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Judith Butler: Books Fundamentais and Biography of the Feminist Philosopher

Judith Butler (1956) is a North American philosopher, theorist and academic who has become a fundamental reference in Attian gender studies.

Belonging to a vague third of feminism, a post-structuralist thinker has a great impact on defending two direct sexual minorities. A nome essential to contemporary gender theory, Butler was also one of the pioneering authors of queer theory.

Portrait of Judith Butler.

To work Gender Issues (1990), extremely avant-garde, she questions you parents of traditional gender e or binarism not qual as sociais conceptions are based on.

Nela, the author presents a non-essentialist perspective, proposal or concept of gender performance. A great influence within the fora do espaço acadêmico, or Butler's work has been celebrated without LGBT and feminist activism.

Despite dissatisfaction (or perhaps by isso himself), the philosopher was provoked or shocked and the revolt in some more conservative layers of society, being faced as a subversive figure.

Judith Butler: books and fundamental ideas

Butler integrates um

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point of viragem for the understanding of gender e of non-normative identities, deconstructing the discourses on sexuality, mainly the ideia of binary sex.

Reflecting on human diversity, the author helped to dismantle constructions and preconceptions about sex, gender and sexual orientation.

Defender of the subversion of norms and individual freedom, Judith Butler questions the traditions and limited social partners that are culturally included in us.

Enquanto thinker post-structuralist, accredits that a reality is a construction alicerçada our current systems (social, cultural, economic, symbolic, etc).

It is also the second line that philosophers think of identities: for example, or concept of "mulher" not something pond, varying culturally and historically.

Considered one of the authors to inaugurate the queer theory, Butler teceu considered important considerations about the expressões e a gender performance.

A feminist theorist summarizes some of these little concepts that I do not publish Folha de S. Paul, in November 2017, depois da sua passagem troubled hair Brazil:

To each one of us is attributed a gender not born, or that means that we are nominated by our country or by the social institutions of certain ways.

At the same time, as a gender attribution, a set of expectations is transmitted: this is a girl, therefore, when it grows, assumes the traditional role of women in the family and not at work; this boy, then he will assume a foreseeable position in the company as homem.

However, many people have difficulties with their attribution - only people who do not want to attend those expectations, and the perception that they own different social attribution than they were Dadaist.

A dúvida that arises with this situation and next: in what measure young people and adults are free to build or meaning of their gender attribution?

They are born in society, but also are social actors and can work within the social norms to shape their lives in a way that is more lived.

The writings of Judith Butler see a new topic of feminist theorization and a year of academic work around the LGBTQ questões.

In recent decades, her thoughts on her have been cited in numerous contemporary discussions, such as depathologization of transgender and homoparental people.

Gender issues (1990)

Gender issues (Gender Trouble, not original) é um quite innovative, considered some founding works of queer theory.

In a fairly summarized way, the theory defends that gender identities and sexual orientations are social constructions and that, therefore, these countries are not registered in the biology of human beings.

O livro is divided into three great parts; In the first place, Butler reflects on the discourse (and the norms that are imposed) around gender and human sexuality.

Thinking or gender as a social construct, The author proceeds to the questioning of biological justifications that are behind two parents of a binary gender and of the heterossexual norm.

Capa do livro Gender Problems.

Breaking several bars, not contemporary thought, Butler defends that our gender is not something essentially biological, determined by departure, inherent to ourselves. On the contrary, it is about a set of norms that is established through the repetition of a series of rituals.

These behaviors (or rituals) are included in the society of ours, throughout life. Butler defends that we are forced, police, to repeat them and reproduce them. We do not or fist, we subvert the norms, we run or risk of conviction, of exclusion and of violence.

Also, in the second part of the work, the feminist focuses on the experiences of sexual minorities, placing the focus (and the deconstruction) not conceived of heteronormativity.

Nesta passagem, the author explains in what ways heterossexuality arises not dominant discourse (scientific and not only) as the only possible sexual orientation. It is a place for diversities or for multiple experiences, these speeches establish heterossexuality as the norm, something that must be followed obligatorily.

Finally, in a third part of the work, Butler delves into the distinctions between biological sex and gender, highlighting the performative character of the latter.

For many people, Gender Issues was a contemporary response to Or Second Sex, another essential work of feminist theory. Na verdade, ao propôr que alguém no nasce mulher, "turns-se", Beauvoir já seemed to postulate or gender as something performative and socially constructed.

Bodies that matter (1993)

Just 3 years after her most famous work of hers, Judith Butler published Bodies that matter. I do not free, the author delves into the theory of gender performance, responding to criticisms and erroneous interpretations of her work.

In this sense, she clarifies that this "performance" is not isolated, unique, plus a structure of repetition of standards to which we are subject daily. At the same time, however, it presents possibilities of transgression and subversion.

Capa do livro Corpos que importam (1993).

Na work, a theoretical analysis effects two dominant powers The material dimensions of human sexuality. Through several reflections and examples, the author demonstrates that these social concepts limit the freedom of the two bodies.

Also, these discourses necessarily influence our experiences, determining, from or beginning, or what is considered a valid normative sexuality.

Precarious life (2004)

Despite its importance to feminist and queer theorization, Butler also devoted himself to studying other primary questions in the world in which we live.

An example is a work Precarious life, written in sequence two attacks on September 11, 2001, the United States gives America.

The terrorist attacks on the Torres Gêmeas in the Pentagon deeply marked history and politics international, moving mainly to the homes of two North Americans and their relationships as other countries.

Capa do livro Precarious life - vida precaria (2004).

Through five tests, the author reflected on you effects of mourning and collective loss, focusing on social and political measures that they can manage.

As Butler seems to denounce the uncritical reproduction of violence, which results in a loss of consciousness of humanity.

Quem é Judith Butler? Summary biography

Judith Pamela Butler was born on February 25, 1956, in Cleveland, Ohio. Descendant of Russian and Hungarian Jews, Judith never came to know a large part of the maternal family, which was assassinated during the Holocaust.

The country of her was a practicing Jew and a young person receiving a religious education, having always stood out in our studies. For being argumentative and talking too much at school, the student began to receive ethics classrooms.

As it was considered a punishment, Butler chegou to confess that she adored the sessions and that they represented them or his first contact with her as philosophy.

Later, the author began to attend the renowned Yale University, where she took a baccalaureate in Arts.

Portrait of Judith Butler.

In 1984, Judith Butler also completed the Doctorate in Philosophy for the same university. Therefore, a theoretician began her life as a university professor, teaching in various North American faculties and having also spent a season in Amsterdam, in the Netherlands.

Militant and activist direct hairs LGBTQ, Butler is a lesbian woman who has lived, for many years, in a relationship with Wendy Brown. A feminist theorist and a professor of political science têm um filho, Isaac.

Phrases by feminist philosopher Judith Butler

A possibilidade não é um luxo. Ela é tão crucial quanto o pão.

I was always a feminist. Isso means that I am opposed to discrimination against women, to all forms of inequality based on non-gender, But it also means that I demand a policy that lends itself to the restrictions imposed by gender, year or development. human.

It is crucial that we resist the forces of censorship that prejudice the possibility of living in a democracy equally committed to freedom and equality.

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