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Poem Intimate Verses of Augusto dos Anjos: Analysis and Interpretation

Intimate Verses é two most celebrated poems authored by Augusto dos Anjos. The verses express a feeling of pessimism and disappointment in relation to interpersonal relationships.

The sonnet was written in 1912 and published not the same year, not the only one released by the author. Entitled Eu, the work was published when Augusto dos Anjos was 28 years old.

Intimate Verses

You see! No help to this great
Burial of his last chimera.
Submit to Ingratidão - this panther -
Foi tua companheira inseparável!

Get used to waiting for you!
O homem, what, nesta terra miserável,
Mora, between feras, I sentence inevitável
Necessidade de também be fera.

Take a match. Acende teu cigar!
O beijo, my friend, on the eve of the scarro,
To me that fires is the same that stones.

Something causes pain to your chaga,
Stoned is a vile thing that flushes you,
Escarra nessa boca que te beija!

Analysis and interpretation of the poem Intimate Verses

This poem conveys uma pessimistic vision gives life. A language used by the author can be considered a critique of Parnassianism, a literary movement known for the erudite language and exacerbated romanticism.

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This work also reveals to duality na life of a human being, indicating how you can change, ou seja, as things boas can quickly transform into more things.

There is also a contrast between the title and the revealed reality of the poet, pois or title "intimate verses" can be used for or romanticism, something that is not verified not contained in the poem.

Then we reveal a possible interpretation of each verse:

You see! No help to this great
Burial of his last chimera.
Submit to Ingratidão - this panther -
Foi tua companheira inseparável!

He mentioned or buried the last chimera that in this case indicates or fim gives hope ou do last dream. It is transmitted to the idea that no one is imported as two other destroyed dreams because people are ungrateful as jungle animals (in this case a fierce panther).

Get used to waiting for you!
O homem, what, nesta terra miserável,
Mora, between feras, I sentence inevitável
Necessidade de também be fera.

Either author uses or imperative giving or conselho that how much more I give to people so that they get used to the cruel and miserly realities of the world, it will be easier. Or Homem will turn to the lama, he will return to the lama, he is destined to fall and to hold the lama.

He affirms that or Homem lives no less of feras, of people with scruples, more, sem compaixão and that by isso, he also fears that he will adapt and be also a fera to live in this world. This verse is in accordance with the famous phrase "O homem é o lobo do homem".

Take a match. Acende teu cigar!
O beijo, my friend, on the eve of the scarro,
To me that fires is the same that stones.

Or poet uses a colloquial linguagem, invite or "friend" (to quem escreveu or poem) to prepare for betrayals, for lack of consideration of the next.

The same when we have demonstrations of friendship and love such as um beijo, isso é barely or a premonition of something mau. The one who looks at your friend and helps you, amanhã will abandon you and cause dor. A mouth that beija is that one that will be followed by, causing disappointment and disappointment.

Something causes pain to your chaga,
Stoned is a vile thing that flushes you,
Escarra nessa boca que te beija!

Or face author at the suggestion of "cutting or badly peeling root", to avoid or future fry. For this, he must cusp at the mouth of the fire or beija and stone the hand or caress. This is because, according to the poet, more I give up or later, as people we will be disappointed and bruised.

Structure of the poem Intimate Verses

This poetic work is classified as a sonnet, having four stanzas - two quartet (4 verses each) and two triplets (three verses each).

Quanto à scansão do poem, the verses are decassyllable with regular rhymes. No sonnet Augusto dos Anjos is appropriate to the style of the French sonnet (ABBA / BAAB / CCD / EED), conheça below a organização das rimas:

You see! No assistance to formidavel (A)
Burial of your last chimera. (B)
Submit to Ingratidão - This Panther - (B)
Foi tua companheira inseparável! (A)

Get used to it, wait for you! (B)
Or Homem, what, nesta terra miserável, (A)
Mora, between feras, sente inevitável (A)
Necessidade de também ser fera. (B)

Take a match. Acende teu cigar! (C)
O beijo, my friend, on the eve of the scarro, (C)
A man who stoned is the same as stoned. (D)

Someone causes pain to your chaga, (E)
Stoned issa mão vil that flushes you, (E)
Escarra nessa boca que te beija! (D)

About a publication of the poem

Intimate verses face part do livro Eu, the only title published by the author Augusto dos Anjos (1884-1914).

Eu It was launched in 1912, not Rio de Janeiro, when the author is 28 years old and is considered a pre-modernist work. O livro brings together poems constructed as a melancholic approach and, at the same time, hard and cruel.

Primeira edição do livro Eu, published in 1912, which contains or sonnet Intimate Verses.
First edition of the book Eu, published in 1912, which shelters or sonnet Intimate verses.

Two years after publication, in 1914, the poet saw a premature death victim of pneumonia.

Or free Eu Find-it is available for free download in pdf format.

Explore also major poems of Augusto dos Anjos.

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