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Meaning of Filme A Origem (Inception)

To Origem (Inception, original title) é um film de scientific fiction what tells the story of how um group of coup plotters uses a "machine to invade sonhos" to be able to conquer your objectives more audacious.

O complexo longa metragem com futuristic diner It presents five narratives, one inside the other, inviting the spectator to inhabit a space of hesitation and dúvida between reality and sound.

Or American film Inception, in the original version in English, was directed by Christopher Nolan and launched worldwide in 2010. O longa metragem contou com atuações de Leonardo Dicaprio, Ellen Page and Joseph Gordon-Levitt among other notable actors.

To Origem He was indicated to all categories of Oscar, winning four: melhor mixagem de som, melhores visual effects, melhor photography and melhor edição de som.

Find out more about this fantastic film!

I summarize

The central entanglement of the film is not the protagonist Dom Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio), a thief who is specialized in extracting information from people through two dreams. Cobb works with industrial espionagem and is able to enter alheia mind, having access to two individuals for years.

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Cobb ends up settling in, but before that he declared himself an international fugitive and prohibited from entering the United States. Your chance to turn or play arises when you propose a last missão: enter the mind of Robert Fisher (Cillian Murphy). In exchange, Cobb would win or go back to see you serious filhos.

At the end of the missão de “insertion”, you can start from the principle that you need to implement as a result of an idea or concept in the mind of your client's rival.

With the help of a machine, the members of a group manage to invade or dream of a certain person and build a situation, acting in such a way as to unconsciously influence the decisions of the individual in life real.

Or client of Dom (Leonardo DiCaprio) and Saito (Ken Watanabe), leader of the second largest energy company in the world, who wants to surpass the first leaders of this segment.

Saito enters in contact with Dom Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio) to destroy or rival Robert Fisher (Cillian Murphy) as an intuition to make a noise or be imperial and occupy or first place not posto.

To face the missão, Dom Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio) gathers a group of specialists in each necessary stage to get to penetrate the non-subconscious of Fisher. A team and compost by Ariadne (Ellen Page), Yusuf (Dileep Rao) and Eames (Tom Hardy).

Ariadne (Ellen Page) is a called “architect”, responsible for raising or manipulating sonh cenário using a lot of creativity and cunning for isso. Arthur (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) is a specialist in researching Alvo's life. Yusuf (Dileep Rao) is the chemist who creates sedatives to induce a victim to sleep. Eames (Tom Hardy) is responsible for investigating and personifying or alvo, as or way of failing, the "tickets" and the particularities of the subject.

Final do film To Origem

There are various theories about the real meaning of the end of the film To Origem. Would Dom Cobb be no world two dreams or no real world?

The most widely disseminated version is that at the final dinner - when Leonardo DiCaprio finally embraces you -, it comes to reality. Outra theory appoints that the end of the film Cobb would still be dreaming.

To origin It is marked, therefore, for having a complex entanglement and very well developed, which proliferates dull non-spectators.

Nolan, a long time in history, offers spectators small dams present to us two dialogues personagens that, for the most attentive people, serve as clues to elaborate theories about or end do film.

Michael Caine, who does not film at you, confessed that when he did not film, he was confused with the borderline between sonho and reality and the question of breeder Christofer Nolan. Or dialogue runs the following way:

"Eu disse: 'Quando é o sonho e quando é a reality?' Ele [Nolan] disse: 'Bem, when you're at dinner, it's real.' Então fiquem com essa: We have this winter dinner, it is a reality. Se não estou, é um sonho ".

The interview where Caine confesses this distinction was given in 2018, but in truth that the long metragem continues with his incredible ability to multiply duvidas in the audience.

A main duvida is Cobb sounding or not. To know, ele roda or seu "totem" (um peão) that, according to the regras, would never stop turning case or seu dono estivesse no mundo dos sonhos.

To origin It is considered two classics of the XXI century cinema and it jumps precisely with the psyche of the spectator, fazendo-o hesitar diante two illusory games propostos hair filmmaker that face gives reality and of sonho universes contaminateis, no ponds.

Cartaz do film A origem.
Cartaz do film To origin.

Film analysis To origin

In spite of the English I know Inception, or film ended up being translated into Portuguese as To origin. Se fossemos fazer a tradução ao pé da letra Inception It could be read from three interpretations.

A first of them would be related to the idea of ​​"começo, início", to the second it would be linked to the verb conceiving (What do you want to conceive, raise) and the third version is in tune with the idea of ​​infiltrating, dominating.

Either title seems to have been hand-picked one time that or imagery present in a single word translated here as effectively as essência do longa metragem.

Worth lembrar that To origin It is passed in a futuristic context and a scene presented, it does not contain repressive images, which sublimate or suspense the sensation of persecution.

To increase tensão or filmmaker acrescentou dinners com slow motion e tremulous cameras. A soundtrack of the film - assassinated by Hans Zimmer - also sublimates those moments of euphoria and nervousness.

Or complex written roteiro own director Christopher Nolan took about ten years to write soon. In complexity, it becomes only the mixture between reality and imagination, but also of tempos - past, present and future - that become, even more than Nolan, many times indissociable.

O roteiro ends in open, multiplying possibilities that are carried out at the same time as the spectator. It is, therefore, an open and highly subjective ending. It is Nolan himself who states:

"No certain sense, I feel that, as a tempo, we begin to see reality as a poor cousin two nossos dreams. I want to introduce you or in case you dream of us, our virtuous realities, those abstractions that we appreciate and surround ourselves with, only subsets of reality. "

There are many situations that seem distant from reality, to the truth that some questões raised já são são posíveis no contemporary world.

Science, for example, is not capable of inducing or sounding (but is not capable of inducing or sounding itself or has some mechanism to enter the human mind). It has been scientifically proven that there are no litters, but it is not known exactly how many, as it has been categorically stated in To origin.

Outra incompatibility as a film refers to the fact of being possible to invade a dream. To be sure, in order to invade it, it would be necessary to decode it to insert a new content, and I added a page to the two parts that were made.

O longa metragem raises pertinent questões between the frontier of sonho with reality showing-is challenging for the public that mergulha nessa adventure.

In a context of permeate realities, we ask ourselves: how would it be to live in a sound where we would be vulnerable to be invaded by interference alheia?

Personagens principais

Saito (Ken Watanabe)

A Japanese super businessman who wishes to win or agrees, for isso going to seek solutions that destroy Robert Fisher's (Cillian Murphy) empire. Saito represents ambition and desire for power.

Saito, played by Ken Watanabe.
Saito is played by Ken Watanabe.

Robert Fisher (Cillian Murphy)

Saito's great concurrent, Robert Fisher (Cillian Murphy) is the leader of the world's largest energy company. He ends up being the victim of Dom Cobb's shot.

Robert Fisher is played by Cillian Murphy.
Robert Fisher is played by Cillian Murphy.

Dom Cobb (Leonardo Di Caprio)

Leader of the team that intends to attack Robert Fisher (Cillian Murphy), Cobb is considered a true genre in the art of roubar segredos. In order to achieve or be his objective, he invades the most vulnerable part of the human being: os seus sonhos. Desperate to review the filhos, Cobb oils up a missão proposed by Saito (Ken Watanabe).

Dom Cobb, played by Leonardo Di Caprio.
Dom Cobb is played by Leonardo Di Caprio.

Ariadne (Ellen Page)

Architect gives equipment. Ariadne is hired because Dom Cobb has not been able to breed more dreams. A talented girl manufactures false worlds, more than just a complete logical sense.

Ariadne played by Ellen Page.
Ariadne and played by Ellen Page.

Arthur (Joseph Gordon-Levitt)

The researcher Arthur has learned how to track his life to nourish himself with the maximum amount of information.

Arthur plays Joseph Gordon-Levitt.
Arthur is played by Joseph Gordon-Levitt.

Yusuf (Dileep Rao)

Yusuf face part of Ariadne's team and tem as an elaborate or sedative tarefa that will direct the victim to or deep sound. It is not the moment when it sounds - through the dream - that Cobb manages to carry out his plan.

Yussuf is played by Dileep Rao.
Yussuf is played by Dileep Rao.

Eames (Tom Hardy)

Eames is the person who personifies or alvo, so he studies each detail of the individual's personality, appropriating two little pieces of his own particularities.

Eames is played by Tom Hardy.
Eames is played by Tom Hardy.


A Origem - Final Trailer (Legendary) [HD]

Data sheet

Original title Inception
Year 2010
Director Christopher Nolan
Roteirist Christopher Nolan
Producer Christopher Nolan
Gender Ação, Mistério e Ficção Científica
Duration 148 minutes
Idiom English / Japanese / French
Atores principais

Leonardo DiCaprio / Ellen Page / Joseph Gordon-Levitt

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