Meaning of Livro O Cortiço
Or Cortiço It is a naturalistic romance written by Brazilian hair Aluísio Azevedo in 1890. Focada numa habitação coletiva, or Cortiço São Romão, a work portrays or daily two inhabitants and their daily struggles for survival.
It also centers on the social ascent of João Romão, or owner, a Portuguese immigrant willing to enrich himself.
Summary of the work
João Romão is a home from where he emigrated to Brazil in search of a wonderful life. Dono of a pedreira and of a sale, he managed to buy some houses: first são three and depois passam to be ninety.
For isso he contacted Bertoleza's help, his companion, a former slave who managed to free himself. Through small projects of construction materials, they are able to increase the dimensions of the cortiço.
Miranda is also a Portuguese emigrant who lives in excess of the São Romão farmhouse. Because of its bourgeois social statute, it awakens the invective of the protagonist and they enter into a dispute over a piece of land.
Later, when Miranda turns barão, Romão decides to join him, asking for his filha Zulmira in marriage. In order to get rid of Bertoleza, he wanted to be an obstacle to união, he decided to denounce companheira as a fugitive escrava. Out of despair, a woman ends up committing or committing suicide so that she does not have to return to life as a death row.
Whenever everything happens, we are also going to assist the people who inhabit that local and perceive the life that leads to what conditions. This is the case of people like Rita Baiana and Firmo, among others.
Personagens principais
Before we explore the characteristics of the main figures of the work, it is important to note that they do not have a great emotional depth. Contrary hair, we work like personagens-type that claim to represent stereotyped images of Brazilian society.
João Romão
João illustrates ambição, profit and individuals capable of all to enrich themselves. After working, two thirteen twenty five years, for a vendor, he managed to gather some savings.
Depois conheceu Bertoleza, your vizinha, as I have come a romance and passou to dwell. A woman, who was scraped and escaped, managed to collect the necessary money to buy her saddlebag and leave for Romão to keep it.
Interesseiro e sem scruples, the rouba a companheira and uses this value to invest in our businesses and buy or cortiço.
Miranda is a Portuguese businessman, thirty-five years old, donated by a loja de fazendas for attacked. He is married to Estela, a woman who has been or has brought several times, more than he can not leave, due to his social status.
Or casal gerou uma filha, Zulmira, but Miranda wonders if he really, or seu pai of her.
Estela, Miranda's wife, has been for thirteen years and has given her various expenses to her husband for years of serious adulthood, which begins in the second year of marriage. Mãe de Zulmira, she swears that Miranda é o pai.
Bertoleza worked as a quitandeira and tinhas been escrava, but she freed herself. Vizinha de João Romão, she started a relationship with him, but she was explored, working with us her business from sunrise to sunset.
To found the São Romão farm, the use or money that you have made for your alforria menu, roubando and lie for companheira. Brought and "discarded" by Romão, she commits or commits suicide.
I sign
I sign as a slim and agile capoeira, representative of the Rio de Janeiro malandragem, who always wears a chapéu de palha. He was beaten by Rita Baiana, how he chegou a viver um romance passageiro.
Rita Baiana
Lavadeira and woman of bom coração, Rita Baiana and tries to symbolize a stereotype of Brazilian woman, cheerful and sensual, who awakens love and invents not cortiço.
Piedade and Jerônimo
O casal de portugueses seems to have been "infected" with hair costumes do cortiço e cai em desgraça. Jerônimo wraps himself around with Rita and ends up destroying her marriage. Piedade, after being abandoned, succumbs to alcoholism. When it is discovered or case between the two of you, I sign a challenge or rival for a luta and ends up being assassinated.
Analysis and main characteristics of the work
Or Cortiço It is a work of great importance for national literature, which represents a framework of Naturalism not Brazil. It also ended up becoming a document that helps us to understand the quadros mentais of its time.
O Naturalismo e os romances de tese
Idealized by Émile Zola, or Naturalismo tried to show human instincts, their fraquezas, vices and defects.
Assim, naturalistic romances were classed as tesse romances. They pretendiam prove a theory: or individual and product of his heredity, of meio and of the historical moment in which he lives, being determined by these thieves and exhausting neles.
Um olhar atual would classify these determinisms, present in the work, as ways of trying to justify, through supposed scientific arguments, various racial and class preconceptions.
Find out more about or Naturalism, its characteristics and main works.
Naturalistic influences and techniques in the work
As a common scholar naturalist, here the narrator emerges na third person, being unconscious. Com accessing the actions and thoughts of all the people, the power Julgar and analyze We use you to check your tese.
Ao nível da linguagem, Aluísio Azevedo follows the teachings of Zola, as described many times eschatological, comparing, for example, the inhabitants of cortiço to vermes se mexendo not leave us. Or cortiço also arises compared to a forest, transshipping of movement and cor, quasi like a living being that breathes and exists in itself.
Many scholars refer that the main personagem is precisely or cortiço, uma collective entity, or what face felt in the light of Naturalism, which values more or collective than or individual.
Espaços da ação e suas symbols
A ação decorre in two nearby locations, more fundamentally opposite. OR Cortiço São Romão It has been inhabited by the most low and marginalized classes: operatives, recent immigrants, laundries, etc.
It represents the behaviors that, at the time, were seen as vicious and own disasters, through a deterministic perspective.
No left over from Miranda, typical of the bourgeoisie on the rise, a routine is calm and superficial, as a time for culture and lazer, representing the lifestyle of the highest and most privileged classes.
Historical context of production
![Cortiço do Rio de Janeiro](/f/8c82e7d68564f0dc1f61feb76ca673ab.jpg)
The period in which the event occurs is not defined, but we know that it does not happen. Rio de Janeiro of the XIX century. This given is fundamental, since during this time, it was the seat of the empire, becoming the first modernized city.
O romance reflect on o urban growth e or birth of a new bourgeoisie that coexisted, side by side, with absolute poverty.
Interpretation and importance of the work
Or Cortiço tem as a basis as harsh living conditions what people are subject to. A very famous work, it continues to be relevant today, it shows you unbalanced and social contrasts that coexist in the same urban space.
Espelhando or spirit of the epoch, this is a faithful portrait of capitalism Emerging I do not know XIX and it gives consequent exploration of litters more frágeis da população. Aliás, in all narrative, evident fact to exploration of poor rich hair and black white hair.
As a strong sociological inclination, and involving the determinisms provoked by the dissemination of scientific practices of his own time, or the author intends to demonstrate that the environment where or individual lives directly influence or your behavior e prescreve or seu future.
Another example is the transformation that Jerônimo undergoes during his non-short stay. I was first described as a hard worker and home to two serious deveres, beginning to love warmth, food and drink from Rio de Janeiro.
He also becomes morally corrupt when he gets involved with Rita Baiana and commits an adulthood. His fate is traced when he kills Firmino, being infected with local violence.
During the confusion, or the cortiço burns, being later transformed into the São Romão Avenue building, which becomes inhabited by a population of less financial conditions. It is curious to note that when Romão climbs the social pyramid, or cortiço himself, he seems to climb the class.
However, the poorer inhabitants moved to another collective dwelling, or Cat's Head. In this way, Aluísio Azevedo encloses a romance demonstrating that there are always “corrupting” places and that social and economic inequalities will always be perpetuated by these vicious circle.
Adaptações para o cinema
In 1945, Luiz de Barros directed the first adaptation of the work for the cinema, still in white. Years later, Francisco Ramalho Jr. was responsible for the film direction Or Cortiço (1978), with the participation of Mário Gomes and Betty Faria.
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Aluísio de Azevedo, or author
Aluísio Azevedo (1857-1913) was a Brazilian writer, journalist, cartoonist and diplomat. Em 1879, ele publicou Uma tear of mulher, which also showed all the influences of the romantic style.
Three years after, not so much, the author entered for the history of national literature with the publication of Or mulatto, free that marks the beginning of the naturalist movement in Brazil. Na work, it was evident that the racial questões e a abolitionist stance scored by Aluísio Azevedo.
Or his work of naturalistic influences won the attention of his readers and peers; They were also two founding members of the Brazilian Academy of Letters.
Contudo, from 1895 he focused on a career as a diplomat, having been consul of Brazil in various countries: Japan, Spain, Italy, Uruguay and Argentina. Not on January 21, 1913, fifty-five years old, Aluísio Tancredo Belo Gonçalves de Azevedo died in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
All works
- Uma Tear of Mulherromance, 1879
- You doidostheater, 1879
- Or mulattoromance, 1881
- Memories of a Damnedromance, 1882
- Mistérios da Tijucaromance, 1882
- To Flor de Listheater, 1882
- To House of Oratestheater, 1882
- House of Pensãoromance, 1884
- Filomena borgesromance, 1884
- Or Corujaromance, 1885
- Poisons that curetheater, 1886
- Or Caboclotheater, 1886
- Or Homemromance, 1887
- Or Cortiçoromance, 1890
- To Republictheater, 1890
- An Adult Case, theater, 1891
- Em blatant, theater, 1891
- Demons, Contos, 1893
- To Mortalha de Alziraromance, 1894
- O Livro by uma Sograromance, 1895
- Glued, contos, 1897
- Or Black Tourotheater, 1898
Conheça also
- O Mulato de Aluísio Azevedo: summary and analysis of the book
- The free books of Brazilian literature
- Livro Dom Casmurro, by Machado de Assis
- Livro Memórias Posthumas de Brás Cubas de Machado de Assis
- Livro A Relíquia de Eça de Queirós
- Livro Vidas Secas by Graciliano Ramos