vontades.


We have in this poem two very expensive themes à poetry by José Régio: a individualidade e a religiosidade. Regardless of the individual, it is present in everything or poem. Longos do verses or poet goes affirming this necessity of being unique, contrary to vontade and the desígnios dos others.

Take your own path, do not follow the only way to live oily by José Régio, as well as this only slight path to unpleasant places like lamaçais. A força do indivíduo resides in the denial of the current measure and the affirmation of a personal identity.

Seu caminho é o caminho dos loucos, two poets as a song between the mouths. A religiosity enters into poetry as figures of Deus and or Diabo. Ela também é um reason so that or "eu" seja assim. It is by means of a dialectic that the subject is related to the world, its space and defined by Deus and Diabo, his individuality in addition to its relationship as sacred and the same as individual and defined by science ("One atom more than be encouraged... ").

A poetry by José Régio é cheia de undulações that starts from the individual, just like the waves formed by a stone joined in the water. Nessa metaphor Deus e o Diabo is the throwers of the stone "eu" that causes undulation on the surface, which repeats and spreads starting from the center.

José Régio e a magazine Presence

Presence It was a modern magazine, focused on literature and published in Coimbra between 1927 and 1940. Régio was two founders and main collaborators of this magazine, who together as Orfeu foram the great pillars of modernist literature in Portugal.

To magazine Presence He was not dedicated only to the publication of literary texts, but also to criticism. José Régio wrote several articles for this magazine, among the two chamados articles Living Literature and Livresca Literature and Living Literature. These two articles are manifested by literature where or author expresses his aesthetic convictions.

Some of the most important ideas of Régio that are found in these artigos or concept of modern classicism. For the writer of all classic and modern works, there is no sense of capturing a magnetism of coisas. As great works, from Homer I attached to modernidade são rodas moderns, pois there is something of individualism that stands out in works, overlapping various literary labels over the years.

Or individualism in literary creation is an essential element in the work of José Régio, who through these articles and other essays tends to theorize in a practical way. For modernism, a work is found by means of individualism in creation and classicism as a form, as a work architecture. A little and the essays by José Régio are reflected in his work. The author tries to exercise or to propose in his poems.

Cântico Negro and Maria Bethânia

Or poem by José Régio ganhou popularidade no Brasil by the voice of the artist Maria Bethânia, who proclaims or poem in some apresentações. Or poem was recorded no album ao vivo Nossos Moments, from 1982, and preceded music Estranha form of Life, um fado of Amália Rodrigues and A. Duarte Marceneiro.

In 2013, the poem was newly recorded no DVD do show Love Letter followed by music by Caetano Veloso No bag or bag. The Bethânia concert was made up of a polemic by the singer with Lei Rouanet, and the reading of the poem followed by music was performed by many people like um desabafo.

Maria Bethânia - "Cântico Negro / Não Enche" (Ao Vivo) - Love Letter

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