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Meaning of music Jesus Chorou do Racionais MC´s

Jesus Chorou is a music of the rap group Racionais MC's, released in 2002 no album Nothing like one day later or another day. Composted by Mano Brown, with music lasting about seven minutes and more than 150 verses. It comes as a guess and depois conta a relação do rapper com to periphery of onde vem.

Analysis and meaning

The lyrics of Mano Brown's music are extensive and address various different situations, as a long narrative. A song has a central theme that has been developed throughout the composition. This theme is sadness and anguish. O title da song reminds us of Jesus who, same being Deus na terra, also chorou.

Conheça also analysis of Vida Loka music, part I and II by Racionais MC's.

First part

Or what, or what?
Clara and exited
It fits em um olho and weighs a ton
Tem taste of the sea
Can be discreet
Tenant da dor
Favorite abode
Na calada ela vem
Refém da vingança
Irmã do despair
Rival gives hope
It can be caused by worldly worms
E o espinho da flor
Cruel that you love
Drama lover
Vem pra minha bed

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For wanting, you will ask me, I will sofrer
E eu que me julguei forte
E eu that i felt
Serei um fraco quando outras delas vir
It is cheap and it is very slow and the process is slow.
No moment
Deixa eu walk against or vento
Do you want to be hard and or heart to be vulnerável?
O vento no, ele é soft, colder and implacavel
(É quente) Borrou a sad letter of the poet
(Yes) Correu no brown face of the prophet
See me, sai da challenge
A tear of um homem vai cair
Esse é o seu B.O. for eternity
You say that homem não chora
Tá bom, falou
Not for the irmão group, there
Jesus chorou!

"O que é o que é?", Or first verse of music, that is that fixed form of a typical phrase, two games of adivinhação. Or playful character gives you guess the face contraposition as theme, that is serious. In the same way that a guess works, first part of the song and feita of metaphors and metonyms.

As linguagem figures servem to approximate objects and also give a poetic charge to the letter. I do not come as physical approaches: "clear, salty, taste of the sea". Depois passam to be associated with sentiments: "irmã do despair", "rival da Esperanza".

A continual guessing is the tears that are related to how it generally causes: "cruel thorn gives flower that you love." A letter sofre a small digressão and the composer began to talk about his feelings: "eu que me julguei forte".

Já not final of the first part, a biblical reference appears together as a verse that gives me a song.

(É quente)
Borrou a sad letter of the poet
Correu no brown face of the prophet
See me, sai da challenge
A tear of um homem vai cair
Esse é o seu B.O. for eternity
You say that homem não chora
Tá bom, falou
Not for the irmão group
Aí, Jesus chorou

São com these verses that at the first part of the lyrics ends, presenting or theme that is in tears and or way that it will be approached, that it pela faith.

Second part

Truncheon, bum oh
Vou falar te, tô plating
Eita world bom to finish
Or what do you do when a tremeu fortress
E quase tudo ao seu redor
Melhor, become corrupted
"- Hey, pear, be calm, thief
Cadê o spirit immortal do Capão?
Lave o rosto nas águas sagradas da pia
Nothing like one day after or another day
What, I'm on your right side
He is down, why did he see?
Negotiate, that's that jeito! "
I sleep badly, I sound like a noite inteira
Tense agreement, silly and com olheira
Na mind, feeling of magic and rancor
Uma fita me abalou na noite prev

The second part of the song begins with a dialogue, not which interlocutor tells the situation in which he or she is. A ruim situation in that it does not seem to have much saida. Either it ends with a reflection on what happens in cases.

In response, see the second person of the dialogue. A periphery is a kind of solution. Even though I have numerous problems, she remains strong. It is the spirit of the hair that the second interlocutor suggests that forces be sought.

That part that we find or verse that gives or does not give me to the album, "nothing like one day após or another day", that also a famous verse gives music Jorge Maravilhaby Chico Buarque. Despite the theme of two songs, they will be different, it is possible to make an approximation of two two verses.

A passage of time and hope of a new day are reasons to continue in front, also amizade and support of "your direct side". But another problem arises. Or the first interlocutor, I cannot sleep on another day because, for that, the days I do not passam.

Part three

Ai! Sleep, hein, doidão! A thousand fita happening and cê ai?
What hours são?
Midday and twentieth, or
A fita é or next, or
I am not looking at it, or
Fita of a thousand grau.
Ontem eu tava ali de Cb, no pião
With a firm truta
What to know
Se pã, cê liga ele
I will know, suddenly
Ele fazia ate um rap num passed recently.
I'm selling fita
Cê não accredits
When you fear to be, é, jão. Pres'tenção
I'm selling, I seem to smoke a remedy
Com uns moleque la e pa, traffics us prédios
Um que chegou depois, pediu pra give uns 2
Logo um patrício, ó, novão e os carai
Fumaça vai, fumaça vem
ele chapou or coco
It opened that nem a flower, ficou louco
Tava eu ​​mais dois truta e uma mina
Num Tempra prata show filmed, ouvindo Guina
Ih, or bico attack, or! Falou uma pá do cê
Type or what?
Esse Brown aí é cheio of wanting to be
Deixa ele moscar, vir sing na quebrada
Let's see if this is your case when seeing as square
Periphery nothing, just think nele mesmo
Mounted no dinheiro e cês aí no venom?
E to face him, trick?
Every um doesn't run
Tudo pelas verde
Uns matam, other morrem
Eu mesmo, se eu satar, a boa numa hora dessa
You stand out for me on the other side of depression
Vou buy a boy's house, depois alugo
Vão me chamar de senhor, not by vulgo
More pra ele só to Zona Sul that is to pa
He said that he throws us, we face and charge
Or that he wanted us, see what fear
Why am I not paying for anything?
E eu, só registrei, né? It was not from the
You hand everything only ouviu, no falou um A
Quem tem boca fala or what do you want to do?
Pra ganhar atenção das mulher e / ou dos homem
I love minha raça, mourning pela cor
Or what do you want us to do for us, for love
I do not understand or what eu sou, I do not understand or what is faço
I don't understand dor and the tears do palhaço

A third party will start with a dialogue or phone that it will unfold in more two parts. The first is a narrative about an event that involves two interlocutors, or Mano Brown, and the second part is a kind of monologue.

A narrative and feita by a friend of Mano Brown, who tells how, in a passeio, some people who were comed to defame or rapper. A figure of the periphery, or basin of formation, both musical and spiritual, of the artist and central part, as well as his relationship of him with the people.

Either Mano Brown would use or knowledge acquired in the favela to compose his music and make successes like them in question. Could it be that it is really imported from the periphery or does it only try to make money, appropriating the local culture so that it is possible to deixá-la?

No monologue to be followed, Mano Brown refutes this hypothesis. He understands the need for money, or I comfort that he can trace it. Sair gives misery and a goal for all who live in her, but I do not want to say that it is poor or profitable.

On the contrary, in his monologue, Mano Brown defends the favela and its values, even though he understood that leaving it and finding a little peace. He uses either the same argument to attack or is a slanderer. For Brown, falar also give him a way of shaming attention, intrigue and way that or "seeing me" finds to stand out.

Part four

World in decomposition by um triz
Transform um irmão meu num see me unhappy
E a minha mãe say:
Paulo, agree! Think no future that isso and illusion
You own preto não tá nem aí com isso não
Or so much that eu sofri, or that eu sou, or that eu went
A inveja kills um, tem muita ruim people.
Pô, mãe! Não fala assim que eu nem durmo
Meu amor pela senhora já não fits in Saturn.
Dinheiro é bom
I want to, sim, is that a question?
More to dona Ana fez de mim um homem e não uma puta!
Hey you! argentes Seja la quem for
Pra semente eu não vim
Then you're terrified
Inimigo invisível, descendant of Caim Judas colorless
Persecuted eu já nasci, demorou
Just for 30 moeda or corrupted irmão
Atire a primeira pedra quem tem trail meu
Cadê meu sorriso? Where are you? Quem roubou?
Humanidade é má e ate Jesus chorou
Tears, tears
Jesus chorou

A relação do homem as an environment, with a favela, will become the theme of music. Mano Brown knows that a situation transforms or homem. He was distraught over the days that they lost or rumored that they surrounded you. A personality of the song becomes more profound with the figure of Mano Brown.

She emerges as a senhora mais velha, holder of certain knowledge and mainly as more concerned. A song about how much pessoal that Mano Brown is called by Paulo, is true of him.

A cor da fight and racism in the song too. O sofrimento da mãe de Mano Brown serve as a warning for or that may go to pass. Diante disso, the retruca as the arguments that, in a certain way, "give a volta" in her mãe, you can also by counting her creation of her.

The final third part is centered on biblical references. Caim and Judas appear as inimigos. O choro de Jesus appeared again. Jesus now gives evil to humanity, the same person who sacrifices himself to save.

Fifth part

Vermelho e azul, hotel
Pisca only no cinza escuro do céu
Chuva cai la fora e increases or rhythm
Sozinho, eu sou agora or meu intimate inimigo
Lembranças more vêm, pensamentos bons vai
Help me, sozinho eu thought merda pra carai
People that I credit, enjoy and admire
Brigava for justiça e paz, levou shot
Malcolm X, Ghandi, Lennon, Marvin Gaye
Che Guevara, 2pac, Bob Marley
E o Evangelical Martin Luther King
Lembrei de um truta meu falar assim:
Não joga pérolas aos porco, irmão, joga lavagem
Eles preference assim, ce tem to use piolhagem!
Cristo que morreu by milhões
More só andou with barely 12 and um fraquejou
Periphery: corpos vazios e sem ethical
Lotam os pagode, rumo à cadeira elétrica
Eu sei, you know or what is frustração
Fazer vilão machine
Eu thought a thousand fita, you will enlouquecer
E o piolho diz assim when you see me:
Famous pra carai, durão! Ih, truta!
Faz seu mundo, no, jão! A vida é curta
I'm a model for aí giving boi
Põe elas pra suck and send depois to walk
Tear at dawn só de a thousand e cem
Se sou eu, truta, tem pra ninguém!
Zé povinho é o cão, tem esses defeito
What? Cê tendo ou não, cresce os olhos de qualquer jeito
Cross, cê arrebenta
Suddenly, vai, ponto quarenta
I only want, I don't think
He only thought about killing me, já matou
I prefer ouvir or pastor
"Filho meu, no inveje or violent homem
E nem follow nenhum two serious paths of him "
Molha to medal of a winner
Chora agora, ri depois
Aí, Jesus chorou

The fifth part began with a Mano Brown monologue in a moment of solidity and despair. The last verses of the song, he faces evil of humanity. Giving an example of people that he accredits, that he will fight for a world that is assassinated.

A figure of the periphery will appear very briefly. A questão é a same: from how to misery and or despair levam or homem for more ações. Comcerto tom of irony, he passes to falar de quem accredits that or dinheiro is a solution for everything. As I know of fame and dinheiro fosse or enough for Mano Brown to be happy, it is enough to take advantage of it. A volta music for the theme of tears and faith and ends with more a biblical reference and a little hope.

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Conheça also

  • Brazilian rap music that you want to think about
  • Music Vida Loka, by Racionais MCs
  • Music Minha Alma (A Paz que Eu Não Quero), d'O Rappa
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